412. Origin of Oroborus

Magnus returned to the castle inside the cave with the two Nifflers. He quickly put them on the ground and ordered, "Okay, find me treasure, you two."

The two happily saluted and started sniffing around, while ignoring Emma, fawning over them and trying to pick them up. They sniffed everyone, one even tried to climb onto Ragnar's pocket, only to get slapped away, "Don't take my gold, you fools. Find the hidden one,"

While the other one was acting strange, he was constantly sniffing the ground and trying to dig it. But it was a hard stone so he could not. Magnus helped, "Is there something?"

He cast a charm to make space, lifting the block of stone out. Soon enough, the niffler dragged out the skeleton of a rat. Magnus quickly started doubting the fluffy sniffer, "Umm... gold, like this coin. This is what I want you to find,"

But, even after an hour, all he had dug out was rat skeletons and a human skull. The human skull was useful for Ragnar though. But still, "Where is the gold? What is wrong with you man? Alpha or Beta? Why are you digging bones? It's literally in your biology to find gold."

"REEEEE..." The niffler became annoyed and slipped through, running off to somewhere.

"What is wrong with this guy?" Emma wondered and followed the cute niffler.

Magnus meanwhile put his hopes on the other guy who was actually looking for gold.


3 hours later,

It had been an exhausting few hours and it was night outside. It was pointless to continue the search right now, it was better to rest for the night.

However, Emma had not returned so he contacted her with the ring, "Where are you?"

She told them that she was helping the Niffler dig something big. It was too deep and seemed to be leading to some sort of secret passage. Magnus worried that it might be something harmful to Emma, so they postponed resting and instead went to her.

"What is the useless Niffler doing?" he asked.

Emma defended, "Hey, don't call him that, he's working extra hard."

*SQUEAK* the Niffler also voiced.

Fair enough, they got to digging as well. What made Magnus even more excited was the fact that the real gold lover Niffler also started to dig, this meant there was something important in there.

Quickly Magnus started using Merlin's staff to dig out huge chunks of stones and mud. Slowly, the hole became deeper and deeper. *CLANK* Finally they felt something metallic. There was no place to put keys, just the symbol of the clan was etched on it. "Oye Rag, come down here. I need your handprint again,"

It was a hole just enough for the two to stand in, and under their feet was the metal door. "WAI...!"

Before he could warn, Ragnar had put his palm on it. But then he looked at Magnus' face in panic, "FUCK!"


The door opened, two fell with loud screams. "AAAAA..."

"AAAAA... wait... we're not falling." Magnus realised quickly as he felt his ass on a cold hard floor.

"What the..." he got up and looked out of the hole. It still showed Emma and Severus' heads. But... "How is this possible? We fell vertically down, then how are we standing on a wall as if this is the correct floor."

"Magic, Mag. What else can it be," Ragnar grunted, Magnus had fallen on him after all.

"Emma, you jump, I will catch you," he quickly helped her and Severus to come down. The place was dark however and they could not see anything.

"Lumos," they cast spells. Magnus instead cast a flying Lumos that could stay in the air and illuminate the entire place. What they saw did shock them. They seemed to be inside some sort of a crept, there was one casket made of marble in the middle of the room, on top of it were a few candles. While the entire room seemed to be dome-shaped. On the entire dome, lots of art and old language were etched.

"It seems this is it, Rag. That's most likely the grave of your first ancestor or something. Be careful touching it," Magnus suggested.

Ragnar did walk around in caution, he noticed lots of runes on the floor, as did Magnus and Severus. "This entire place seems to have a purpose," Ragnar said.

After checking all the runes, they found it was leading directly to the grave in the middle. The only way to find out what it led to was to check the casket. Ragnar stepped forward to put his hand on it as Magnus kept his staff ready to meet with anything

Ragnar pressed his hand on the marble slab. From where he touched it, a web of light started to spread around, lighting up each and every crack on the ground, in the walls and even the art and words on the dome ceiling. Ragnar quickly stepped back, fearing something might come out of the casket.

Slowly the entire room was basking in the magical light, then out of the casket came a translucent figure, it soon took its complete form and seemed as real as alive. The man in question looked old, he was wearing armour and smoking a pipe. On one hand was a staff that was also a spear. The most notable thing was his long bread and half of his face covered in scales like that of a dragon.

"Who are you?" the old man asked them in a heavy tone.

Ragnar replied, "I am Ragnar Ulrik Oroborus, the last remaining Oroborus,"

The old man sighed, "Such a tragedy. I am Vanir Oroborus. What year is this?"

"What are you first of all? Are you alive again?" Magnus interrupted.

Vanir suddenly hovered over to Magnus and looked him in the eyes, "Ah, a dragon, a successful one at that. Magnificent. No, I am not alive. This magic shall last as long as you all are in this hall, once you leave, this memory, this consciousness too shall fade away. It's a set of complex runes that can transfer one's mind for a short while."

"I am Magnus Grant Emrys Pendragon. The year right now is 1978. Christian year," Magnus clarified to the old man.

"So a thousand years have passed." he walked back to Ragnar, "Boy, what happened to your family? I know my clan died of treachery, but you?"

"They were murdered by a dark wizard when I was young. Magnus' family took me in a few years later. Can you tell me about the origin of my family? Our history only dated back until a few hundred years. There was no mention of us being from Norway," Ragnar told him.

Vanir agreed, after all, this was the aim for his creation, "Of course, I shall. I am the originator of the clan, and it was due to a mistake of mine the clan formed. I was young and foolish at that time. A hot-headed Nord. I wanted to grow as strong as possible, so I went out on an adventure. I caught and killed a dragon, but then my mad brain suggested inventing a new potion to gain that dragon's strength.

"In my quest of infusing a dragon's strength into myself. I ended up infecting myself, permanently scaring with the mutation. I grew scales over my body and they continued to take over slowly. I grew a tail eventually, one similar to a dragon.

"The far worse effect, however, was the madness that came with it. Without realising, I was losing my sanity, becoming a dragon, and then the time came when it overtook me. They locked me in the dungeon, where I would cry and roar. Eventually, it became too much, unable to differentiate right from wrong, I started eating myself beginning from my own tail.

"I had eaten half of myself when I lost too much blood and died. My body remained in the dungeon for a week, when they found it had turned into a snake-like dragon that had eaten its own tail.

"My sons somehow inherited some of the powers of a dragon, such as having a great resistance to fire, you can feel it but not get burnt and increased strength. They decided to give a new name to the clan based on me, and so it became the Oroborus clan, a flawed dragon that ate its own tail."

That sure was one heck of a fuck up. The four silently sat there and digested the information. Ragnar's clan was formed for such a reason and it was pretty interesting actually.

But, there was one doubt in Magnus' head, "If you are the creator of the ouroboros clan, why does your armour have a raven?"

"Oh this, well this body of mine is from the time when I had not mutated that much. I had fucked a girl from the Raven clan and got her pregnant, the Jarl found out and forced me to marry her. I received this sweet armour in dowry. Poor girl, she died at childbirth." Vanir mourned.

The was exactly when Magnus, Emma and Severus stared at Ragnar, for he too had fricked a girl from the Raven clan and she had died.

Magnus came upon with a theory due to this, "Don't tell me, your clan's little sausage is cursed?"

Ragnar silently glanced at his pants, this possibility did rise in his mind, "My treasure... a-are you cursed?"

"W-What happened?" Vanir was highly confused.

[A/N: This is from where the name of GOT book which will have Ragnar as MC will come, "GOT: The Flawed Dragon]

[You can see the grave and old man on Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


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Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs*