Linda's POV

It takes about twenty minutes to get to Libby's house. it is this huge yellow bungalow with lots of rooms. It is surrounded by lots of flowers of different varieties as well as scents which gives it a homey scent as much as the lemon scent which hangs in the air from the cleaning agent used. Without even entering, I can see the rooms and remember running through them when I was little. Libby could have chosen to live with any of her children but yet she chooses to live alone in this house because it is her own little heaven. One that gives her sweet memories of Liam's grandfather, the love of her life who had died years before Liam was born and whom Liam was named after.

It amazes me that one could choose to live alone with only memories.

But then again my past memories have been soiled by hurt and betrayal.

I shut down the engine and place the keys in my purse.

Just as I step out, Austin comes out the door, smirking. " I thought you'd never... " the smirk drops off his face, and he takes long strides towards the car, practically drooling. " is that...is that a Lamborghini. "

Now that's the reaction I was looking for. You shut up, you drool, you stutter and the one I love the most, you beg me for the car keys. Cause that's right, I'm in charge Austin not you.

" you know a little kid like you ain't supposed to be driving. So I think I'm just gonna take those keys off your hands little lady. " he says trying to grab my purse but I run out of his reach and straight into the house.

" I think you should beg. " I say laughing and running and doing so I stumble into some really good looking guy.

Blonde hair styled backward with one curl almost touching his eyes. Blue crystal like eyes hinting of amusement, light pink lips that have me licking mine and the most wonderful jaw I've ever seen.

You've got to be kidding me! " Liam! Liam! Liam!!! " I scream throwing myself at him and holding on like I would never let him go.

" okay! okay! I know you haven't seen me since forever, but you don't have to squeeze the life out of me. " he says laughing.

I finally let go of him but result to hitting him instead.

He jumps back and starts taking in deep breathes.

I feel tears stinging my eyes and turn away before he can see them.

He turns me around, and pulls me to his chest while he strokes down my hair.

I let the tears flow and hold on to his black jacket. " you should have told me you were coming. Why didn't you tell me? I missed you so much. "

" I missed you more. There was no day I didn't think of you. " he lets out a sigh and just holds on for a few more seconds then pulls back to have a really good look at me. " well don't you look pretty. Bet you've been beating off all the guys with sticks. "

I wince and try pulling off a happy grin, which probably ends up as a suspicious one.

" I told you to try socializing, I want you to make friends. I know people can't be trusted but still not everyone ends up hurting you. There are people like your dad out there Linda. People who'll care for you and never let you go. "

" well, you're here so that doesn't matter anymore. You're gonna stay right? "

" yeah, I'm staying. " he says tugging on my hair and smiling into my eyes.

" Before this gets into the gross factor, seeing as you guys totally forgot I'm here. You should give me your keys while we head into the living room, where everyone's waiting. " Austin tries snatching my purse again but I hold it firm and at the same time keep it out of reach. " fine then, think about it this way, if you lend me your car for like a week. Then Liam the love of your life has no choice but to drive you all through the week. "

I swear my cheeks are flaming red and the room just got hotter. Did he have to say that?

Liam starts laughing. " that doesn't seem like a bad idea. "

Did the world just get brighter or is it just me?

I can't help grinning like a fool.

" I can't believe you're letting my son get all the attention. "

I whip my head around to see Diana McCourt, Liam's mother who is Libby's baby girl.

I can't help but envy her. In a simple blue body fit dress, black pumps, and her blonde hair let down, Diana looks absolutely stunning.

I run into her arms and hug her like there's no tomorrow. " you all came back. "

" yeah, we did. You and I have a lot to talk about " she says rubbing down my hair like Liam had done earlier, only in a way a mom would do.

I have really missed her.

We all walk into the cheery living room to find Libby and Leon McCourt, Liam's dad waiting. The funny thing is they're both glaring at each other.

" Diana will you tell your husband that I'm not moving in with you even if he gagged me and tied me up. " she says scowling.

" Diana will you tell your mother that she's just being stubborn and to move in already. " he says crossing his arms over his chest.

I can't help but laugh out loud which causes both of them to scowl in my direction.

Diane only sighs and moves to sit on the arm of her husband's chair where she plays with his hair and laughs at his childish antics to make her mother move in with them.

That open display of affection they've always had between the two of them has never failed to amaze me.

After their childish banter, Libby takes a turn to lash out at each and everyone of us. We later have lunch prepared by Libby which consists of chicken pot pie, blue berry pie, mashed potatoes among other delectable dishes. We sit around, talking like we used to.

It feels like they were never gone.

At long last I give Austin the car keys and Liam drives me home. We stand outside my house, watching the sun set and talk for a little while.

He stays to watch me walk to the door safely before he drives off.

I can see a thousand stars all sparkling brightly through the windows and I feel fireworks going off inside of me. I step into my room feeling extremely happy, and recall today's events which makes me giddy as hell. I chuckle out loud unable to hold it in.

" I bet you had a good time. " Luke says standing at the window.

" Luke! " I say completely surprised.

Oh my God! I totally forgot about our group reading.

" I waited for you to get back. The least you could have done was to tell me you were not going to be back in time for the group reading. But you were too busy thinking about Austin to even care that I would wait. " He says striding off to the door.

I grab his hand hoping he would listen to me " Luke I'm... "

" don't say you're sorry. Don't say it because you don't understand what it feels like to wait for someone, hoping they would come and then they don't. " he grunts in frustration. He takes my hand off his as if to put some space between both of us. He runs his hands through his hair and places both of his hands on my face, looking into my eyes.

" I...I... "

I look into his eyes and can see the confusion, frustration and something else I can't quite describe. My heart picks up speed and I feel a thousand emotions going on inside of me. But my heart beat gradually slows down as he drops his hands from my face.

" your dad went to the office, he won't be back for sometime he gave me the house keys to give to you, they're on the reading table. I won't be able to come tomorrow, so see you on Monday. " he walks out of the room, not even waiting for my reply.

I turn around to find the keys on the reading table. I sit on the bed confused with my own feelings. Guilt , regret and something else I'm too scared to figure out. I understand what I feel guilty about but what is it that I regret?

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