Dedicated to all my wonderful readers. Karyn, Jessica, Alicia, Durojaiye_Adenike, Durojaiye_Adenike_6831, Zee01, Clara Cannon thanks for your support. Please read the note beneath the chapter, I'm hoping it touches someone. 💜

Linda's POV

When I get to the estate, the lights are still on. Probably because tomorrow is a weekend. I let myself in after Alessandro has left. When I get in, everyone is awake. 

Don Alonso has a smile on his face as does Costanza but hers is not completely as pleased as Nikon's. 

Miguel's face is blank but there's this look in his eyes and that of my friends that has me questioning the atmosphere and situation I'm stepping into. 

" Welcome, Isabella. " The tone he uses sounds happy, extremely happy. 

Whatever is good for Nikon is bad for me. So what the hell is going on?

My brows lift waiting for him to spoil my mood as usual.