Luke's POV

I finally shook myself to leave the doorway where I'd been intruding on their privacy. Seeing them like this, makes me lean against the wall and close my eyes as I suffer from the onslaught of memories. Tears roll down my cheeks as I remember her begging me to forgive her for leaving me, as I remember her doing everything to please me and remember how she pushed me away from our home, to leave her to gradually die and I wasn't even aware. I clean my face and turn towards the room to see if Linda is okay.

The old lady is asleep but Linda and Esperanza sit back talking to each other with tears still in their eyes. They hug each other and Linda heads out towards me.

I immediately hug her and rub my hand softly down her back, as she sobs and shakes badly.

My eyes catches Esperanza's, she mouths a quiet thank you to me and I nod my head in reply. I pull Linda away with her still crying, even when we get to the car, I place her on my lap so she can cry her heart out.

After sometime, she calms down enough to stop crying but she now seems frail and weak, unable to move.

I place her in the passenger seat, where she stares out with empty eyes. I drive her home and place her on her bed.

I might be falling for you Linda but I won't let it go further than this. You love Liam not me. I would only be hurting you if I choose to be something other than your friend. But one thing is for sure, I'll take care of you. I won't let anyone hurt you, not even myself.


I check myself out in the mirror, all decked out in an ice blue suit, leaving a few buttons open at the top and my playboy hair style seemingly perfect. I have to admit how good looking I actually am.

I grab my car keys and head outside to my Jeep, silently noting the fact that my dad and his wife are presently absent from the house.

As soon as I arrive at Linda's, I see the driveway packed to capacity with cars.

Mr Gail's partners must be quite influential for people to turn up like this.

I see a car which looks like the BMW in the garage at my father's house.

Probably a car most businessmen tend to buy.

I shrug off the feeling of uncertainty nagging me and head into the house from which soft music is presently heard. I move past the living room to the two doors by the stairs, taking the second door as I remember the first being Mr Gail's office and from the music which is emanating from the second room - the hall.

I step in and the soft beats and lyrics flows over me like a balm, as I take in the decoration. Cream coloured linens intertwined with ice blue linens covered tables filled with food.

Great now I'm matching colours with the linens.

I can see sparkling chandeliers hanging on the a backdrop to the people in the room, all dressed to oust one another. Some are huddled together, while some move from group to group.

I keep searching around for a familiar face, when I spot our general study group - excluding Linda, Esperanza, Alex and Cassy, and including Veronica - all huddled together. I quickly make my way over to them, ignoring the seductive looks being sent my way and thanking God that I don't have to stand alone for long. Jack sights me and waves me over. Veronica flashes me a brilliant smile with her eyes lighting up, I smile back at her and we all exchange greetings. We all talk about random things to while away time and swirl drinks in our hands, which we use to compliment the wonderful pastries we are presently eating.

I finally see the one person I've been wanting to see all evening.

She looks beautiful in her red evening gown which hugs all the right places and flows down her waist - slightly loose. She moves from group to group the smile on her face making her more beautiful than the makeup on her face can ever make her. She finally turns in my direction and waves as she makes her way over. She hugs Liam and greets the rest of us.

That I must say, finally brings me out of the slight daze I am in. " you look beautiful. " I say complimenting her the best I can, cause if I am to admit it, no words can express how beautiful she truly looks.

My heart skips a bit when she smiles up at me with her eyes gleaming. I note the faint blush on her face which makes me undeniably happy. " thank you. " she replies not quite looking me in the eyes.

Alex and Cassy make their way over to us from the door which I'd entered through. Alex's hair seems a bit scattered and he has scratches on his neck. I don't miss the hickey on Cassy's neck or her satisfied smile.

Just great.

I'm about rolling my eyes when two familiar figures catch my eyes. I try denying the fact that the last people I want to see are presently standing in the same room as me, my father and his wife. For some reason, my mind goes back to the week I'd made that deal with Linda and Mr Gail's words when I'd seen him outside.

' you don't think i'd hire you without knowing who you are? '

My father wouldn't be keeping an eye on me now, would he? I'm probably taking everything a tad bit much. After all my mom and father have been doing business with him. So why do I have this nagging feeling? It's bloody uncomfortable.

I watch Mr Gail climb the platform at the front of the room and it's then I notice the DJ who is well hidden.

Mr Gail hits his glass slightly to garner our attention. " I want to thank you all for gracing this occasion. I know most of you would have been quite busy as this is probably one of the only days you can get rest from the busy week. Believe me I know, so don't be offended if I fall asleep making this speech "

People start laughing probably relating to him.

" man what a busy week can do to yah " he says twisting his neck from side to side.

This only causes people laugh harder than before.

But I can't find myself laughing only feeling uneasy.

" well what can I say, I really can't thank you wonderful people enough. " he says which earns him claps and cheers. " now as for the reason why we are here, it's to have fun and drop dead. Sorry just kidding, told yah, busy week, fuzzy brain. " he says shaking his head as if to wake up, while people chuckle under their breathes " well today we all will be welcoming back some partners of mine who I'm glad to say are back home. I could stand here and talk all night about them being this and that and then act like they're some kind of celebrities you'all don't know - not saying they aren't amazing or anything - but we all know them as our friends and boy am I glad to introduce them to you all. Please help me welcome back the McCourt's, the Monroe's, the Corero's and last but not the least the Matthew's. "

A loud round of applause breaks out all around me, while I keep telling myself that my father and Linda's dad do business together, so there's no harm in them being partners.

I see Mr Gail look me in the eye while he wears a smirk and an unmistakable gleam shinning so bright that leaves me questioning my earlier thoughts.

From my hazy vision, I see Linda, Liam, Alex and Cassandra leave towards their families. Apparently Cassandra is actually Cassandra Corero,whose family is also a partner's of Mr Gail.

I feel someone hold my arm and look down to see Veronica looking up at me with a smile. " you're supposed to go meet your dad " she says smiling.

I hold her arm and stir us towards their direction. After all I and my father belong to a family.

From the corner of my eyes I see Jack looking curiously at me, while Dave and Russ look plain confused.

Jack finally fills the puzzle and his eyes widen in shock for a moment, then he starts waving maniacally at me to abort whatever plan I have in mind.

But I just smirk while he makes a fool of himself.

When we arrive at the group which is large and a bit suffocating for me, I see Linda's eyes on my hands holding Veronica's. I feel a bit guilty like a boyfriend caught cheating but I tighten my resolve by asking Veronica to dance with me after this. After all she's dating Liam not me.

Fine I know I am taking my anger out on Linda but I've bloody lost it with all this tension at the base of my neck. I hate the thought that he had someone watching me all this time.

So I avoid looking at her, while I feel her angry gaze on me.

She bloody hell doesn't have any reason to be mad.

I face my father instead who hasn't noticed my presence in their lovely group, not.

I wonder how he will react to seeing me here.

Author's note

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