As always, dedicated to all my wonderful readers. Your support gives me joy. 💜

Linda's POV

My next class is physics which I have with only Jack. I get there on time thankfully - just as the warning bell goes off - and I'm able to pick a seat of my choice.

The class slowly fills up and soon enough Jack arrives. He sits next to me and nods at me in greeting.

Typical Jack, always hard to draw a smile out of him.

I roll my eyes and hit him with my textbook, causing him to let out a slight grin.

Just as the last bell goes off, the teacher arrives drawing our attention.

I was expecting a bald middle aged man with a bulging gut or a tall thin man with huge glasses but I get the surprise of my life when a middle aged, blonde, model like lady struts into the class and claims to be our teacher. This has got to be a joke.