A unequivocal hint

It took Aletta another few moments to regain some clarity and hold herself, so Jay lifted her up and sat her on the table. She managed to get out that she absolutely had no problem with Sira being a Hobgoblin, but simply hadn't expected it.

Jay's slave though didn't mind it at all and instead concentrated at the matter at hand. Hers literally as she had reached around Aletta whom Jay had seated in front of her and grabbed Jay's massive and still rock hard boner.

"Prove it…" was all she said before she went in for a kiss of the other woman while repositioning Jay's tool again. He understood her intention and did as his slave wanted, pushing his hips forward to enter Aletta anew. A mix of pleasured and surprised moan rang out from their still connected mouths as he pushed deeper into her other hole that Sira had chosen.

Instead of puling back her hand, the small green-skin first continued to rub along his shaft that didn't fit into Aletta, until she found a new target. Seemingly having felt her hand getting soaked not only from the brunettes juices but the leaking load as well, Sira started to scope out and up as much as she could. When she was satisfied she pulled her hand back and finally broke the woman's kiss, only to slurp up all she had in her hand.

The next moment she grabbed Aletta's chin with her still smeared hand, pushed her mouth open and spat some of the white cream in her mouth, only to then seal it with hers.

While the females continued their kinky kisses, Jay kept pounding Aletta's butt without pause. Sira's hand had found her way back as well, only to keep rubbing the other woman's clit hard and fast. Like this it was no surprise that Aletta reached her limit anew and only a very short while later climaxed hard. She even squirted onto Jay's stomach, quivering with her whole body and nearly slumping down from the table. Jay caught her though and gently placed her onto the bed as she obviously required some rest.

Then he turned back to Sira who had a smug grin on her lips.

"Now look at the mess you made of her…" J.

Smiling wide at her master and licking her still sticky fingers, Sira only commented that it was rather him that made the mess. Then she turned around on the table and positioned herself in a crouched down kneeling position with her legs wide, so Jay had easy access. He didn't let her wait long and after taking position shoved more than half of his tool inside her damp and tight slit.

But instead of pounding her in this position like Sira had probably hoped for, Jay then grabbed her legs and pulled her up. Then he turned around, facing the bed again and let Sira slide down on his tool a bit more. As she hissed due to the sudden additional pressure he leaned his mouth to her ear and whispered:

"You can keep watching her while you get the same treatment…" J.

Following his words he slid his right hand from the back of her knee down to her crotch and without wait started to rub her clit hard. Due to the lowered support Sira slid down a bit yet again, resulting in another hiss followed by something like a squeak as the clitoral stimulation kicked in. Slightly panicked she flung her arms back and coiled them around Jay's neck, holding herself up in this awkward position.

Jay didn't mind her at all and kept swinging his hips hard while rubbing faster and faster. Not much later the aimed result came as Sira did the same. But this time Jay didn't stop there at all. He stepped forward to the edge of the bed where Aletta was still recovering. Her crotch was still red and slightly swollen from what Jay saw, but at least her breathing had returned back to about normal. As she still lay there with only half open eyes, an evil grin appeared on his face as he started treating Sira even rougher than before.

Just what he thought of might happen worked exactly so a couple of seconds later:

Sira did the same as Aletta and squirted hard from Jay's ceaseless rubbing, spraying even up to Aletta at the border of the bed and having her eyes shoot open. Only as latter swung her slender legs from the bed, indicating she was up again, did Jay lower the still quivering and barely holding herself Sira onto it.

As Jay stepped back and pulled out of her, he saw she had turned just as red as Aletta down there, still spasming in her crouched down position. Jay was about to let her off with this when suddenly Aletta walked over knelt down next to the bed and pulled Jay by his towering rod closer.

At first she only licked the tip a bit, but then she suddenly reached to the side and pulled Sira's left leg from the bed while carefully guiding Jay's member forward to her. The slightly mean grin on her face had Jay foresee what she had in mind.

And right he was.

Just like Sira before, Aletta positioned his tip not towards the Hobgoblins swollen red and still dripping slit, but the tight shut other hole above. She even went so far and pushed Jay by his buttocks once he hit it, pulling Sira's hips at the same time. The noises latter made to that didn't sound to pleasured, but as she didn't struggle against it and brought it up herself, Jay played along.

At least he went down a bit with his pace, though Aletta didn't accept him stopping halfway in. The poor Sira had to take a lot more this time before Jay could pull back a bit. To make up for that, Aletta soon slipped first one and then two fingers inside the slowly turning green again slit. This at least shielded her clit from his jewels slapping against it.

While Jay was pumping away in her and Sira seemed to gain more and more pleasure of it, Aletta had started to play with herself as well. In this constellation it didn't take any of them long to close in on their heights as Jay's skills worked on all of them.

Funny enough it was Aletta that finished first, resulting in a small puddle under her. Then only seconds later it was Sira, even if she still didn't look completely comfortable with how the others kept doing her. As she had still stood on only one leg and that was about to give in, she swiftly put the other down as well.

At the same time Aletta had been attentive enough to notice Jay gradually tipping over as well. Just as he began cumming as well she shoved Sira forwards and him back while jerking him off.

What she didn't know to that point was that Jay had activated another skill to fill up his cute little slave.

After the first shot still landing in her, the second blasted all over Sira's small butt and back while the third splashed completely into Aletta's face when she tried to suck it off but was a tad bit late. What Jay kept staring at this time really was a complete mess, though a slightly arousing one…

It got even worse when he took a step back while rubbing his temple, leaning on the table behind him. Sira had turned around while still panting and without wait liked through Aletta's face. Following this the two worked in team to first clean her up, then Sira turned back around for Jay to see it and Aletta cleaned her back – with her tongue.

Needless to say Jay's softening tool went back to glory, resulting in one more round for both of the girls. This time he went slower at it as both girls looked at him with puppy eyes. Then again they played with each other as if nothing had happened as Jay made out with each of them.

They continued to lick and kiss each other, even slipping a finger in here and there while Jay held back to not pound them hard like previously. About one hour later the three of them exchanged a few words while they switched the bedding and then finally went to sleep.




At the next morning it was Jay again that woke up first. He wasn't as early as his usual, so he decided to leave the two beauties asleep before anything happened and he ended up being late for the conference.

After silently picking up his gear and dressing up for the most part, Jay left the room and some minutes later the Slaughtered Lamb. On his way through the trade district he fetched himself a small breakfast. It wasn't something fancy, just some bread with cheese that was easy to eat while walking, from a shop he had spotted before.

As he reached the canals and left the already bustling area behind, he summoned his horse again and rode the route along the water.

Long before he reached the gate towards the Nobles District, Jay already had seen a small queue that had build up there. He waited in line until it was time to get checked.

Thanks to him at least riding a big horse the guard didn't look down on his adventurer appearance too much. After showing his ID he still got asked do dismount and wait.

Jay had doubted to begin with that the man would simply believe him being invited to the Royal Court conference.

Looking a bit apologetic, the guard came back to Jay and excused himself. A bit surprised of his decensness Jay thanked him and then traveled on after stowing his ID.

The street he rode along was completely different to any he had seen in the city up to then. It was not only wide and bordered with finely cut trees but laid out with marble and smoother than any other one, slightly winding in wide arches up the hill. The buildings to both sides soon turned from big houses to small mansions with fences or walls around the property.

Jay had already noticed that the higher and closer to the castle he got, the fancier the neighborhood got. The mansions soon turned to bigger and more luxurious ones, as well as the gardens and parks around them.

As Jay passed the last gigantic ones barely visible on their huge lands behind high walls, he learned that the street was leading to and ending directly at the castles gates. The moment he closed in, two of the Guards positioned there stepped forward and asked for his permission.

He repeated the same thing as down at the district's gate, only to get guided inside the building some minutes later. The two men got a bit surprised when they offered to take care of his horse and Jay simply had it vanish but that was all.

While none of them seemed overly tense, they not once turned away from Jay as they led him along the wide hallway.

To both sides it was lined with paintings and armors, showing off the royals wealth. As they reached a wide set of stairs and climbed it, the Guards asked Jay to follow the man stationed there into another passage to the left. Where he got led to then was a small park, surrounded by an archway and at least one story above. Other than the previous hallways, this area was not as deserted with quite some rich looking people chatting in small groups all over the place.

Looking down on himself Jay felt a little out of place and the looks of the first people there that noticed him told him the same.

As he took a step forward from the hallway, another guard barred his way while the last one returned to his post. That one didn't want to check his ID but if he had any weapons on him.

To Jay asking if this check wasn't meaningless as he could have stored them in an item-bag, the veteran looking guard explained that it wouldn't matter thanks to the castles defense enchantments. Any such storage item or magic would be blocked if it hadn't been registered beforehand and be inaccessible.

Hearing this, Jay directly checked his Inventory after getting inspected. There was no problem as he could store and retrieve a coin from it without issue. Tempted to try it with a weapon as well, Jay refrained from doing so as he knew better. Instead he walked along the wide archway until he spotted someone he knew.

Shalina Ravencrest and Field Marshall Whitmore were chatting with someone Jay hadn't met until then. The person looked to be one of the wealthy nobles and as Jay got closer, Shalina signaled him with her eyes to keep his distance.

Jay kept away from them and further walked around, but found no one else he knew or had at least seen even once. Deciding to take the risk at those his system showed within his level reach, Jay started to analyze some of the people. Just as he had guessed they were all nobles, and none of them was of a lesser family it seemed.

The ones who interested him the most were those whose names he had read in some documents, like the ones he found at Kendra's shop or Morgaine hideout. But of course those nobles were either absent or out of reach, be it physical distance or simply the level Jay could safely attempt to check.

Either way, a couple of minutes later a pair of heavy doors opened on the southern side and a well clothed man beckoned the guests to enter. At the same time a middle aged maid came over to Jay and asked him to follow her. She did the same to a merchant he had analyzed before and then led the two to a smaller door at the side.

The room they entered was not fancy but still luxurious, with comfy seats along the walls and a table with snacks and fruits in the middle. From the windows on the far side one could look over the Nobles District and the giant park behind it, but that was all Jay could make out from his position. The seats at the windows had already been occupied as he and the merchant seemed not to be the only ones in the room.

The Maid asked both men to take a seat and wait until they got fetched, then left the room while taking one of the Nobles there with her. As the silence seemingly didn't sit well with him, the merchant who had taken a seat next to Jay introduced himself.

He had been invited to report about recent changes in the distribution of goods like wheat that got produced within the kingdom. It seemed that some nobles wanted him to relay the positive development that finally kicked in since the Court took control over it.

Jay didn't argue about it, even though he knew better, but it still made him wonder about something.

He had previously thought the main topic of this conference was the recent troubles he had his hands in uncovering and their relation to certain nobles within the court. Then again it certainly would have been impossible to bring something like this up and have the other side unprepared or fleeing...

Still in his thoughts about it, the merchant inquired for what reason Jay got invited. He gave it a quick thought and went with the unproblematic answer that he had uncovered some evidences in his adventures that related to certain nobles. After he unknowingly delivered them, he got invited as witness before the Court.

The moment the merchant heard this, he looked at Jay with pity and shook his head. Then he stated:

"You probably know already, but be careful of what you say in there… Good luck!"

With those words he rose from his chair as he got waved over to the door by the same maid that had previously guided them there. After glancing back once more, still with pity in his eyes, the old merchant left the room and it got nearly as silent as before.

Only the other peoples whispers could be heard in the room.