Thanks to all you wonderful readers. I hope you enjoy this one.

Luke's POV

I can't believe he actually blocked my ATM card. He blocked all of my cards! In a month I won't be able to fuel that freaking Honda. Just great, the old fool had to decide now he wants to be a dad.

I run my fingers through my hair.

If only things hadn't... We can only wish right? Even wishing it doesn't go back and change the past. That's just how life is.

I let out a sigh and drive down to Starbucks to meet my group of friends. I enter the building after composing myself and I start heading towards our usual table when I suddenly freeze.

I seriously cannot deal with this right now! Just why can someone tell me is Alexia and her group here.

"Hey man" Dave greets me as soon as he sights me.

As I get to the table I ignore the girls and we guys exchange bro hugs and handshakes as I sit down. " guy talk excuse us ladies. "

Alexia looks quite surprised while her minions seem to be glaring at me.

Now what did I do wrong again?

I turn my head slowly and face the girls with a glare of my own. This seems to scare them as they quickly stand up, packing their things.

Just when I turn my head back to face the guys, I hear my name called out angrily by my so-called girlfriend. I fix a nonchalant stare on her.

" when you remember how to apologize, you know how to get me" she says storming off once more.

I am so fucking tired of all her bullshit.

" hey Ally " I smile seeing her smirk as she turns to face me

"get yourself another boyfriend. we're done. "

The smirk falls off her face and her expression is priceless. She gains her composure and starts talking again.

Will someone please just shut her up?

" You better be joking or else..." she begins trying to threaten me.

" or else what? " I ask her in a threatening tone.

She keeps quiet and chooses to utter no further words. She tries to act all dramatic and fake once again by pretending to be on the verge of tears and I simply roll my eyes unaffected by her charade.

" not to break your heart sweetheart - not that you have one - but here's the thing. You make a shitty girlfriend and I'm trying to get rid of excess baggage here. So of course you do understand the predicament under which this was done." I finish with a smirk .

The guys who had been snickering and chuckling all along, burst out laughing as Alexia huffs and storms out with her minions on her tail who seem scared to stay too close to her.

" finally " I hear Jack say as he picks up his drink.

" finally what? " I ask raising my left eyebrow in a confused manner.

" you finally broke up with her man. God she was so fucking annoying. "

" man you have got moves seriously. I mean I always end up getting slapped when I break up with my girlfriends. " Dave says sounding amused.

I see the other guys nod in agreement.

I see the guys nod in agreement but Russ decides to add his own two cents. " then again it's probably because you don't play smart.

I just roll my eyes at their unnecessary talk and move on to to the real reason I'm here. I tell the guys about what Mrs Richards said earlier and what my dad said when he called. How he had blocked all my credit cards and how broke I was.

They all stare at me with no surprise at all and right now I'm totally confused.

" anything else ?" Russ who has been quiet all along asks.

" uhmm nooo... " I reply sounding confused. " I don't get it why aren't you guys surprised or at least worried for me?"

" simple man we're in the same predicament as you." Dave answers sipping from his drink.

No way, I see Russ buying new clothes every week. Dave's ever fueling his car, that thing eats gas. Jack has quite a number of new sneakers. So how the hell are they in the same predicament as me?

" yeah right. I'm not kidding so can you please not joke now. "

" Seriously man. Okay let's explain." Dave says putting the drink down. " my dad died when I was seven, my mom had to take care of us but has been sick since two years back. Which left me to take care of my two siblings. "

" while my parents are never around, by that I mean touring the world. " Russ continues. "Which also means they forget to pay the house bills, school fees and my allowance fees. Leaving me to fend for myself. "

Then Jack enters like a perfectly planned tale. " both of my parents died when I was six. I have been living with my maternal uncle who spends all his time in a bottle. I would be out of school right now if it were up to him. My life goals are to finish school, get out of that fucking house as soon as I turn eighteen and make a life for myself. so my dear friend what we are telling you here is that you need a..."

" a life? " I ask not quite sure.

They all sigh.

" no a job " Russ answers looking annoyed. " you need a job if you're going to survive and you should also get someone to help you with your studies.

Yeah no can do and here comes the shocking part guys.

" I've never worked before , which means I don't know how. But I can try and get someone to teach me. "

" domestic chores? " Dave asks looking amused.

I shake my head sideways.

" waiting tables? " Russ asks with disbelief.

Same answer.

" mowing lawns. " Jack asks clearly irritated.

Now I pause and think back to when I lived with mom.

We never had a reason to cook for ourselves because we had servants. Something my dad forgot while bringing me here. He left me in a house without a cook only a cleaning staff. Although I could cook several dishes without trouble, I don't find much joy in cooking anymore.

As for waiting tables, I played the perfect host whenever mom held one of her cocktail parties but it's most definitely not the same thing.

But mowing lawns is something I might be able to try. So as long as the mower doesn't decide to chase me round the garden like it did summer last year. I remember looking tired, the garden totally ruined and my mom smiling down at me from the window. The last time I saw her smile.

" I have worked a mower before but it didn't go down as well as I expected. " I answer briskly.

" no problem we can help you work that one out." Jack answers signaling the waitress over.

I just nod my head then as an after thought I add " thanks " .

The waitress comes over I order chocolate ice cream and a hamburger to go.

" So where do I get this job? " I ask realising I have no idea on how to get a job.

" first of all we'll show you how to work the mower at Russ's place. Then as to your question let's just say I know a neighborhood where you can get up to two or three jobs. "

We pay our bills while I take my food to go.

~ ~ ~

The next day, we leave school together and head toward the neighborhood Jack had been talking about.

I am filled with self confidence and a lot of body pains. But yeah I know I'm good for this job. According to Jack for someone just learning I'm pretty good at mowing.

We arrive at the estate. It has a house surrounded by several carefully cut shrubs, short bushes and assorted flowers.

Suddenly I feel my self-esteem plunker down.

The door is answered by a man with a great physique and an even better smile. For some reason I like him. He looks like one of those guys mom used to say you could trust . It could be that.

It is then I recognise him. Lucas Gail. A well made man in the business world both mom and dad have done business with him.

We answer with smiles on our own faces .

He makes us laugh, comfortable, before he finally gets down to business.

He makes me give the mower a try. Then finally we shake hands on my new job after talking about the terms and conditions.

I smile and stand up to take my leave when I see a barefooted jean clad girl with a yellow crop top at the base of the stairs. I am thinking cute when I look closer.

My eyes pop open and the only thought that enters my head is this day is seriously not going my way.

Author's note

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