A surprising person

As they reached the end of the stairs, Jay saw nothing but giant barrels lined up to the opposite side of the stairs. He followed Aletta along them and as they reached the last barrel, he saw a small passage next to it was kept free.

The black haired woman proceeded and then pulled a dark curtain to the side when she reached it. What lay behind was a relatively big room with an arched ceiling. Behind the barrels hung the same thick curtain Aletta had shoved to the side, explaining why Jay hadn't seen the illumination or heard the voices of the people there.

They were sitting at small tables and from how it looked, were chatting about summoning theories or spells.

Jay and Aletta ignored them and proceeded through the room towards a slightly older man standing leaned on the wall to the far side. He was relatively tall, had long black hair and a goatee that he kept stroking.

Once he noticed Aletta, he walked a few steps to her and greeted them both. Aletta turned to Jay and introduced him as Zardeth, a member of the cult similar to her. To that Jay rose a brow but got her hint, similar to the man opposite to him.

Zardeth asked them both to follow him and led them to a smaller room behind the wall he had been leaning against.

Once the door got closed behind Jay and they were alone, the dark magician dropped his stern expression and stated to Jay he finally had a moment to relax. Aletta interfered from the side and explained that while Zardeth was said to be part of the cult, he really kept o working for the kingdom.

Jay nodded to that and explained that while he had no idea he infiltrated the cult as well, he had been tasked to fetch him as the AI:7 needed his support.

By then Jay had understood why Shalina had willingly consented with him calling the man over, as most agents would have blown Zardeth's cover.

Latter got surprised from what Jay stated, so he explained the whole situation and revealed he had a hunch as to who smuggled him into the cult.

Even Aletta got surprised by this and stated she had found out half a year ago.

Back then she had kept it secret as an ace up her sleeve should she need it, and it had come in handy to bring her back into the cult. But she has had no idea he could use slave magic, as well as any information about the man's background.

She had simply confrontated Zardeth to bring her back without anyone suspecting after the fiasco in Eldrin and by then they worked together to find the upper echelon of the true cult.

Zardeth stated to this that he only found out someone from the royal court was backing them, but as for the reason why, he had absolutely no clue.

Jay asked him if they needed help or if he should report to someone, but the dark magician explained he had all the help he could wish for with Aletta. With the task of setting some slaves free, he had the perfect chance to give a report himself, so all Jay could do was to support her in her studies if he wanted to do something.

Only after inquiring did he learn that his devotee was really wholeheartedly studying magic and trying to brew medicine. But thanks to his last donation she had enough gold to buy a proper alchemy kit and start compounding for real.

Hearing this, Jay tossed her another small pouch with silvers summing up to a few gold. He demanded from her to never again hold back if she needed money for her studies and directly ask him.

The question if this was enough for now only brought him a disbelieving stare from Aletta...

Then he turned back to Zardeth and explained that he has two more requests for him:

The first one was only a question about slave magic in general and the different types he had heard until then.

With a gesture to take a seat at the small table placed in the room, Zardeth took out three glasses, poured some wine standing on the table and asked what kinds Jay knew.

He got a bit surprised when Jay mentioned eternal slaves and then began to explain.

While the normal slaves were just that: normal. That meant they were owned by the slaver or some customer but could be set free, though that seldomly happened.

The reasons for becoming a slave were different, but mostly it was due to debts or wild catches.

Contrary to that, Crime slaves waived their rights willingly for a set amount of time to not get jailed or executed. The duration depended on the contract, how Zardeth explained.

Jay got irritated by his mentioning of contracts and inquired, just to learn that some chose to offer their bodies for shorter enslavement duration while others were good fighters and so on. The same could be applied to normal slaves as well, though in most cases they had no choice.

Then the lecture came to the eternal slaves, a spell forbidden in the whole empire and nearly all over the world. While the spell was no different to normal enslavements and only discernible during the ceremony, it was one sick spell.

Not only was it impossible to ever release the enslaved person, even their offspring would be born as a slave. Moreover were there legends about this slave magic functioning on any humanoids and even messing with the lifespan of its victims.

Some say that eternal slaves got bound to stay alive for how ever long their owners live, and to die in the case they do.

While the previous was only telltale, historic documents explained that while the eternal slaves couldn't get set free, their owner still could change. In some passages it got stated that for that, both the previous and the new owner had to have the slave magic skill, but that was something Zardeth wasn't too sure of.

After the lengthy lecture and half a glass of wine, Jay stated the second request he had. While he had neglected it for quite some time due to his findings in Millshire, the information gathering about the totems was still on his list of to-do things.

He took out one of the totems he found last and showed it to the dark magician.

Without holding back, latter received it and directly inquired what Jay knew about it. For some reason he trusted the man enough to tell him what he knew and learned he was right after he examined it a short few minutes.

As Zardeth gave the totem back and asked Jay to store it away again, he explained to never have seen something like this. While he knew of spells or skills getting imbued into objects, contructuins of this scale were something extraordinary.

Whoever had produced this must have had abundant amounts of mana and very, very dark tendencies, but it far surpassed what the cult should be able to. He would still inquire a bit and try to find out more. Though the enchantment and what if resulted in didn't really fit with the cult, they still might have helped in producing it.

The only really new thing he could tell to Jay was the material they were made of. The wood was called silverpine and came from the equally named forest in Lordarion.

He directly recognized the wood as it was the same his wand was made of.

As Jay asked about it, he learned it was the northern most region of this continent. While it had been a great kingdom in ancient times, it got devastated in the big war and since then not much is known about it.

While the Empire made a peace treaty with its inhabitants, the public didn't get much more information.

It was in times like these that Jay wished he knew more about he new world he by then lived in. Be it history, geology or even a few of the living creatures in it, he felt he knew nothing about it.

Just as he was thinking this, Zardeth gave a comment that probably 99 percent of the citizens wouldn't even care and so he was sorry that there are no public documents. But due to his connections, Jay might find more in the libraries of AI:7 or the military, possibly even more in the Academy of Arcane Arts.

That brought him back to the main reason he came there and so Jay brought the topic once again to the request of the slaves Zardeth had to set free. He would go to there the next morning as it would only give rise to questions if he left now.

Jay nodded and gave him the location, to what the dark magician got surprised. Latter stated that in this case he would go through the nobles district as he couldn't be followed there.

What he muttered under his fine beard surprised but also calmed down Jay considerably:

"...it's a shame we can't see who those slaves belong to or we could find more…" Z.

Heaving a sigh of relieve, Jay thanked the man once again and excused himself. He would come back once he had followed another lead and was back to Arathor.

Aletta rose up as well and stated she would guide him out as he probably shouldn't leave there alone.

As they passed the curtain and made their way up to the pub, Jay wanted to break their silence and asked who in the world would willingly get themselves enslaved, just to escape jail.

This comment didn't help though and if possible, Aletta got even more silent. Another surprise awaited him as he inquired what was on her mind:

"I guess I wouldn't mind becoming ...your slave…" A.

"You're kidding right? What about your freedom?" J.

"It's not like every slave has a bad life. And the situation I'm in… let's say there wouldn't be much change for me anyways. If at all it would only give me some more safety." A.

"Because you are someones property? Then why not directly become an eternal slave?" J.

While he had asked it in a sarcastic tone as they climbed the stairs, Jay could see Aletta pondering about his question when he looked back over his shoulder. She then laughed a bit and looked him directly into his eyes.

"Well, if you'd be an elf or something else long living… I'd say why not?" A.

"Like trading longlivety for freedom? Then what about having to give your body?" J.

"Isn't that something you already got from me?" A.

"And as far as I remember, it wasn't like you willingly gave yourself to me, right?" J.

"You think I would have… reacted like I did if I hadn't wanted it back then?" A.

Thinking about it, Jay saw a bit of truth in what she had said. It still didn't sit well with him and he even regretted having used the slave scrolls that easily by then.

That didn't mean he wouldn't do it again, but the sparse knowledge and ethics from his old world didn't go along with slavery at all.

They had long reached the end of the stairs and were going through the hall along the bar. Aletta led Jay back to their table and once there she stated they could at least have dinner together if he was already there.

Jay glanced out of the window through a gap in the curtains and saw the sky was really already getting darker.

Though Aletta had to work in between, whenever she had spare time she came back to Jay and they talked about her plans for the next weeks like what she was hoping to achieve in the long run. It astonished Jay quite a bit to learn how ambitious the young woman was, contrary to what he had initially thought of her.

The pub never had gotten really bustling, so as she fetched Jay's empty plate to a later point, Aletta got a mischievous grin as she asked him if he wanted to have some dessert. He couldn't help but grin as well when he answered:

"Something like last time we met?" J.

"If possible I'd like to keep it a bit lower and refrain from certain techniques… I at least need to be able to walk properly tomorrow. It was quite hard reaching Arathor back then by the way!" A.

"Then I'll gladly make up for it if you need me to. What about your work though?" J.

"It's not like they die of work, right? I'll just give word I finish my shift…" A.

Within a few seconds she came back, grabbed Jay's hand and pulled him behind towards the stairs leading up along the left wall.

The small room she had received as an employee there had a relatively big bed and a small desk inside. Latter got placed around a corner together with a chair, under a window to the backyard like it looked.

Jay got no time to further look around as the moment he closed the door behind him, Aletta jumped at him, reached her arms around his neck and started kissing him deeply. While keeping to their sloppy kiss she pulled him to the chair and once there pushed him down onto it.

She then stepped a bit back and started to slowly unbuttoning her shirt while moving to an inaudible rhythm. The silent striptease she offered Jay was not a practiced one, but it still hot as hell. Once she only had her simple bra and panties on, Jay's pants got overly tight what she noticed.

Kneeling down in front of him, Aletta opened his pants and freed his massive shaft that kept growing harder.

Without wait she took his glans into her mouth and stated slurping on it. In practically no time Jay got completely hard but she still kept on sucking him for a while.

Contented with the dripping wet boner before her eyes, Aletta rose to her feet and straddled Jay. She was completely wet herself and had no issue sliding his monstrous pole inside her.

They kept on going at it in the sitting position for a while without taking it too far. Jay didn't even get much more than half of him inside her when she reached her first peak.

Of course they weren't finished with this and so Jay rose from he chair while she clung to him. Her legs tightly twined around him, she still got supported from his manhood that at this point reached a bit deeper inside her.

While Jay initially wanted to carry her over to the bed and go on there, he halted halfway. As Aletta began deeply kissing him again, Jay grabbed her soft butt and began lifting her up and down.

At first they did it slowly, but a few minutes later Aletta was moving herself and getting faster and faster. By that time she seemingly had ceased to care for the people next door and was loudly moaning and even screaming in between when Jay reached exceptionally deep.

Another few minutes later did the two of them build up more and more pressure.

Jay got tipped over a tiny bit sooner and as he couldn't hold back anymore, he blasted a big load inside her, even though a certain skill had been kept off. The hot and sticky fluids painting her insides white had seemingly tipped her over as well.

Accompanied by a loud scream she reached a very heavy climax. Jay even felt her fluids run down his legs and was happy she had completely rid him of his trousers beforehand.

Finally reaching the bed, the two kept clinging to each other and cuddled a bit more. But while she relished in the afterglow of her last peak, Jay had already begun to check his log. Even though it was kind of unromantic, it had become a habit whenever he had slept with a woman.

To his surprise it paid off once again as Aletta seemingly had gotten a new skill. It was called [Herbalism] and after checking on it, Jay learned it was something like his analyze for plants what didn't really help him. But it enabled him to effectively pluck herbs without destroying them.

While there were no other skills than that, not really surprising Jay as it hadn't been more than a few weeks, there really was something else of note in his log. Aletta had gotten affected by the incomplete blessing of his as well.

Dismissing the log for that moment as she had started looking up at him, Jay concentrated back on the situation.

With a certain part of him still sticking deep inside her and not even thinking about receding, they went at it one more time until both were satisfied and fell asleep not long after.