A small compensation

Keeping his grin from appearing on his face, contrary to the two guards that had a hard time holding back, Jay nodded to Kathariel's proposal.

Not only her face but even her ears had taken a color resembling her hair, showing Jay how embarrassed she was for inviting him. Then again his heart was beating faster as well for her having the courage to do so, it meant their feelings really were mutual.

Grabbing his hand and shooting the two guards a glare, the Lieutenant pulled Jay into the garrison. In the passing she still managed to hiss the two men stationed there that she would await them next noon for training, silencing them completely.

As they crossed the mostly deserted inner yard on the way to the main building, Jay saw Haggard looking out of the window on the second floor in slight surprise. He still looked happy though and it was not that Jay had much time to think about it anyways. Somehow Kathariel seemed to be in quite the hurry as she darted through the hall and up the stairs to her chamber.

While she took some time to find and fit the key to her door, the moment she managed to open it she pulled Jay in right behind her. He kept standing behind her as Kathariel closed the door and even locked it, no longer hiding a smile on his face and a small chuckle.

As she heard that, what Jay was sure of from her twitching ear, the slender woman shot around with a fierce blush. After flinging her arms around his neck, pulled Jay down a bit. He of course complied and they shared their very first kiss. It was a passionate one that soon turned sloppy as their tongues entwined.

Once she pulled back, Kathariel shook her head.

"Why did especially I had to fall for an Adventurer? And such a young one all the more?" K.

Before he answered Jay pulled her in once again, Kissing her and not letting her go until her blush had subsided and instead her whole body's temperature had gotten a bit higher. Still close to her her whispered into her ear that through this they at least had a lot time for each other instead of if he was older.

Those words seemed to have gotten her not only to chuckle a bit as well but even made her last reservations vanish. Kathariel pulled Jay's face close again, entering another session of long and deep kisses.

As they kept their mouths and tongues interlocked, the two of them slowly and carefully explored each others bodies. While they had seen each other once back then, it was something completely different to touch and feel each other. Only after Jay had dared to grab one of her supple breasts over her dress and she did the same with his butt, did both of them dare to proceed. One piece after the other they stripped each other until they were both in only their underwear.

Jay had already freed her springy bust and started playing with her already erect cherries when the slender beauty slipped her hand into his shorts. It was that moment that she broke the kiss they were sharing and looked at him in befuddlement…

"You're really telling me you're human?" K.

"I told you back then the water was cold…" J.

After she staggered for another moment, the two of them continued and while Jay could see the concern on her face. He had a hunch at what she was thinking.

To ease her up a bit, Jay activated his set of skills for this kind of situation and they slowly proceeded towards Kathariel's small and not overly comfortable bed.

Jay placed her on her back and after sharing another deep and passionate kiss, he proceeded by kissing down her neckline. Then he continued towards her surprisingly big and completely gravity defying breasts, kissing them and playing with her hard nipples. After teasing her a bit and one last lick along her small areolas, Jay continues down the line on her toned stomach until he reached her belly button.

It was then that he grabbed her small black slip on both sides and pulled it down while continuing kissing her body until he reached her crotch. Jay could already feel the humidity and heat it emanated just hovering his head over it.

He passed the gap of her legs and instead kissed the inside of Kathariel's slender thigh. Then he did so to the other leg and continues switching while closing in on her finely trimmed and already oozing slit.

A few seconds later he placed first a kiss on her well hidden clit, then licked along her smooth slit and lastly kept sucking and twirling her all to sensitive little bud. Jay knew that if he had continued like this, it wouldn't have taken half a minute for Kathariel to reach her first peak this night, but that wasn't what he wanted.

Just to probe forward and get her at least halfway ready, Jay carefully slipped first one finger inside her damp and narrow tunnel, shortly followed by a second one.

From how tight she felt he wasn't sure if it was really okay to continue, but it was her that decided on this question.

Kathariel pulled Jay up by his face, then slid her left hand along his torso while pulling his head in for a kiss with her right. When her hand reached the base of his throbbing hard boner, she slid it along and jerked it a few times.

Following a short look down if the dimensions she had felt where real, the redhead elf gulped a bit but still pulled his tip down to place it at her lower entrance. With determined eyes she looked into Jay's and nodded, asking him to proceed.

Slowly and carefully, with (Lubed) working to the max, Jay pushed forward and leaned in to kiss her at the same time. The slightly pained moan she gave off got transmitted through his mouth and he instantly halted. As he looked at her with a bit of sorrow and wanted to pull back, Kathariel held him in place while shaking her head.

Following a deep breath she whispered that while she was no longer pure, she was still pretty inexperienced in this.

Then she asked him to continue but keep it gentle and it took them over five minutes for the slender Elf to get at least partially accustomed to Jay.

While she still felt extremely tight to that time, there at least was no more pain visible on her face and only pure bliss. Not a minute later she experienced what Jay had kept her from some time ago as Kathariel climaxed.

After tightening even more during her peak, making it impossible for Jay to move, she eased up so much more that he finally could enter a good bit deeper. That though ended in her eyes shooting open again and nearly tipping over once again.

When Jay continued to move his hips, the light woman suddenly rolled him over and smiled cheekily down from atop of him. A second later she noticed her blunder though as her own weight had pushed her down on a certain thing and her eyes went wide. With now Jay grinning cheeky, she took a moment to readjust herself and then carefully began to ride him while Jay groped her bouncing boobs or poked the visible outline on her lower belly.

More than half an hour later Jay lay on his back, holding a panting redhead Elf in his arms. They had switched positions again in between, after Kathariel had climaxed hard once more. The last peak had jet to subside at that time while Jay finished once as well.

When he had pumped his load deep inside her, so much that she felt it as well, Kathariel had panicked for a moment until Jay could calm her down that she didn't have to fear anything. Following this she got tipped over and even after Jay rolled to the side she relished in wave after wave of pleasure. Some minutes later her breathing had returned to normal.

"Say, didn't you want to show me some reeeally nice rum?" J.

"Y-yeah, that was completely made up… Though I hope you still liked the compensation." K.

"Oh, compensation was it?" J.

As they jokes and flirted a bit more, sharing another deep kiss, Jay slowly slid his hand over her lithe nude body down to her nethers. The moment he passed her crotch and touched her still leaking and wet slit, Kathariel flinched a bit and breathed in deep with a hiss.

It turned out the last hour had taken a higher toll on her than they both had thought or noticed. Glad that he didn't get funny ideas like probing for her backside or getting carried away, Jay pulled his hand back and instead pulled the beauty deeper in his embrace. After a few more kisses and cuddling for a while, the two of them drifted off into a deep and peaceful sleep.




The next morning Jay woke up in exactly the same position he had closed his eyes in. As he looked down to Kathariel he saw it was exactly the same for her. His slight movement had been enough to wake her though and she looked up at him with bright and happy eyes.

Thinking that even after just waking up she was one of the most beautiful creatures he had met, Jay couldn't help but give her a kiss before wishing a good morning.

Not that she had seemed shy about it before, but after greeting him with a "'morning" as well she threw the blanket to the side and rose from the bed without even the slightest care. Jay didn't mind in the slightest and watched her nude form as she walked over to a small water bucket and then clean herself.

Once she reached her crotch she flinched again and Jay got a glimpse at how sore it looked.

After she was done she looked at Jay with a smirk and then tossed him the cloth she had used. Slowly rising from the really not too comfortable bed, Jay walked over to the bucket as well. Not without holding her by her narrow waist on his way and planting a kiss on her neck as she tied up her hair though.

"The sea had really been cold back then, huh?" K.

"Told you." J.

"Yeah, can feel it even now…" K.

"That bad?" J.

"Yesterday? Hell no! Well, today it truly is, but I'll manage…" K.

Ignoring her attempt to tease him, or at least Jay thought it was one, he gave himself a quick wash and began picking up his clothes from all over the room just like Kathariel did herself. The least he had wanted was to hurt her in any way, but it seemed their first night together had truly been hard on her.

Once both were ready they walked over to the door that Kathariel unlocked. But instead of opening it directly she kept holding it shut for a moment until she turned around with a surprisingly serous expression.

"Y-you know… I…" K.

"I don't want this to be a one time thing if you want to ask that…" J.

"Eh?! I mean… yes, that's what I wanted to say as well. But what about-" K.

"You're asking about Mia and the o..ther...s?" J.

"Others? Just how many are there??? Oh, forget it! It's too late anyways…" K.

Jay had jumped forward and embraced Kathariel after his slight slip of tongue. She took a short while to calm down, but then had to give in as she had already made up her mind. In the end she stated that she was busy with her duties anyways, and getting a share of him was still more than any other man could give her. At least that was how she felt.

Just as she stated this, Jay got a small notification. Upon checking it, he learned that it was about the same blessing like Alexis, Mia and so on received. She got also listed in his follower section as (Lover) instead of the question marks from before.

Before they left Jay promised his latest lover that he would come back to Arathor when he had time like in holidays or something. There really was no way he wouldn't deepen their relationship when he had the time for it, but at the same time he knew it could take a while as he was unsure about those breaks.

After sharing a long and deep kiss, the two of them finally left her chamber and walked out of the building. Curious as why they didn't meet anybody on the way even if it was daytime, Jay noticed a few guards scurrying out of the way or closing doors until they reached the yard. Even there the few soldiers present seemed overly occupied with their training or work...

Once they reached the gate, Kathariel said her goodbyes once again and even kissed Jay one last time before hurrying back into the garrison. The Guards that had turned away from her gave Jay a thumbs up once she was out of sight, but the next moment they and even Jay shrugged back as they heard the Lieutenant yell over the whole Yard.

Of course she had also noticed their behavior and even Haggard and the officers inside the main building watching from the windows. Now they all had to face the reparations she demanded in the form of hellish training and an earful for the Commander.

Not caring in the slightest and with a wide smile, Jay walked back to the Inn in the best mood since a while. And the moment he entered the Inn, his mood even rose once more.

A face he hadn't expected to see but missed since quite a while was there, looking at him with a smirk but seemingly as happy as him. Alexis had apparently come back and left her seat to rush over at Jay the moments their eyes met.

With his arms wide open he was going to hug her when she got close, expecting a happy reunion. But instead Alexis grabbed his shirt, lifted the by then a good bit taller than her Jay up and slightly shook him.

"What the hell have you done to me???" A.

Before he could answer her though – not that he had an idea what she was talking about – Jay got dropped down and instead pulled in for a deep and demanding Kiss. During this the muscular beauty in front of him eased her tension and Jay finally had the chance to embrace her as she did the same.

They continued for a moment longer until there was a loud cough from behind Alexis.

"You two, take a room will you? Or take mine and include me!" M.

Everyone in the dining hall was stunned, not only Jay and Alexis but even the customers. The only ones seemingly unaffected were the family like employees.

As for Jay and Alexis, it was more the fact that Mia had gotten so open with it than the fact of her reprimanding them at all.

Once the mumbling settled down a bit, the three of them too a seat at their usual table for a talk. There were quite a lot subjects to tackle so after fetching a drink each, nothing alcoholic even for Alexis as it was still morning, they began.

Mia had already notified Alexis about a certain redhead elf seemingly having joined their ranks as Jay had not returned, earning him only raised brows from her. He really got baffled when Mia explained that she never booked him a room last night as she had been sure of what would happen, so it went to a customer.

She even had given Kathariel hints the last time she visited Haggard, explaining the Elves sudden progressiveness.

Once that was out of their minds, Jay explained what had happened in the royal court meeting and informed them about his honoring that was to come. It didn't seem to surprise them both and he learned that of course they had already gotten notified beforehand.

At least they promised to come and attend there as well, even stating they had to celebrate it thoroughly afterwards...