I'm sorry I couldn't update sooner. This chapter got deleted so I had to write it all over again.

This chapter is dedicated @Als_darkangel and Tiffany_McConkey. Thank you so much for all your support. Your comments truly motivate me. And thanks for the review Als. 💜

Linda's POV

Brunette hair slicked back with gel framing a face with high cheekbones and hazel eyes are the first thing I see. And it would have been nice if not for the ugly ass goatee.

What idiot let this guy out like that?

A perverse grin spreads on his face and I suddenly feel this urge to punch him.

Maybe it would help fix his attitude and the goatee.

He runs his eyes over me in a way that makes my skin crawl.

I narrow my eyes at him but the idiot doesn't seem to be able to take a hint.

" she looks like her mother. " he says.

It's then I notice Nikon standing directly behind him.

There's a warning in his eyes to be nice to his guest.