A return to the capital

Once Jay got close to the Fort's entrance, the soldiers on guard duty already saluted to him. Wondering what had transpired, he asked the first of them only to learn they had order to directly have him guided to the Field Marshall once he arrived.

It seemed the message of his feats had again arrived long before himself.

Following one of the men over the training field towards the Main building where Whitmore had her seat, Jay got to know the news about him had stirred the whole Fort. After a few minutes he arrived at the door to the Marshall's office, but couldn't even knock onto it as the door already swung open.

"You're faster than I expected. Come on in!" W.

"Yes, M… Of course, Sir!" J.

Once the door closed behind Jay, he got another surprise as the Field Marshal began to laugh without holding back, stating it really was a sight how he got startled and then stuttered out the sir...

Not really up for laughing, Jay simply sat down on one of the chairs in front of her desk and waited for her to do the same.

As she did so, she excused herself and stated he was one of the only ones she could be so carefree around, so she asked him to bear with it.

Not daring to offend her, Jay gave in while wondering what had been so funny about his surprised expression. From then on the two of them talked in a more business like manner again and Jay reported about his time in Westfield.

In astonishment Whitmore came to the conclusion he even had earned himself a bonus for being not only extremely fast but so thoroughly getting rid of the bandits and helping the citizens. She didn't hesitate to offer him a place in the army again, but they both knew it would never happen.

She still had to tell him she was glad he was working for the Kingdom.

Their next topic was about what Jay had come to the Fort for. Field Marshall Whitmore explained to him that from what he had told her, the only way to get the two captives to Arathor without incident was to use a Portal. What was more, they had to be fast as to not give the ones supporting them enough time to plan out something.

She called out loud following this and ordered her right hand man to relay the information to the mages of the military. They had to find one who had set Millshire as Portal point for the escorting Soldiers to go there.

Jay asked without hesitation if he could go with them, to what Whitmore complied without second thought. While for her it was one more really capable guard and a chance to tighten their connection, Jay had high hopes of getting Millshire as portal point through this.

With that settled she explained to Jay that they would need a bit of time to prepare. He could use that to inform the AI:7 as well, so they could prepare for the transfer beforehand.

Whitmore once again reminded him that what he had told her had to be kept within this room. Other than Miss Ravencrest, he shouldn't trust too much in the agents.

Jay no longer wondered why it was so clear to her that he would give a report ho her neighbors as well. In the last talk the Field Marshal had let slip that she was in close contact with Shalina since signs of a conspiracy appeared first.

Just as he rose from his chair, Marshal Whitmore blurted out something that Jay had nearly forgotten:

"For when should I schedule our training match? You hadn't forgotten about that, did you?" W.

The question hit like a bomb and Jay had no idea how to answer. He really had completely forgotten about Whitmore's threat, even though she surely hadn't meant it that way. Seeing no longer any way out of this, Jay got saved by a sudden intruder.

As the door flew open without a knock or something else, the soldier that got tasked to inform the mages of the required portal rushed in and then held himself on his knees. Completely out of breath he announced the reason for his bold intrusion:

"Sir, w-we have a problem! T-there is currently not a single Mage here that has Millshire set…"

After she got stunned first, but more by the behavior of her Lieutenant than from what she heard, Whitmore quickly regained her composure. She then stated that it was something she had thought of possible as the slots are quite precious and Millshire is not really a point of interest.

When the soldier finally had calmed down as well, he explained that at least two of those present have Arathor set, so returning would be no issue.

That was when Jay got addressed with a request from the Marshall again.

He was to relay their need to the Mages at the Academy. Even if it took some more time to prepare and get one of the Mages to help them, it would still be a lot faster and safer than the transport over land.

Whitmore still ordered one of the army's mages to travel to Millshire with an escort over land in case Jay wouldn't find one who could transfer them.

The trip would at least take 5 days, so they had to hurry.

Taking this and a request letter she had given him as his signal for leaving, Jay rose from his chair once again and said his goodbyes.

He hadn't even reached the door a he heard Field Marshall Whitmore's comment that she would set a date for their duel once they had brought back the captives. She would prepare the place and training weapons of all kinds so he didn't have to bother or be afraid of getting hurt.

Only nodding once, Jay left the smirking woman and her baffled right hand man to their own and hurried out of the building.

He kept his speed until he had reached the training fields but only really relaxed a bit after he passed the gate to the AI:7 grounds. The numerous eyes watching him were still better than the overbearing presence the Marshall emitted whenever she failed at keeping her aura low.

Walking up the stairs and entering the mansion, Jay got informed by Osborne that he was already awaited up in the hall.

Once he entered, he got greeted by Shalina who was sitting on her throne like chair again. Lina and Nara were the only ones else present, so after greeting them friendly Jay directly gave his report.

Only things concerning the conspiracy he left out, but not because of the three women but the ones he was sure were eavesdropping.

Shalina had understood his intention and only stated she had received a letter that made a lot more sense now, hinting Jay that she knew the rest.

All three of them had been astonished by his feats and how fast the situation got cleared up. Even in those two days he had left Westfield, they already got reports how the situation had eased up and the region was calming down again.

Then Shalina suddenly surprised Jay as she asked if he wanted to travel back once again and guard the transfer of their captive. She thanked him that they got to question one of them and had high hopes to learn more of what had transpired.

Jay then couldn't help but grin wide as he answered her this wouldn't be necessary.

Instead he wished for some time to at least interrogate her alone and personally if this was possible. If she complied to this, he would promised to get results and share them like he always did.

The transfer though would be managed by the army, he further explained. They would use a portal and they had to prepare receiving the captives at a time that would be set once the Soldiers were done with their preparations. Shalina should get in contact with Marshall Whitmore personally for that.

Seeing her flinch, Jay knew it was due to her not being used to get orders and him having just relayed them from Whitmore. The already made plan couldn't be seen as anything else. But even Shalina Ravencrest knew it was the right decision, so she silently gave a nod.

But for his request, she stated it would be one, at most two hours and only after they interrogated her first. And that was only due to him getting them especially that woman, telling Jay with this she knew who they were going to get.

He then took the papers and journals he found at Klaven's tower out, the ones he couldn't read of course, and gave them to Lina that had gotten closer.

"Could you have someone look at them? I found those papers at the tower I mentioned, but have no idea what language it is…" J.

"I have seen it before, but can't read it at all. It's written in old runes…" L.

"Let me have a look… You are right Lina, if I'm correct, this is old Lodarian. Show it to Osborne please, he should know whom to distribute the text part to." S.

"Distribute?" J.

"It's better to have it translated by different people, though I doubt we have many in the AI:7 that can do it. If necessary we will use externals as well, but either way it is going to take some time." S.

"Don't rush it, I will stay in the capital for a few days and we have some more things to take care of as well I think. But thank you..." J.

"No, we have to thank you once again." S.

"What are you going to do next?" N.

"Interested Nara?" J.

"N-no, I mean… Are you going to the mages next?" N.

"No, it had gotten quite late. I'll hopefully meet up with some friends and report to the Academy tomorrow morning first." J.

"Okay, then I guess we're done here, or do you want to ask something else Nara?" S.

"Huh, why? ...N-no." N.

"Stop teasing her please. Instead, I think I saw a few pests around your mansion. Wouldn't it be best to take care of them soon, before they start bugging you for real?" J.

"I know… You might be right, but there are very few who are xapable and really dependable with pest control…" S.

Feeling the faint presences he had noticed before vanishing, Jay had at least managed to scare them from following him or reacting hasty.

Shalina as well had understood his intentions and after smiling to each other, they looked at a pretty clueless seeming Nara that was still blushing from Shalina's tease. After getting reassured that they would have at least first results on the translation in a few days, Jay thanked them and said farewell.

On the whole way through the mansion and out of the grounds did he notice a few eyes following him but not one of the presences he felt before.

It seemed the rats had understood he was not that easy to mess with, nor was their boss.

Leaving the fort in the setting sun, Jay summoned his horse and rode towards the canals. The illumination on the streets was already getting lit but there were very few people on the streets at that time.

Like this he reached the already illuminated Cathedral plaza in not much time. After crossing it on horseback, he dismounted in front of the wide and tall stairs leading to the Cathedral of Light. Jay climbed them up and directly got welcomed by one of the brothers once he arrived in front of the big gates.

The man was pretty old and while he looked kind, Jay had to repeat his question for Mia and Ellie a bit louder once again. The old geezer nodded and asked Jay to come in and wait for a moment while he was going to look for them.

While doubting it was going to be just a moment he had to wait, Jay followed the man and took a seat on a bench in the foyer. Looking after the old man until he vanished to the side, Jay was just about to check his always growing inventory after a while as he spotted someone he thought he knew.

The nun he was looking at did the same and contrary to him, she didn't wait to walk over. Only as she arrived before him did Jay remember her face. It was Pristine, the priestess he once saved at Northvale and nearly had forgotten about.

"Jay, is that you? Welcome to the Cathedral of Light! What brought you here?" P.

"Pristine, right? Hello… I was hoping to meet some acquaintances here and a friendly brother just went to fetch them…" J.

"Oh my, what a coincidence I bumped into you then. I always wanted to thank you once again for saving me back then." P.

"No need to, really. And it wasn't only me that went into that cave. Sorry, I didn't want to bring back bad memories…" J.

He had seen her flinch as he mentioned the cave and instantly regretted having said that. Her experiences with the goblins there were bound to have left some trauma and he really had been sorry to have said too much.

"Don't worry. While it is true I had tried not to remember what happened there, I can't say the same for you.

Before I got to Arathor I inquired about the group you were with and learned that they all stated it was mostly due to you that your group could save me and their priest…" P.

Pristine then took a seat next to him and the two of them talked about how they got there and what they are doing. It was then when Jay learned she was taking care of the orphanage in Arathor since she got to the capital.

Jay himself only told a bit about him being Adventurer and that he traveled through the closer regions until then. He didn't want to make the same mistake again and left out his fights and encounters with monsters, as well as those with women of course.

They hadn't chatted for more than a few minutes when the old brother returned with an apologetic look on is face. The reason for that was simple, as he had to tell Jay that the two women he had asked for went on a trip with Exarch Yrel.

Just as the geezer had finished his sentence, both Jay and Pristine blurted out a question at the same time what stupefied the old brother.

While Jay's was obviously where Yrel took them to, Pristine's was which women he had asked for...

The brother explained he was sorry, but he really had no idea where they went. While he was sure that this true for all his brothers and sisters present there, he offered Jay he could ask them all himself.

His guess was that the Exarch took them both to some shrine or ritual as they would take part in the second blessing ceremony once they came back. It was scheduled for four days later, so they were bound to be back before then.

Probably feeling uncertain what to do, the old brother then asked Jay what his connection to them was so he could possibly inform them of him once they got back. The reason for that question was obviously a certain nun that had kept staring at Jay since she hadn't gotten an answer herself.

Jay couldn't help but smirk and then told them Mia was his savior and Ellie was something akin to his little sister.

While it was the truth and honestly what he felt, Jay refrained from telling that in truth he only wanted to meet with one of his lovers.