
"Getting Erico shouldn't be an issue right?" I ask him concerned. 

What if he makes another attempt to kill me? Or worse, my friends?

Miguel looked skeptical. "It shouldn't if he still thinks we are not on to him. But if he thinks otherwise, then he might have gone into hiding already. The truth is I can't be sure because he was sent on  mission. He should be back by this evening."

There's no time to waste. "Try to get a hold of him now. So he doesn't suspect."

"I will" he promises and then takes his leave. 

We stand there watching his car drive away.

Luke takes my hand in his and gives me a gentle squeeze. 

Here's to hoping once again. 


It's been a couple of days since the last time Miguel came here and I'm yet to hear from him. 

I hope everything is well on his side.

Training has been going well. Considering no one has had broken bones yet. I guess that qualifies as well.