Yes! I Mean...

As I stand here stunned by the invitation made by Madison. I don't know what to say. But I do know that I have to say something. I gather my every last shred of courage that I have and say as confident as possible;

"Yeah, sure thing"

We walk to the car and I'm contemplating if I must open the car door for her or not. If I do, I might seem over-anxious because I like her. If I don't, it might come across as I'm not a gentleman.

My dad used to say "If you're unsure, then do the thing that scares you the most. It helps to build ones character and your confidence"

So, I decided to open the door for her, letting her know that I'm interested in her. We get to the car and I walk around, open the door for her. Then she smiles and says;

"Why...thank you, Detective"

Then Woodi decides to crack a joke about my already awkward situation.

"Are you also going to open for me?"

I smile and indulge him;

"Here you go, sir"

I walk back to the driver's side and get in. Then Woodi says;

"The restaurant is just a few blocks down the road on the right-hand side, you can't miss it. The owner is a retired cop. We try and support him best we can"

I rev the car a bit to see if Madison enjoys the sound. But it seems she's not that much interested in the sound of the car. That is strange as she specifically asked to drive in my car.

As I'm driving, I glance at her while she is staring out the window. Her skirt catches my attention and it creates an instant arousal in places that is clearly noticeable. I watch the way that her skirt teases to reveal more of her legs and now her thigh is playing with my senses.

Woodi speaks up and says;

"There it is, Blue Addicts"

"Okay, I have to give it to him, that's a cool name for a restaurant. looks familiar"

Madison smiles shyly and says;

"It should look familiar, that's where you bumped into me last night"

I am completely surprised by her and I just stand there while looking at her walking in. Woodi also walks in but then turns back and says;

"Are you coming?"

How did I not notice the name of the restaurant the first time? The same waiter that served me last night looks at me and says;

"Great. Paper towel guy..."

I just ignore him and walk on. We follow Madison to a booth and slide in. The waiter walks up, hands us the menu's and ask;

"Would you like something to drink?"

We all order our drinks but Woodi is on call and gets himself a cup of coffee.

I take a look at the menu.

"What's good around here? Last night I had chili-lime steak fajitas, that's was great. Anything else you can suggest?"

Woodi answers me almost immediately;

"The burgers are great"

Madison just smiles and says;

"I like the grilled fish, roasted potatoes, and a side salad. What are you in the mood for, Detective?"

What I am in the mood for, I can't let her know.

"I think I'm in the mood for a pizza. A Margherita with extra cheese and mushrooms"

I turn to Madison and ask her to please call you Tom when you're not in the office. She nods her in agreement and gives you a slight smile. The waiter comes back with our drinks and puts them on the table. He takes our food orders and leaves. Madison takes her wine glass, takes a sip, and asks me;

"So, Tom. Why policing as a career?"

"Well, in college I also wanted to become a lawyer. About halfway, I woke up one morning feeling that I wanted a job that can help me make the most difference. I realized that being a lawyer won't cut it. I want to go to the source of the crime, not just sit and wait until the case hits my desk. I think I just woke up to the realization that if I could only save one life, I'm making a difference. But it seems that in this world, hospitality, chivalry, courtesy has no place with humility anymore"

"I feel your pain, Tom, really I do. When looking at the cases that we handle daily, we try to put as many away as possible. But when tomorrow comes, the next few cases are on my desk. But I only see these criminals when I open the file but you guys and the beat cops walk into these scenes. You get to arrest them for what they have done. I look up to you and maybe I feel a little bit jealous myself"

I watch as she laughs at her own words and I can't help but wanting to take her hands and say without her we are nothing.

"Madison, I really need you to hear me. We need people like you. Without you, we can't do what we do, you put them away"

I make sure to look deep into her chocolate brown eyes when I say it because I really need her to hear me. But my thoughts are interrupted by the ringing of Woodi's phone. He picks it up and then stands up after the call.

"Sorry, guys seems like you are going to have to eat without me, duty calls"

"Should I give you a lift back?"

He lifts his hand in the air and then says he will take a cab and we should enjoy our meal.

"Don't forget to get me a doggy-bag"

We only laugh at him and then it is only Madison and me. The mood almost immediately changes and it feels more than awkward. But then I see her face reflecting against the candles on the tables while she is playing with wine and I know that I am in trouble. She will be the death of me.


I never thought that I would get time alone with Tom so quickly. This is exactly what I wanted but on the other hand, I don't know if it is such a good idea. I can't fall for a guy at work, not again. I can see that is uncomfortable and but when I look up from trying to avoid the awkwardness, I see him staring at me.

I can't help as a smile appears on my face and all I know is that I better say something and do it quick.

"So...are you settled in yet?"

I can't think of something better to say. I am a lawyer for godsakes! I should have come up with something better than that.


I am snapped out of my dream state and I clear my throat while answering her question.

"Oh...that...yeah...uh, no I am not. You know the entire drug bust thing? There is a lot you don't know yet. In short, I will probably stay at a motel tonight"

I watch as Madison's face turns into concern for me and she almost interrupts me without finishing my sentence when she says very excitingly.

"Sleep at my place!"

I almost go into shock at her outburst and it is clear that she did not mean to say it like that.

"...what I mean to say is...You can always sleepover at my place. I mean I have enough room and anyway, I can't let a fellow colleague sleep out on the streets..."

The color of her face is now darker than the red of the wine she is drinking. I can't help but smile as this woman in front of me just keeps on pulling me closer to her. I know that it would be a big mistake to say yes but I can't stop the words escaping my mouth.

"Yes! I mean...are you sure about that?"

Suddenly her eyes change to a seriousness I have never seen.

"Yes. I would not have it any other way"