A day of reports

As Mia and Jay kept laying in bed and cuddled for a bit longer, Jay mentioned that he had gained some more skill levels from her this night. She turned to him and smiled, looking to him like she had anticipated something like this to happen.

Her guess was just like his own, that it really was dependent on his own level and more. As far as she knew, not one person under level 30 ever managed to attain a tier two skill. Not to talk about combat skills as they were even harder to learn.

Like this the whole gaining of skills slowly made more sense to Jay, if he excluded his general means to integrate them that is.

The two of them kept cuddling and discussing their theories about his system for a little while until Mia stated that it was time to get up. The others would most certainly have had breakfast already and as things were, Jay had to report to Arathor as soon as possible.

After he reluctantly rose from the bed and started to pick his clothes while Mia did the same, Jay remembered something that had bugged him the evening before.

"Um… about yesterday: You mentioned something about me having grown…?" J.

"Hmm? Oh that, yes, you have. I already thought so last time we met, but you really seem to have grown a bit. Why?" M.

"It's just… Is it normal for humans to still grow at my age?" J.

"For normal humans: no. But however one looks at you, normal can't be applied, right? Though I guess I wasn't completely right yesterday as it seems you still might have grown everywhere…" M

During his inquiring, Mia had come close to him when she noticed him getting a bit insecure. As she stated her last words her hand carefully slipped into his still not buttoned pants and caressed the sleeping dragon hidden there.

Jay got her comment and blushed a bit, completely switching their normal roles. But as sudden as Mia acted, she stopped just as fast.

Pulling back and turning around, she continued to fetch her clothes and so did Jay. They knew that a second longer would have ended with them not leaving the room for hours.

During clothing up Jay thought about what Mia had said.

There had been occasions where he has had the feeling he might have grown but didn't even think about it as it should have been impossible. Then there was last night with Mia who surprisingly never had issues fitting him in, at least until recently.

He only hoped he wouldn't grow much more in any department or he would only get problems. It wasn't that he didn't already stand out…

As he had finished and looked up, Jay found Mia already waiting at the door.

"Thought about it enough? Come on, let's have some breakfast…" M.

After Mia beckoned him, the two of them headed down and found a set breakfast table for them while the Inn was already bustling. Marcus and Ellie greeted them and even joined them in between their breakfast.

Once the two were done it was time to leave again. Jay got accompanied outside by Mia and Ellie where he then opened a portal to Arathor.

Both looked a bit surprised but Jay only mentioned it would save him some time. It wasn't really late, but riding there would have taken at least three hours, time Jay could easily cut short.

While waving the very different beauties, Jay stepped forward and found himself before the gate of Arathor the next second.

His first destination was like he had previously told Mia, the city's fort. There was no reason to not trust the two female leaders in what he found and learned in Redridge. Jay also wanted to check on Sira and see if everything went well, so he went through the obligatory check at the gate and then hurried through the trade district. When he finally reached the less crowded canals, Jay summoned his horse and rode the rest of the distance.

The moment he entered the fort, Jay saw one of the guards rush over to the two corresponding headquarters each. Not sure which of the two he should inform first, Jay was glad that the moment he reached the training fields, Osborne came rushing towards him, explaining that he should head over to Whitmore where Miss Ravencrest would join him.

Doing as he got asked, Jay found himself opposite to a sitting Marshal and the leader of AI:7 standing to the side behind her only five minutes later. The two of them had thanks to his findings and reports started to work together and it seemed the military building had surprisingly less ears.

Before Jay once again gave his report, he presented them both Morganth's head on a silver plate. Literally, as he used one of those they previously had looted from Stonewatch.

Then the two women sorted through the documents he had reached them over while Jay narrated what he experienced. They also had some news for him as the agents working on the documents from the slaver had finished their work.

There had been hints that the slave-scrolls got smuggled there from Dun Modan, a region in the north behind the giant mountainside. That fit well with the documents Jay had handed them as well as the totems material, though hard proof was still missing.

At least one name got mentioned more than once and had already been on the women's list before. Shalina then mentioned they would present all the documents holding Lord Falconclaw's name to the Royal Court at their conference the next day.

Just as Jay was about to shrug to that, Whitmore stated that he shouldn't look so indifferent as he was going to join them. He was required and crucial as a testimony when they would lay down all he and them found.

Jay got a little gobsmacked from their plan and the suddenness, but they both explained that they had laid out and prepared everything already for when he would return. The additional documents only gave them more leeway and with that, at least one noble of the Royal Court was going to be brought down. While this warned the others, any open attempt to hinder the Guild, AI:7 or the military in further investigations had become impossible.

Done with the report and plans for next morning, Jay got accompanied out by Shalina. On their way towards the training fields he asked her about Vellara, how she fared and progressed.

Smiling to his care for her, Shalina explained that she had started to train the girl herself together with Nara. While she was still quite weakened, the little one was in good health and a fast learner. But it seemed she only trusted her and Nara, not even speaking to any other agent. What was more, Shalina had the feeling there was something off.

Just as Jay thought she had a hint to him being her master, she tried to explain it was in their training and that for her race she felt off, but then promised to look further into it and tell Jay as soon as she found something.

In a joking matter she commented that he seemed overly caring, inquiring about her so soon. Then again, she apparently asked for him as well, and not only once...

"That reminds me: are there any more of your admirers going to get send over?"

It wasn't hard for Jay to know what Shalina meant as he had send Sira over to her just a day before. At least he learned she got taken care of and looked after.

Even a comment that he at least picked very capable girls slipped from the mature brunette's mouth.

"So, any ideas where you're going to stay?" S.

Jay looked at her a bit questioningly but soon got what she meant. Even if the agent's leader didn't have any problem with Jay staying there together with Sira, it was bound to bring trouble.

While thinking about it, he made plans for how Shalina could use and train his little Hobgoblin. They soon reached the training fields where their paths split.

"I guess I'll look for an inn in the city first… See you tomorrow…" J.

"Yes, don't be late!" S.

Moments later Jay passed the fort's gate and summoned his horse. His next stop would be at the guild for updating his ID and cashing in some quests, maybe even reporting his findings to Milly's dad.

Not too long after he started riding over, Jay stepped up the stairs to the Adventurers Guild and entered the building.

It seemed that even before he passed through the wide door his contracted guild staff had spotted him and waved him over to her counter. Jay did just what Milly wanted and went towards her, earning annoyed looks from the Adventurers he passed with this. But as he was contracted and higher ranked it no longer bothered him. Jay still asked if Milly had time for him to what she couldn't stop smiling and told her co-worker she had to leave for the private sections.

About to enter one of the rooms she suddenly stopped as she seemingly remembered something. Telling Jay to get comfortable inside and wait she sprinted back to the main hall and was out of sight in seconds.

Not really getting his cute guild contact, Jay did as she said and took a seat on one of the sofas.

Only a minute later Milly came back in without knocking and asked Jay to first of all hand her his ID. They had apparently already processed some of his fulfilled quests and she wanted to finish them for him. He reached her his card and just as she rose to leave again they heard a knock on the door.

The one Milly opened it for was no one else but Nicoletta, her superior. The normally stern and cool beauty greeted Jay with a warm smile. It was still far from Milly's overjoyed and nearly jumping reaction, but Jay had the feeling it was the vice guild-master's way to express the same feelings like her.

Of course Nicoletta hadn't only come to see him, but to get a report about what had happened. The reports of completed quests had given her a rough idea, but as the latest hadn't arrived, Jay narrated the rest.

In between Milly came back with his ID and then listened to his explanations in silence as well. After Jay once again finished his repeated story about the things he found in regard to the conspiracy, Nicoletta told him he should report his further findings to them as well. Even if there were no quests pending for his deeds, the guild would happily compensate him for fending of threats to any of its origin countries.

Then it was Milly's time to speak. While Jay didn't reach another rank yet again, he had turned in quite a lot of quests and the compensation got booked to his bank account. If he continued like this, it wouldn't be long before he reached the next rank.

Whatever Jay was going to do next or where to, both women asked him to come by when he got more information or finished another quest. Either way he had to come back before he left to update the still open quests and look if there were any new ones he could take.

With this their meeting concluded and Jay got accompanied by both beauties to the main hall, earning him once again envious looks.

Nicoletta was already about to ascend the stairs to the next floor when Jay noticed Milly still next to him fumbling around with her fingers.

Instead of simply leaving her, Jay asked her if there was something on her mind, just to give her a last push. It still took her some seconds and stuttered mumbles until she managed to speak out...

"Uhm… well, you see… my dad's not here and I thought that m-maybe we could… meet in p-private someda… I mean it's only if you…." M.

"Hey, calm down, okay. Yes, gladly!" J.

"Huh-U?" M.

"I have still some more places to visit today and don't know when I'm done, so how about I pick you up tomorrow evening after work?" J.

"Y-yeah!" M.

"It's a date then!" J.

"Wha`?" M.

"See you then… And bye Nicoletta!" J.

The tall beauty had remained standing on the stairs and continued listening to Milly's questionable approach. Though she kept smiling and really seemed happy for her, Jay might have seen some envy within. He wasn't sure what to make of it, if it was to either him or Milly, or her taking a heart and asking in general...

Not minding it as there was no way to find out, Jay finally left the Guild. As the chance presented itself and it was just the right time, Jay fetched himself some lunch at one of the nice looking stall and slowly proceeded through the crowd into southern direction. His next goal would be the Academy of Arcane Arts where he would have to give yet another report to Principal Jaina. Marshal Whitmore had asked him to do so and possibly find out if the mages had any idea how the scrolls could have gotten smuggled.

Not intending to tell them he had an idea of at least one way it had happened or even showing them the dead smuggler, Jay had complied and like this another report to give.

It took him nearly an hour from the Guild to the mages district and into the academy's main building at this time of the day. At least he had enough time to leisurely eat on the way.

The headmaster had welcomed him very friendly, though once again a little messy clothed and in a total chaos that was her office.

After his hopefully last time reporting his experiences and findings in Redridge, Jay relayed the request of finding out about how the scrolls got smuggled.

Jaina directly had Mac'Nadir called there, explaining that in magical constructions he was more versed. For spells to conceal them and trick the supervision of the city she could rule the idea out. The barrier protecting it was an ancient spell and even if there was a spell capable of something like this, it would have required immense amounts of energy, leaving yet another signature.

As the two waited for the geezer to arrive, Jay asked if a skill could possibly do the job. Having picked her interest with this, he elaborated that he had once come across a skill called [Item Box]. While she nodded and agreed this could have been possible, she also explained that it was one of the really rare skills. Most of those who had it worked for royals or wealthy nobles and merchants, earning themselves a fortune with it. What was more, a single person having it doing the same route would surely have brought suspicions on themselves.

As the two concluded that it was possible but highly unlikely, at least for bringing the scrolls into the city, a knock on the door informed them of Mazen's arrival. The man greeted Jay equally friendly, even though he seemed to have forgotten his name. After a short explanation what they were looking for, he began to mumble to himself, then stormed out of the office and left them both looking baffled at each other.

Knowing his head worked ...different to say the least, they decided to wait for a while and only go looking if he took too long.