A lesson of the past

After leaving the brooding Arya and closing the door behind him, Jay stood in the hallway and was thinking about whom to question next. From how his System asked him to kill van Claven it was clear to him he was guilty, but his beautiful daughter wasn't included in this.

As things stood it was best for Jay to ask the man directly, so he went to the cells first.

Entering the room he found Edward van Claven sitting on a bench inside the cell and staring at him intently. Not minding the man in the slightest, Jay grabbed one of the chairs placed at the wall next to the door and sat down.

He wasn't going to start question his captive right away, only to get told off.

Taking this chance, Jay took a look at his status that had grown considerably. The higher his level rose and his jobs progressed, the more his status differed from what should be normal on his level.

Jay long had noticed he had no problems defeating strong and experienced opponents of higher level that should normally be impossible.

Seeing the numbers he thought about how he really needed to set them in comparison sometime soon:



Jay Yanoz [LvL 21 (19.754/121.450)]

Job: Brawler LVL 7

Job 2: Magic Swordsman LVL 24

Job 3: Pyromancer LVL 11

4739/4739 HP 3484/3484 MP





/ \


torn shirt



Blackened Pants

Hard Leather Belt

Swift Graves

Cruel Barb

First Mates Hatchet



VIT 169+

AGI 156+

STR 171+

INT 153+

WIL 123+

DEX 139+

CHA 108+

LUK 92+

Statuspoints left: 43


+ Defense:

Armor: 183

Dodge: 93%

Parry: 96%

Block: 92%

Ratings show chances for opponents of the same Level




Diplomacy – CHA +20%


Jack of all trades – Job-correction +10%


Dynamic (I) – Mana and Stamina +10%


Magic Resonance (I) – Mana and Spell-power per INT +33%

Beastkin (herbivore):

Escapist - Agility and movement speed +20%


Porter - Vit and Stamina +10%


Hide'n'seek – all Stealth skills +1 LVL and skill [Danger Sense]


Inquisitive - chance to learn new things (skills, spells, abilities) +20%


Brawny- Vitality +5% and Strength +10%


Forged in Flames (I) – All Stats +3%

Skills (shown):

[Sword LVL 4]

-rises proficiency and enhances the damage done with one handed swords by 80%

(Slash LVL 2)

-energy enhanced cutting attack dealing massive damage

(Riposte LVL2)

-high chance to counter melee weapon attacks, dealing 150% Damage + 40% of attack.

[Arcane Magic LVL 4]

-arcane spells deal 25% more damage

(Arcane Missiles LVL 3)

-homing projectile of pure magic energy

(Mana Shield LVL 2)

-accelerates the distribution and acquisition of Mana

(Arcane Blast LVL 1)

-deal high damage to close enemies and push them back

[Silent cast LVL 3]

-enables to cast without chanting loud up to LVL 4

[Mana Manipulation LVL 2]

-allows distribution and control of mana inside and outside of the body

Skills (Hidden):



-enables to talk, read and write Common


-enables to talk, read and write high Elvish


-enables to talk, read and write Gnomen dialect

[Night vision]

-enables colorless vision in total darkness

[Camping LVL 2]

-Rest outside well

[Hunting LVL 2]

-enhances damage against animals by 40%

(Tracking LVL 3)

-allows to easily track targets lower than your Level

[Sailing LVL 3]

-enables to steer any type of boat and increases the speed a little

[Diving LVL 2]

-ability to dive under water with increased breath for longer diving

[Lumbering LVL 4]

-proficiency with Axes risen: Damage +40%

[Cooking LVL 4]

-cooking speed and taste +20% for learned recipes +40%

[Smithing LVL3]

-enables to forge good weapons and armors, for learned recipes 45% faster

[Service LVL 3]

-enables and lightens the burden of service related work

[Trickery LVL 4]

-notice and figure out trickery up to your skill level +1

(Pickpocket LVL 1)

-pickpocket targets up to your base level

(Lock-picking LVL 3)

-open locks up to good grade

[Night skills LVL 8]

-enhances pleasure given by 130%

(All night long LVL4)

-you can go on 4 Times without pause after 1st Climax

(Sexual Stamina LVL 4)

-enhances the sexual stamina by 140%


-secret slimy fluids on genitals to erase friction

(Horny LVL 2)

-ready for nightly activities anytime twice a day


-reduced fertility – ON

(Lust inducement LVL 3)

-forces strong lust on target by touching a target

(Geyser LVL4)

-doubles the generated body-fluids for each skill-level.

(forced erection)

-forced blood supply to genitals, may cause pain and harm

[Haggling LVL 3]

-enhances success-rate when negotiating a deal

(Arithmetic LVL 3)

-instant results for addidions and substractions, boosts calculation

(Overcharge LVL 2)

-sell anything for 10% more

(Discount LVL 1)

-get a discount of 5% on each purchase

[Mapping LVL 3]

for example not only enabled him to learn the layout of his surroundings and bring them on paper, it also came with an ability called

(Localize LVL2)

That one showed him his own position on a map in his mind, as well as those of set targets.

[Persuasion LVL 4]

-high chance to convince others of your ideas

[Gossip LVL3]

-enables to pick up or spread information through gossip more easy

[Alcohol tolerance LVL4]

-Alcohol has 40% less effect


-gain EXP by intercourse

[Hide LVL2+1]

-Hide your presence and make you nearly impossible to distinguish

[Stalking LVL 1]

-mark a target to perceive and find it as long as within sight

[Shadow Step LVL 2]

-leap into your shadow and proceed towards the next one, up to 10 yards apart

if your shadow connects to others you can proceed for 2 minutes.

[Poison LVL 2]

-high chance to apply and resist poison, grants basic knowledge of poisons

[Torture LVL 1]

[Commanding LVL 2]

-boosts the efficiency and speed of orders. Gain better insight on the troupes ability

(Battle Shout)

-increase the attack power of party members by5% for one hour.

[Sense Undead]

-enabled to sense Undead creatures and option to combine with others

[Ornithology LVL 2]

-gives general knowledge of birds, enables to tame them and make them easy to find


[Pain tolerance LVL 3]

-ignore pain to a certain degree

[Dual Wield LVL 3]

-efficiently use two weapons at once. Damage: 100% Main-hand, 80% Offhand

[Overpower LVL2]

-doubles damage of next skill or ability up to LVL2 after successfully blocking or dodging

[Hamstring LVL 3]

-infuse energy into target to slow it down

[Martial Arts LVL 4]

-enhanced knowledge about hand to hand fighting

(Pummel LVL1)

-hit that deals very little damage but interrupts spell casting. Magical lashback prevents similar spells. No casters get disoriented, making them probable to miss.

(Kicking LVL 4)

-teaches a variety of kicks and enhance them by 40%

(Punching LVL 3)

-teaches a variety of punches and enhance them by 30%

(Grappling LVL 2)

-teaches a variety of grapples and enhance them by 20%

[Charge LVL 2]

-dash towards a target close to instantly, up to 20 yards away.

[Staves LVL 3]

-enhances the damage done with staves by 60% and magic attacks while wielding one by 9%

[Two-handed Axe LvL 4]

-rises proficiency and enhances the damage done with two handed axes by 80%

[Axe Mastery LVL 2]

-rises proficiency and enhances the damage done with all axes by 40%

(Mortal Strike LVL2)

-weapon strike dealing good damage and reducing any healing of the target.

(Cleave LVL 2)

-energy enhanced attack cutting multiple close targets

(Execute LVL2)

-attack dealing enormous damage once target has below 30% of health

[Dagger LvL 4]

-rises proficiency and enhances the damage done with daggers and short-swords by 80%

(Stab LVL 3)

-energy enhanced piercing attack dealing massive internal damage

(Piercing LVL 2)

-ignore 20% armor and 10% defense of target when using piercing attacks

[Hidden Weapons LVL 3]

-rises proficiency and enhances the damage done with any hidden weapon by 60%

[Scythe LVL1]

-increases speed and damage done with scythes and sickles by 15%

[Bow LVL 3]

-rises proficiency and enhances the damage done with bows by 60%

(Aimed Shot LVL 2)

-charging attack dealing massive ranged damage

(Double-strafe LVL 1)

-two arrows shot as one, making one impossible to block

(Curved Shot LVL 1)

-enabled to shoot around obstacles, higher levels allow more difficult aims

[Shooting LVL 2]

-rises proficiency and enhances the damage done with any barrel-weapon by 40%

[Thrown LVL 3]

-rises proficiency and enhances the damage done with throwing-weapons by 60%

(Throwing LVL 3)

-energy enhanced throwing boosts range and damage 3-fold

[Sniping LVL 2]

-boost accuracy and reach of ranged weapons by 20%

[One-handed Mace LVL 4]

-rises proficiency and enhances the damage done with one handed blunt weapons by 80%

[Hammer Mastery LVL3]

-rises proficiency and enhances the damage done with blunt weapons by 60%

(Crushing Blow LVL 2)

-energy enhanced attack enhancing the weight of a blow by 40%

(Slam LVL 1)

-channel 2 seconds energy into the next attack for doubled damage

(Pummel LVL2)

-push back the target while dealing low damage and slowing it down

[Shield LVL 1]

-rises proficiency and absorbed damage with shields by 20%

(Shield Bash LVL 1)

-energy enhanced bash dealing damage and knocking target back

[Shield of Judgment LVL2]

[Wand LVL 5]

-enhances the magic attacks while wielding a wand by 25%

[Parcours LVL 3]

-enables to cross obstacles more efficiently

[Swift Feet LVL 4]

-enhanced movement speed by 40%


[Reflect Magic]

-reflects all magic at the cost of 10% of that magic

[Chant shortening LVL 6]

-shortens a chant by 60%

[Wield Magic LVL 2]

-enables to infuse elemental magic on weapons or one self

(Wield Element: Fire LVL1)

-gives the fire attributes to a Weapon

(Wield Element: Air LVL1)

-gives the air/ lightning attributes to a Weapon

(Magic Strengthening LVL1)

-instant cast that boosts strength and agility by 10%.

[Mana Control LVL 6]

-manage the mana output of spells, allowing to charge then up

[Spell Weaving LVL1]

-reshape spells spending additional mana

(Spell Fusion LVL 1)

-combine up to 2 Spells

[Fire magic LVL 5]

-fire spells cost 30% less mana, critical hits incinerate the target

(Fireball LVL 4)

-cast a Fireball dealing high damage

has a chance to inflame the target

(Firewall LVL 2)

-cast a Wall of Fire burning what ever touches it

(Pyroblast LVL2)

-cast a blast dealing massive direct damage and incinerating the target for more damage

(Scorch LVL 2)

-fast cast spell dealing direct damage in a wave

(Conflagrate LVL2)

-explode a burning target to deal massive direct damage and chance to incinerated others close by

(Blazing Flames LVL2)

-channeled spell setting the surrounding area on fire

(Meteor LVL 2)

-fused Magic of earth and fire, creating a burning rock that explodes on impact

[Frost Magic LVL 3]

(Ice Lance LVL2)

(Frost Armor)

(Bizzard LVL1)

[Air magic LVL 2]

-air spells get cast 18% faster

(Lightning Strike LVL 1)

-charge lightning on a target dealing consecutive damage

has a chance to electrocute the target

(Chain Lightning LVL 1)

-cast lightning on a target and jump on dealing lessening damage

has a chance to electrocute the targets

(Lightning Fist)

-Martial Arts enhanced punch that has cast lightning

enormous piercing power after blunt contact

[Earth magic LVL 3]

-Earth spells weight enhanced by 60%

(Stone Shards LVL 3)

-hurl stone pebbles towards a target with high speed

the number and size changes with control over this earth magic

(Stone-forming LVL2)

-mold and reshape basic stone. Mana expenditure depends on size, distance, speed and duration

(Stone Skin LVL1)

-grant blunt- and cutting-resistance depending on casters level and skill

(Earth Shield LVL1)

-summons three automatically guarding orbs of earth or stone depending on environment

(Earth Wall LVL 1)

-call forth a wall of earth blocking attacks, shape depends on level

[Light Magic LVL 6]

-Healing spells enhanced by 60%

(Heal LVL 4)

-accelerates the healing of a target by 200%

(Instant Heal LVL 3)

-heal a target visibly for high Mana consumption

(Light Barrier LVL 3)

-barrier of light blocking 15% of elemental attacks and 30% shadow attacks

(Great Heal LVL 3)

-instantly heals the most severe wounds

(Revitalize LVL 1)

-recovers health and stamina while cast channels

(Renew LVL 2)

-replenish health over a short amount of time

(Banish LVL 2)

-enables to sense and block off or cleanse spiritual beings, depending on LVL

(Purify LVL 1)

-cleanse the target of cursed or magic impairments

[Summoning Magic LvL3]

-enables summoning spells for spirits up to level 3

(Summon weapon: Earthen Hammer LVL 1)

-summon a poor hammer made of stone

(Summon Spirit: Water Spirit LVL 2)

-contract pending for water spirit of level 2 to summon

[Conjuration LVL3]

-enables conjuration spells for up to two demons at a time (increased mana requirement)

(Summon Imp)

-use a soul stone to summon and try to bind an imp

(Summon Void)

-use 3 soul stones to summon and try to bind a void

(Call Demon)

-conjure a random demon of your LVL + (sacrifice LVL), (Soul-Stone +1 to 5) or (- by fewer mana)

[Shadow magic LVL 4]

-enhance damage and reduce mana requirement for shadow spells by 16%

(Shadow Bolt LVL 3)

-hurl a shadowbolt towards a target devouring energy

(Soul drain LVL 2)

-drain the souls energy of a mortal creature, gain a soul stone if the target dies during cast

(Corruption LVL1)

-curse dealing internal shadow damage over time

[Mind Magic LVL 1]

-enables to use and resist mind magic of level 1


-erase the casters deeds from the targets memories, physical contact required.

The time-span depends on duration and mana

[Space Magic LVL 1]

-enables to register 2 portal- and transfer-locations

(Portal: Gold Creek)

-create a portal to: Gold Creek plaza, closes after caster passes through.

[Teleport LVL 2]

[Barrier Magic LVL 3]

-barriers duration enhanced by 60%

(Negating Barrier LVL 2)

-barrier that reduces 20% of all damage and 40 % of weak attacks

(Physical Reflection Barrier LVL 1)

-barrier that reflects 5% of all damage and weak attacks completely

(Counter Magic Barrier LVL 2)

-barrier that reflects 10% of all magic attacks and blocks any spell below level 2


[Battle Intuition]

-chance to land a critical hit +20%

[Battle hardened]

-additional ([Base LvL]*100) HP

[Analyze LVL 2]

-The number of information shown depends on the skills level

[Multijob LVL 2]

-set two second jobs


-Experience gained doubled (incl. Party members)

All Stats +10%

[?ia???las Blessing]

-rep?a??d ?kin??i? may ?a?? ??? co??any ??ore y?u


-Experience necessary halved for the Champion.

All Stats +20%

[Enhanced Magic Resistance]

-doubles all magic resistances

[Hide Abilities]

-enables to hide all or a chosen amount of Skills and Abilities

[Danger Sense]

-highly enhanced awareness to lethal threats


only granted to the luckiest Philanderers! - LUK doubled


With the skill list having grown again, Jay was hoping for some sort of option to sort them when he reached higher levels. The best would be this soon to happen, but he doubted that somehow.

Dismissing the screen in front of his eyes as van Claven had started to look slightly unnerved, Jay stretched out his legs and crossed his arms. From his comfy leaned back position he looked at the bandit leader and began his questioning.

"I have lots of questions for you, but one of them is bugging me the most: How did all of this start to begin with?

There has to be a reason an organization this big hides ...tries to flee?" J.

"Hmpf, so you noticed? Well, it all started long ago, after the last big war had taken a toll on the kingdom and the Empire got formed. I don't know how much you know about our history, but the city took the brunt of a big raid and got partially destroyed.

To that time my father was one of the most renown stonemasons in all of Arathi Kingdom. He was so good even got offered peerage in Alberta and set as the headmaster of the stonemasons guild.

Of course he got tasked with the rebuilding of the capital once the treaties got formed and all outside forces banished…" EvC.

"That's all nice to hear, but what has that to do with what I asked?" J.

"Patience please… you'll understand soon enough that we aren't the bad ones here. At least not the only ones.

Back to the story: My father had taken me as his pupil from young age even though I wasn't really that keen about it. Engineering and constructions had always been what I was interested in and so we moved to the Capital together. I was not even an adult back then but with all of the workers in the Capital under one lead, we managed to rebuild the major districts.

It was when my father had sent an invoice for finished reconstructions, that he got told there would be no payment. The emissary of he royal court explained it had been a privilege to work for the Kingdom and they should feel honored.

When he told that to the men and women he had worked with, the uproar was big as you can imagine.

None of the craftsmen was going to keep on working and they all went to protest. But the royal court didn't receive them of course but instead chased them all out of the City." EvC.

"And what happened to your father as their leader?" J.

"It was stated he died in the process of escaping the city, but I never believed this. At least not after Alberta took back the peerage and set my mother on the street where she died even before I got back there.

It was clear they got the order from the Capital..." EvC.

"That's sad. Sorry to hear, but it doesn't really explain all this here." J.

"My only aim by now is to eradicate the royal court who had lured us to work for the kingdom and then let each and every worker dow. My whole family got taken by them, but mine wasn't the only one!" EvC.

"I guess you have more support than just some craftsmen and their families by now. Who is backing the Defiers of Arathor?" J.

"So you know our name as well… There are enough people who aren't happy with how things are handled in the royal court. That's all I'll say…" EvC.

Without saying anything else, Jay rose from his chair and left the room. He had gotten van Claven to tell him something interesting, even if he didn't really believe that everything he had heard was true.

Jay would find out more about their backers in the coming interrogation for sure, but first he wanted to inquire the others about their knowledge about all this. The thing about something being fishy with the royal court he had more than once though.