Dedicated to all my wonderful readers. Please read the note beneath the chapter, I'm hoping it touches someone. 💜

Alessandro's POV

I sit in the car with my men waiting for him to show up. 

As usual, Esteban comes out of the alleyway he went to smoke in with his friends. From what we found out he doesn't have to be in the store today with his mother and he is not meeting with anyone. 

We follow him closely until we get to another alley where there is no one. 

I signal my men to get him now and they move quickly and efficiently without drawing attention to themselves. 

Soon enough, they bring him with them, knocked out cold. 

We drive off to one of the many hideouts my family has. 

Hours later when Esteban junior wakes up, his hands are bound as well as his legs and his mouth is gagged. 

I stand behind the two way mirror waiting for the interrogation to begin.