A blast in the tower (2/2)

Once Sira had opened Jay's pants, she directly got to work with her small tusked mouth eagerly. She would have continued like that if Jay hadn't pulled her up pretty much the moment his meat pole got rock hard. He slid one of his hand through her slightly wide leg gap, just to check if she was ready how he had guessed. The smooth green honeypot was not only oozing, it was nearly dripping in anticipation.

Turning her small figure around, Jay first lifted and then lowered Sira held by her all to narrow waist down and stuffed her onto his towering boner. A loud but not displeased sounding yelp escaped her mouth when his rod slid further in, but he continued.

The deeper he pushed her, the more she moaned and uttered soft demanding curses.

They didn't change positions this time, nor did Jay experiment with his shapes. The two of them continued in their sitting position as it helped Jay to not ram too deep into the tiny female and hurt her.

But that didn't mean he cut short the whole session. It was pure lust filled intercourse for three rounds, at least for her.

Jay had felt himself reaching his limit as Sira had climaxed for the third time, showering his balls with her hot fluids, but managed to reign himself in. Glad that she didn't twitch for as long as on her second, slightly prolonged peak, Jay had her slide down on his pole until it went no deeper and waited for her to get back to her senses.

That of course took longer than normal thanks to her still being impaled.

Once she finally regained her normal breath, Sira dismounted him and knelt down between his legs. He didn't even need to ask her as she carefully bent down his throbbing manhood and took the tip into her wide open mouth.

At about that moment Jay had finished his preparations as well and watched the scene unfold as the small green-skin gave him a head while holding eye contact.

The mentioned preparations were for one opening Sira's status screen as well as the activation of certain useful skills. Leaning a bit back on the bed, he watched how his little slave fared for the next minute, resulting in her grinning. Not with her occupied mouth but her eyes which kept staring into Jay's.

That changed exactly the moment Jay crossed his limit as well.

It wasn't him that broke their eye contact in this situation though.

With the first humongous tide rolling down Sira's throat her eyes went wide and down towards the massive shaft ending in her mouth. It kept pulsating and twitching the whole time.

Then followed the second shot and her eyes rolled back while more than half of the white tide went down the same way as the first, though quite a lot blast out of her mouth and nose.

For the last gigantic shot, it was not even half that stayed inside her mouth. As she let herself slump back on her small butt, quite a lot dripped out of her still open mouth and the rest sprewed all over her face and body.

Of course one of the skills Jay had switched on was Geyser, simply to check if the amount of cream would change the number of XP she received. While he hadn't planned to make such a hell of a mess with one of his blasts, it had still proven his theory right as Sira received more Experience Points!

...a lot more!!!

On the other hand this process came with quite the downside as she kept choking for a little while and glared daggers at Jay the moment she was all right again. Her comment that he could at least have warned her only got excused that he was slightly distracted at that time.

At least Jay had some towels at the ready and threw her one, though a bucket of water would have helped a lot more.

Once she had mostly cleaned herself of his sticky gift, Sira climbed onto the bed as well. While their nightly activities ended with this insane blast, Jay still narrated what he had found out with this.

It didn't sit exactly well with her that she would gain more from swallowing more, but in the end she gave in to her desire to grow stronger. The wish to be of more help for Jay and possibility to stay close to him for longer only enforced her choice.

With a feeling of accomplishment they both soon drifted off into a sound sleep.




The next morning, Jay heard the same cursing like once before, though this time he was in the same room.

Her reason this time was not the bed sheets that still took a toll as well, but carpet and her clothes she dropped on it. Everything there dearly needed some cleaning… or better incineration.

He tried to ignore her while leaving the tent, but still felt her staring at him like last night. Glad he had some spare clothes for her, she calmed down a little.

While Jay prepared something to eat from the leftovers at the fireplace, Sira went down to the docks to clean the things in the lake.

Once she came back and put the clothes that to his surprise really got clean again close to the fireplace.

She had barely been done and eaten her share of food when they spotted movement in the light forest. It was a group of men on horseback, most of them in soldiers armor but the two leading in their black leather gear.

Just like he had promised, Aranthir was guiding Wiley to the tower that morning. Jay and Sira welcomed them on the plains surrounding the tower and walked back there together with the group. The agent really had hurried and even brought some men to guard the tower from then on.

On their short way, Aranthir told the both of them that the slaves were already getting escorted back to Stillwater and would later be send home. The process would still take some time, but all of them seemed positive, even when there were still so many missing.

At the tower it was Jay that started explaining: They had searched the tower but found nothing much of interest except the papers he had already handed over. The place was ready for use if one ignored the top floor that was a complete mess, but it shouldn't be a problem for the men to stay in the quarters for a while.

The point of him storing all valuables on their search through the tower was something Jay forgot to mention of course...

After a rough explanation and a small tour, ending in Wiley asking what the hell happened in there, Sira only answered that Jay sometimes had to blast things up a bit.

Not getting her comment but Jay barely holding his laughter, the two men explained that they wanted to set up a base at the tower.

Jay vaguely hinted that they possibly might get an even better chance, but he and Sira had to leave for the time being. Their destination for that day was Stonewatch Keep, though Jay told them he would send Sira back to the tower if it became too dangerous.

With that they finally said their goodbyes and Jay summoned his horse.

While it wasn't that far to the keep, it still was a good bit until who or whatever waited there could spot them. Only after riding for a while and passing the last hill on their way towards Stonewatch, did Jay dismiss his horse and they proceeded up the slope to the keep on foot.

Like Jay had seen before, it was built on an elevation of the cliff, making the fort approachable only from the north and east. The high and massive looking walls were still intact from what they could see, though once Jay and Sira got closed they spotted quite some traces of past battles there.

Hiding in the high grass, the two of them closed in on the entrance where two huge and bulky figures guarded the slanted gate. Somehow the massive wooden construction had gotten broken in a way it won't close completely. But Jay was more interested in the guards.

The two Orcs were both at Level 25 and none of the brutes even noticed him analyzing them.

Jay had Sira stand back a bit so he could close in on them until it was possible to first check on them and then possibly initiate an attack.

To his own surprise the orcs, though extremely tough were as dense as their defense and for guards way too less perceptive.

Jay's fire loaded Wingblade cut literally like a hot knife through butter when it separated the green figures spine at neck height.

Surprised his jumping attack and (Stab) at the Orc's neck had one-hit the massive green-skin, Jay rushed over to the other one. The second Guard was equally slow in his reactions and so the first (Slash) went in and took a good chunk of the Orc's health. A close up (Arcane Dart) to the head did the rest and once the heavy body fell down, Jay waited a moment if more showed up.

Just as he dropped his vigilance a little, Sira came walking up on him. Seeing her reminded Jay he still had to check her status and if she gained a little XP from his kills.

That little was quite a lot considering all she had done was watching, but it settled their further plans. From there on, Sira would wait at the gate while Jay took care of whatever waited for him behind it. Once done with it they would reunite and proceed to check on the keep together. Said and done, after Sira activated (Hide), Jay slipped through the gap in the wooden construction and looked around.

He might have underestimated the situation a bit, but at that point it was already too late.

Behind the gate was not a small yard leading to the keeps entrance like Jay had guessed but a wide one stretching all the way to the far back wall. On just this big yard Jay spotted numerous of the big green humanoids ...and they saw him at the same time!

While most of the ugly green guys in his closer surrounding directly charged at him, Jay saw two further back taking a funny pose while mumbling something. They were clearly casting something, but neither did he mind it nor could he as Jay had to parry the first incoming axe.

What he had managed in the few second he has had though, was checking on a few of the Orcs. They were all between Level 23 and 25, making it not too hard taking care of them.

Glad he had at least taken out his swords in precaution the moment he slipped through the gate, Jay butchered the first three big attackers with not much problem.

One reason was his (Riposte) being nearly constantly active and the other his searing hot, magically loaded blades. Thanks to his fast movements and the Orcs being extremely slow, the battle turned into a one sided massacre when Jay killed the next three aggressors.

The mages or alikes suicide barraging him with some weak shadow spells didn't help the incline of this fight one bit.

It took until the tenth Orc got his attack dodged and first cut his tendons, then a second later followed by his throat. Only then did two of the further away Orcs jump into a run. One of them headed towards the stronghold, clearly to inform those inside about the incoming attack.

The other one ran towards the… gate!

Directly sprinting after the latter one, Jay discarded of another green-skin that crossed his way and when close enough, shot a quick-button-lightning. While it of course couldn't kill the Orc, it at least half stunned him before he could pass through the gate. About to fire another spell after taking two more steps and getting the orc in sight again, Jay got a nice surprise.

The orc had already died!

Not to his hands but his small female companion ones.

Sira stood on the fallen back Orc and just then pulled her short-sword out of his unmoving chest. Nodding over to her in appreciation, Jay decided to no longer distance himself from the gate as long as it wasn't necessary.

He had yet to see archers with his opponents and anything else was no problem, even more as the yard by then already was more than half cleared.

Five minutes later, the half turned into full.

Jay had to once more stunned one of the Orcs who tried to flee, but this time let Sira take care of that one directly. With no opponent in sight, Jay crossed the yard and went towards the half broken tower to the further back right side.

One look into the dark interior explained to Jay why the walls hadn't been guarded:

The stairs had crumbled and half of the second floor fallen down, though he doubted anything above that was any better. While it still should have been possible to somehow climb up there, Jay thought it had probably been unnecessary for the Orcs as no one had come to the Keep anyway.

Back out of the tower, Jay went to check the wall next to it, or better the place where there should be one. Though the view down a slight slope, ending in a broken down construction right at the cliff was nice, the whole wall that should normally hide it had broken down for the most part.

Passing through the rubble lying there on the yards and down the slight slope, Jay spotted another pair of Orcs. They seemed to be on lookout and watching out over the opposite, pretty close cliff on the other side of the lake.

Halting his movements, Jay looked back and signaled Sira to stay where she was. Then he silently went down the slope and aimed his bow at the closer of the green-skins until he barely saw his slave on his mini-map. Letting go of the arrow, it some split second later pierced the Orc's thick neck right under the skull.

Just to make sure, Jay had opened Sira's status beforehand and noticed her gaining some Experience Points just then.

For the other Lookout that had noticed his attack and came running, Jay switched back to his swords. He chose to intercept him and rushed towards it, getting Sira off his map as she had gone back to the fort's gate. This time she received no XP, ending Jay 's testing for that time as he learned the general range of their experience-sharing.

Walking back after he glanced around the pointy ledge from which peak the bridge over the lake once led, Jay searched the other corpses for anything of worth together with Sira. He had initially been wary and wondering why no reinforcements came from the stronghold itself and because of that has had Sira stand back in hiding.

But once he got back on the yard, Jay saw the Gate to the building got closed. This showed they either were afraid of his intrusion, what he doubted, or had good leaders.

Hiding silently in a broken down place to not get too much attention or waiting for a chance to strike was nothing Jay had credited the stupid brutes he had fought there up until then

Their loot from said brutes was sparse, though some weapons and gold came in handy. From there Jay had Sira follow him in hiding as their range might have been to low for the fort itself.

That was if they could enter it of course. Taking out his lock picking tools, Jay went to work on the simple but sturdy lock.

The moment it clicked open, he wondered why there was no barricades, trap gate or even a drawbridge, but then he remembered he already was inside the fort. And the next moment he understood the "why" a good bit better.

Jumping back two yards, Jay barely dodged the flying open door and a thick axe crushing down. The group of five Orcs standing before him had silently been waiting for the case anyone opened the door.

Not that it really mattered for him!

Jay replied their attempt to bash him away with an (Arcane Blast) of his own. While those to the side got hurled over the low balustrades to the sides, two others got pushed against the wooden double door, resulting in heavy damage for both, the door and the Orcs.

Only the fifth one was a bit unlucky:

He flew back into the fort as it was him that got closest to Jay. But more than that, he hit the spiked barricade erected there, where one of wooden pikes then bore into the males back.

To top it off, the brute got his thick axe returned by Jay's attack. Into his chest that was…

For the Orcs that flew to the sides, Jay went with fire magic for a change. They burned to ashes long before they reached Jay who had closed in on the two remaining ones. They had gotten back to their feet, but at least the first no chance to block one of Jay's (Lightning Fists).

The last one remaining lost his head no two seconds later.

Jay had Sira check on the three corpses and hoard any valuable. With her magic storage she could at least hold a good share of it for a while. As she was busy a bit back, Jay proceeded further inside...