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Epilogue - New Beginnings



The last couple of months have been tough with you. I still feel guilty for letting you die back in New Reiswald, despite everyone telling me I did my best. The survivors worship me as goddamn hero. Truth is, I'm just a guy who did what it took to survive.

Caelan's moved to Boston to open a new pub, while Danny and I have been working for the Farband at their New York factory. Chaim feels he owes me, so why not take advantage of the offer? I might put all this criminal shit behind me someday and go legit. Even before the Slime showed up, it didn't seem to ever bring us any good.

I hear the situation in New Reiswald is going great. They started moving people back in and are slowly rebuilding. Not that I'll ever go back there – Too many painful memories.

Anyhow, I hope you and mom are having a good time together. Looking forward to joining you eventually.

- M.D.