I Will Get My Revenge Later

This is the lower realm and Heaven Realm is the highest cultivation realm.

Body Refining Realm, this realm has 9th stages...

"First two stages, it strengthens skins. The third, to fifth stages, strengthen muscles. The sixth to seventh stages strengthens bones and eight to nine stages strengthens organs"

After one reaches the peak Body Refining stage, one can start the cultivation technique.

After comes Foundation Realm, which has 9th stages same as Body Refining realm but it's a major realm for cultivators because this foundation stage built your foundation. If your foundation is weak then tell me are you confident to break through to the higher realm... Never.

Then comes Earth realm which ...Hmm I'm an Earth Stage Cultivator " The Old man said and looked at Sky Ming's reaction but this boy looked like listening to a boring lecture, something like a lowly thing.

Sure enough, this boy is no ordinary thing, I know it, haha!

After Sky Realm, the current highest realm in this world, sky stage cultivator .... enables flying to the Sky but Qi consumes very high rate so few people would enjoy sky journeys.

And then comes The Legendary Heaven Realm, which realm was your goal if you want to war against The Goddess." The old man finished his long lecture.

Sky Ming sigh! If I want my revenge I have to break through Heaven Realm .... Sky I can do this.

Old man, tell me the fastest way to the breakthrough heaven realm, Sky Ming said with determination.

Uh! Ah! The fastest way is fighting with a demonic beast or eating pills but boy, don't rush, taking pills only weakens your foundation and only the manic would fight all the time, they're like a killing machine. Take your time boy, only strong will would determine who will last laugh.

Sky Ming pondered for a few seconds and shook his head "I want to destroy this bitch as soon as possible. She is such a pain ass! Eyesore.

Fu*...Ah! Boy don't say something like that, am I not warn you enough. She Goddess in this world, it's a major crime, if she heard us all of us would doom for real. I'm not even looking at the world enough, do you want me to die at this young age! The Old Man said in a hurry!

If I do not know that you are a higher realm cultivator, I'm the one fast killing you for talking nonsense about the creation goddess, and by the be, you're the fastest cultivator I have seen in my all life and you want to recover your strength in one day. Lol boy lol, just go and die! Old Man said in his mind angrily.


Huh! What the hustle-bustle there? Old Man said hurriedly as he feared that he would just die if he stayed there.

Sky Ming looked at the statue and said in a low voice "Live your remaining few days happy life, I will come back and hell spank you like a hell! Hamn!"

He started to follow the old man cuz he knew here no one, only this talkative knew him!

You are not worthy of being called a goddess. You say you will protect all humans in this world but why did my family die in the beast tide? Why? Tell me why? A young-looking man said and at the same time crying like a child.

"Poor Boy doesn't say that the goddess has no time, she bears greater responsibility." Few old men were consoling this young man.

Sob my family torn by a beast one by one in front of me but where are you then? You Fu** B...

Boom! Suddenly a thunderbolt struck him and he was blasted by the thunderbolt, his body parts scattered in a vast field but at the same time, few fireballs hit his body parts and then be gone for real. There are no traces left in this world.

Hiss! The crowd felt chill their spine!

Sky Ming felt the world was spinning, are you even a human. Holy mother god! His world view changed in an instant!

Who dare to cruise the Holy Creation Goddess! Are you all forgetting her contribution! If not for her holy defeating the Demon Lord, would you all live in peace Huh!

Who would defy her holy punishment would receive the same as him. A dominating voice echoing in the vast field!

All of them looked in the sky and saw a middle-aged man floating in the sky!

All of them look at him with awe and fear. Sky Ming"s only one word echoing "F**K!

Boy, he was the world's top sect 50th elder 'Hou Shen' the Heavenly Sect, and this sect founded by her holy Creation Goddess! The old man said slowly to Sky Ming.

And at the same time thinking his mind "Please don't speak nonsense this time, please. I did not even eat my 5th concubine.

Am I clear? Hou Shen said loudly.

Yes... All the people said at the same time!

Long live Her Holy!

Long live her hoy!

All the people shouting like a maniac.

Hou Shen satisfied these people and started to fly to the west like a top boss.



Sky Ming looked at the idiot's crowds including the old man and speechless!

Ok, I'm in no hurry, I will get my revenge later! Hamn! Sky Ming lamenting his fate!

666! Sky Ming started to shout with the retard crowd!