Chapter 150

Dedicated to all my wonderful readers. Thanks for all the support you've been giving me. There's a new ranking system being used on webnovel, called the Golden Tickets. It gets activated when you buy certain gifts for the book and it gives the books it's used on more publicity. Update your app if you are yet to see it. Please read the note beneath the chapter, I'm hoping it touches someone. Thank you 💜

Alessandro's POV

I know that look. 

" Alessandro, Miguel would be grateful for all we're doing for his daughter but he wouldn't want you to risk your life in a careless manner. " He says in a strict tone. 

" I wasn't being careless. " I try to argue. 

" Are you going to tell me that you weren't expecting that there would be much people trying to kill Esteban Dominguez? " he raises an eyebrow. 

" That's why I took Matteo with me. " I say reasonably.