Dedicated @Mary_Poff thanks alot for the powerstones.

Linda's POV

I go back into the house only to see Miguel and that Bruno guy whispering to each other. I wonder how they can even hear each other.

I try to sneakily draw close to them without drawing their attention but my plan backfires when my knee comes in contact with a table holding a vase.

" ouch! ouch! " I yell hopping on one foot.

Damnit what's the stupid table made of?

I look up to see Bruno raise an eyebrow and then say " that...was plain pitiful. "

Even Miguel tries to hide the fact that he is actually smiling.

' Can this get any more embarrassing? '

No I refuse to be embarrassed.

I glare at them and roll my eyes at Bruno when he smirks at me for being caught.

Miguel uses his eyes to signal Bruno to leave us alone. But the guy refuses to take a hint. After a few seconds he finally succumbs to Miguel's dark gaze that I can't just deny definitely makes me want to shit my pants.

With Bruno gone and just the two of us left. I feel the shame at being caught come back.

I should probably apologize but all I can do is look up to the ceiling waiting for the ground to swallow me up.

I'm shocked when Miguel chuckles. He sounds so much like my late Father and looks identical to him as well.

He must have noticed the sad look on my face because he wipes the smile off his face and looks at me seriously but that still doesn't change the fact that he is the mirror image of my father just like I am the mirror image of my mother.

Although Nikon seems to have gotten rid of everything that ever belonged to my mother including her pictures. Her face is one memory I can never forget. It plays like a never ending video. Her smiles, the sound of her laughter, I guess pretty much everything about her.

I'm brought back to the present by Miguel's next words.

" you should be careful. Around here sneaking up on people can get you killed. "

" is it because of their reflex actions or because of the secrets I just might find out? " I ask him testily.

He narrows his eyes at me almost glaring.

" I might be a child but I'm not stupid. "

He rolls his eyes and then says. " just be careful and stop sneaking around. There are eyes on you Isabella. I don't want anything happening to you. I'm saying this for your own good. " he finishes placing his hand on my arm.

I shake it off and reply him coldly " I know. " Then I try walking off.

" you should stop acting like a know it all. You might be smart but if you were really all that smart you'd realize that you're hurting your grandmother and that boy who is still in the infirmary by the way. " he says and walks off before I can even say a word to him in reply.

Whatever! How can he say what he wants and then walk off?

' but you were about to do just that. '

Ugh! Shut up will you?!

' do you really want to keep on hurting those around you? You know in the end you end up hurting because you're not a mean person Lindy. You're more than that. '

I sigh agreeing with my annoying mind because honestly I'm tired of keeping all this grudge inside of me and if I actually think about it Luke already explained most of what happened to me. I guess I kind of let Nana's death affect me badly. Even grandmother deserves my forgiveness she also lost a son.

I don't think I can talk to Luke just yet but I should make amends with my grandmother.

I go through the house wondering where I can find her. Instead I meet Esperanza who still looks sorry but she was right I was being a dumb bitch.

Before she can open her lips and apologize I beat her to it.

" Ranza I'm sorry. You were right. " we hug each other and all of a sudden everything seems to be right in the world. " when I heard that Nana died and with everything else that happened it felt like I had no one else but you and then hearing you defend the boys I kind of lost it and refused to listen to reason. " I tell her feeling terrible for the way I had been acting all this while.

" it wasn't completely your fault. " she says in that calm voice that reminds me of Nana. " I should have understood you better. What I said about Nana being disappointed in you was wrong. She would have understood and also known how to bring you around. I guess I've also been pretty much lost without her. But I think everything else I said was right. "

I can't help but laugh pulling away from her. " typical "

" whatever " she says rolling her eyes.

I sigh and then take her hand. " I need to find my grandmother. I should clear things up between us. "

" you're right. It might hurt but you're doing the right thing. " Esperanza says encouraging me by squeezing my hand. " I know where she is. There is this little sitting room close to the kitchen no one really notices it so it's always empty. I met her there on a particular day I had just wanted to think by myself. "

I can see the sad look in her eyes. She's probably remembering Nana.

I have been so wrapped up in my issues and myself I've failed to check up on her.

" are you okay? " I ask her feeling bad.

She smiles a bit at me and then replies. " I'll be fine. After all I've got my sister with me. "

" I have been such a terrible sister. " I say close to tears.

" we've both been terrible sisters but you don't have to worry about that anymore. Now we've got each other. So we'll both be fine. " she says hugging me one more time.

Author's note

I'm sorry this is short but please bare with me. I was swamped with house chores so I couldn't update.

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