Chunin Exams- Written Test

"And so do the three of you understand the importance of this?" Minato asked in full Hokage mode as he sat behind his desk with Team 13 and Mikoto standing in front of him.

"Yes Hokage-sama," Naruto, Itachi and Anko replied back in a respectful tone.

"Very good; the three of you are the only team from the leaf village this time around who will be competing in the chunin exams therefore the village has a lot of high hopes for the three of you."

"Yes Hokage-sama," they said again Mikoto watched her team with pride evident in her eyes.

"And above all else give it your all and know that Konoha and all its inhabitants, shinobi and civilian are behind you one hundred percent and will be rooting for you every step of the way. The three of you are the best crop of genin we have had in a very long time."

"With what your sensei has been telling me, the three of you are more than ready for these exams," Minato said looking at Naruto with pride evident on his face.

Though Naruto remained emotionless and looked at his father with slightly bored eyes.

"Thank you Hokage-sama. We will do our best," the three said in unison.

Minato nodded as he gave them their forms. "Remember you need those forms to get into the exams. So if one you lose those forms, then none of you will be able to enter."

"The chunin exams this year will be held in Suna which is three days journey away. The exams begin in five days so you will need to get moving by tomorrow," he said as the three genin nodded and bowed to their Hokage before they turned to leave the room.

"Naruto your Kaa-chan would like to know what you want for dinner this evening since you won't be home for a while. She said she will make you whatever you want," Minato said thinking Naruto would be smiling a big smile since he always enjoyed Kushina's cooking.

Naruto heard his father and slowly turned around which surprise Minato and Mikoto when they saw he was looking at them still with a emotionless look on his face.

"Tell Kaa-chan not to worry. I'm having dinner round jiji's tonight," he said. Before either could say anything he shunshined away leaving the two adults as the only ones left in the room.

"What was that about?" Minato asked to himself as he looked at where his eldest was standing before turning towards Mikoto.

Mikoto was also looking towards the spot where he had been standing with a similar thought in her head. She had begun to notice more and more lately that Naruto was becoming very distant and one would even say a little cold towards his parents. He even tried to keep away from his siblings though, she quickly saw that was not possible due to Mina and Mito's clinginess.

Plus he had been spending a lot more time at their compound with Itachi and Anko.

"I'm sure it is just nerves," Mikoto answered. "I bet the shock of him being entered in the chunin exam has made him a little nervous and a little withdrawn."

"We were all at that stage when we went to out chunin exams. Do you remember Kushina during hers when she was fourteen?" she asked making Minato chuckle at the memory.

Kushina had been so excited to being put into the chunin exams that when the day actually arrived, she became a nervous wreck and on more than one occasion tried to pull out. Though when her confidence finally came back, she made sure everyone knew that she was going to became a chunin and kick their ass to the moon and back.

"Naruto is probably just handling it differently. We all do handle certain situations differently."

Minato sat there for a few moments before smiling.

"Yeah, yeah you are probably right. I'm sure that's what it is. Though Kushina will be a little crushed that he won't be here tonight, but I'm sure she will understand." he said before saying goodbye to Mikoto and preparing to face the Kage's greatest enemy of all time.

Paper work

Mikoto meanwhile as she left the room had a frown marring on her face as she thought about her blonde haired student and genin.

"Naruto what is wrong? What are you trying to hide?"

The Uchiha Compound

Mikoto shunshined back home and immediately sought out her eldest son to ask him about Naruto's actions towards his parents.

She found in the backyard playing with his younger sister, smiling towards his little sister. She walked forward and said. "Itachi, I wish to ask you something about Naruto."

"So you noticed then? The way Naruto acts towards his family?" Asked Itachi with a sad look on his face, as he thought about his closest friend and the problems he had at home.

"Yes, I noticed; what is that about? He is so cold towards his parents and tries to push away his siblings." She asked concerned about her student's wellbeing as well as the state of her best friend and rivals home.

"When I first met Naruto we were both seven as you remember?" He stated and the continued when his mother nodded. "Well one of the first things I learned about him was that was very good at fūinjutsu."

"Yes, which is to be expected with who his parents are I am sure that they taught him about fūinjutsu at a young age as is tradition of the Uzumaki clan." She stated not knowing where this was going.

"It wasn't his parents who taught him fūinjutsu, it was the Sandaime. In fact his parents didn't even teach him the basics of chakra control, he learned it from Shizune-san." Replied Itachi, pausing to let everything he said sink in.

"But, why would he have to learn such things from other people? Surely if he had asked his parents would have gladly taught him?" She asked not sure if she wanted to know the answer.

Itachi just shook his head and looked towards Hokage Mountain where you could just make out two figures on top of the Yondaime's head. "Naruto did ask them to teach him, however ever since the twins were born they have become less attentive towards him. When Naruto asked his father and mother to teach him fūinjutsu, his father simply gave him a book to give to the Sandaime when he took his lessons. He asked his mother to help him with his chakra and to learn about and instead of making a shadow clone to do so, she told him that she was too busy and then passed him off to Shizune."

Mikoto looked over at her son in shock and then towards the blond speck on top of the mountain with sadness in her eyes. She couldn't understand what could possess two of her closest friends to act this way towards their son. "Why haven't you or anyone confronted them about how they treat Naruto?"

"It's not how you think; they aren't doing it on purpose. They are unintentionally favoring the twins. As for why we haven't confronted them Naruto told everyone not to, he thinks that it won't change anything so he would rather endure it rather than have his parents think that he is starting things because he is jealous of the twins, which he is not." Responded Itachi smiling slightly as he turned towards his mother; which confused her greatly, after all why would he be happy about that. "Even after how his parents have treated him, albeit unintentionally, he loves his younger siblings to death. Mina, Mito, and Eiji mean the world to him and he would fight to the death to ensure their safety."

"So, then his taijutsu and kenjutsu; they aren't anything that Minato or Kushina use, so who taught him?" she asked smiling sadly at the fact her student was suffering and she couldn't do anything about it.

"His taijutsu, as I'm sure you have realized is a bastardized version of the Senju style and Goken; he was taught the Senju style by Tsunade-sama, however the Senju style is defensive like the Uchiha style so in order to counteract that problem he asked Gai-san to teach him Goken. Also the Senju style and Goken were too restrictive for him so he adjusted each style to work better with his body type." Said Itachi as he made a face at little Ria which made her giggle and smile at her big brother.

"I thought it seemed familiar, though I have trouble following it with my Sharingan; do you have the same problem?" she asked since even though he was younger Itachi's eyes were sharper than hers.

"Yes, I have much trouble following it since his style is more free form that the normal structured style of either style; though I would be surprised if it was like that on purpose. Naruto and I are friends as well as rivals so it would make since for him to have something to counteract my eyes. You asked about his kenjutsu correct?" Itachi asked, still playing with Ria.

"Yes, I did I have never seen anything like it in all of Hi no Kuni." She replied smiling as she watched her eldest and youngest play.

"That would be because it is from Testu no Kuni and has never been used or mastered as, like his taijutsu, it is free formed. Apparently Mifune-sama saw that Naruto was having trouble with his first kill and found Naruto training in kenjutsu, which at that point he didn't even have a style just natural talent. They sparred while we waited out the storm at night, when we left Mifune left him a scroll with the foot work and a challenge for him to become strong enough to face him on an equal footing one day." He said as he picked up Ria to take her inside for her nap, leaving his mother to mull over what she had been told.

"I will have to talk to Naruto to get the full story from him, though you can't help but be impressed that he has come so far with so little help." She thought hoping to help the little boy whom she saw as a nephew.

With Naruto

"So you are going to be in the chunin exams. Are you excited?" Sarutobi asked Naruto as the two sat on top of the Shodaime Hokage's head on the Hokage monument as they looked over the village as the sun began to disappeared and let night settle in.

Beside him Naruto gave him an excited smile. "I am. I really want to test myself against other strong people from the other villages. The stronger the better I say."

"Well remember not to get in to over your head. If you get to over confident and cocky then it may lead to your downfall. I have seen it do that to my shinobi during my life." Sarutobi lightly scolded but Naruto nodded.

"I know but I am just excited that's all," he said, a complete 180 turn from what he was acting like earlier.

"Well that is good then. Will you say goodbye to Tsunade and Shizune before you leave?" he asked with Naruto quickly nodding. "Good, I know they will miss you while you are gone. Those two will miss having their little blonde sunshine not be around for a while.

Sarutobi then laughed at the pout on Naruto face at being called a blonde sunshine.

"I will miss them too but it won't be for long. Plus if I make it into the final round, you will all come and watch me right?"

"Just try and stop us," Hiruzen said making Naruto smile brightly.

"You would need an army of shinobi and more to stop Tsunade from going," he thought since Tsunade truly did love and care for Naruto just like she did for Nawaki, but in a more maternal way. The same could be said for Shizune since she had a big soft spot for the young blonde Uzumaki.

"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned."

Shaking his head Sarutobi then put his hand on Naruto shoulder and gave him a serious look and telling him to pay close attention. Naruto knew this was his jiji slipping into his Kami no Shinobi mode.

"Since there are going to be shinobi from other villages, there is a chance they will recognize you by your appearance and your name. Ninja of Kumo and Iwa will most likely be participating so you must be on your guard." he said as Naruto nodded.

"Especially after the Kumo incident here a year ago, we have become wary around them."

"I still don't understand why the alliance never happened. The Raikage said he knew nothing about the abduction and that the Kumo-nin had done it on his own accord. I could feel his chakra jiji. If he was lying then his chakra would have been all over the place. He was telling the truth."

"Yes well unfortunately Naruto even with that statement, the word of a lone genin would not be enough to change the mind of your father and the shinobi council. Plus due to your mothers past experiences with Kumo, she already did not like the fact that they were here in the village."

Naruto sorted a little which was very much unusual for him; he responded very sarcastically. "Yes, because those two were going to listen to be even if it was enough."

Hiruzen frowned a little at the statement but Naruto quickly changed the subject.

"I am also guessing that using my hidden bloodline is also a big no no for the chunin exams?" he said despite already knowing the answer.

"Yes Naruto it is imperative that no one knows you have the Mokuton until you are older and strong enough to fight off most threats."

"Because other villages might try to have me taken out if they find out?" he asked as Hiruzen nodded his head.

"The Mokuton Naruto is recognized as one of the strongest bloodlines in the entire world. It is rivaled only by the Sharingan yet many believe it is superior then the dōjutsu. The power to control and suppress the power of a tail beast is a power that many will desire."

"Plus there are people in the village that might try to take advantage of it." he said as Hiruzen's face darkened a little.

"Yes. There are those in the shadows of the Konoha that will try to use that power which could end up hurting the leaf more than helping it," he said as his thoughts trekked first to a few members of the councils who were known to be rather power hungry before it settled on his old team mate and Konoha's War hawk Danzo.

"If Danzo ever gets his claws into Naruto, the man would not stop until Konoha is under his control." he thought before Naruto and Hiruzen let silence take over.

One thought about who and what he would face in the future while the other thought of the obstacles that his surrogate grandson would one day have to face.

Five Days Later

A cloaked covered Team 13 trekked through the sands of the desert as they walked towards the giant gate of the Sunagakure. The gates were made of mass of stone and had two chunin guards similar to what Konoha had stationed at the gate.

"Halt; state your names and purpose for coming to the Sunagakure." one of the chunin said as Mikoto took off her hood and showed her Konoha headband.

"Mikoto Uchiha with her genin team, here for the chunin exams," she said as she handed the chunin some forms as they looked it over.

After a minute of looking the guards nodded their heads.

"You're all a little late aren't you? The exams start in an hour and most of the team are either already there or are heading that way."

"We got caught up in a sand storm on the way here so we had to take cover. We should have been here yesterday afternoon but we had to bunker down for a day and let the storm pass."

The chunin both nodded in understanding since sandstorms were very common in the desert of Suna. If you got caught in one or attempted to brave it then you most likely would not make it.

"Okay well the chunin exams are taking place in the academy building on the west side of the village. You will probably see a few team head in that direction so just follow them," one of the chunin said as Mikoto and the three genin all nodded and walked on through.

Team 13 quickly made their way through the gates and headed towards their lodgings which were at the Desert Possum Hotel.

Once there, they deposited their bags while Naruto, Itachi and Anko kept the things they knew they would need for these exams.

Once done, Mikoto led the trio towards the academy building on the east side. As they made their way there they spotted a few other teams from the other villages. One was a group from grass country if the headbands were anything to go by while another was from the rain.

They kept their guard just in case until after ten minutes they arrived at the academy building. Mikoto stopped at the entrance and turn to look at her team, a proud smile marring on her face.

"You all have everything you need right?" She asked as the trio nodded at her.

"Know that the three of you have made me so proud this past year and are about to do something that very few people can say they have done within the space of a year. I know the three of you are going to go on to do great things if what I have seen from the three of you is anything to go by."

"I know the three of you can go all the way in this exam but remember that in this exam not everything will be what it seems. So look underneath the underneath and pick out things that may seem little, but will end playing a big part in these exams."

Naruto, Itachi and Anko smiled towards their teacher and in Itachi case mother and bowed to her.

"Thank you for putting your faith in us Mikoto sensei/Kaa-san and thank you for helping us get to this point in our ninja careers. Without you, we probably would not have gotten this far."

Leaning down Mikoto placed a kiss on each of their foreheads, keeping her lips on Itachi's forehead a little longer then Naruto and Anko and fought to keep any tears at bay.

Though she had only been their sensei for a year, she had loved every moment of having the chance to train her eldest son and his two friends.

"We promise we will do our best and honor your teachings." they said together again as Mikoto stood to the side and allowed them entry into the building.

"How them all and show the world why the three of you will one day be legends," she whispered to herself as she watched them go.

Taking a slow breath, she shunshined away and went to join the other Jonin instructors, wanting to watch as her team progressed through the exam.

With Team 13

Naruto walk in the center with Itachi on his right and Anko on his left as the trio made their way through the hallways of the academy.

As they walked in a chunin proctor instructed them that they exams was on the third floor and in the room 3A.

As soon as the man had said that, the three already knew something about this exam was already fishy.

As they walked up the stairs of the academy building, once they got up the stairs they saw the room 3A in clear writing and saw a grass-nin team head into the room.

Anko thinking nothing of it at first walked forwards and went towards the door but stopped when she felt Naruto and Itachi's hand rest on her shoulders.

"Hold up Anko, this is not our floor." he said making her look at him in a confused manner.

"But the door is right there. 3A," she said but by the look on their faces she guessed that was not quite the case.

"What number was the room again?" he asked as Anko lazily told him it was 3A. "Right so then how many flights of stairs have we gone up so far?"

"Two…" she trailed off before her eyes widened a little as she realized what he was getting at. She turned back around and looked at the sigh which read 3A. She gazed it at is strongly for a moment before seeing the words flicker on it.

"A genjutsu…" she whispered as the others two nodded.

It caused her to groan. "Ahh I can't believe I almost fell for that." she whined as Itachi gave an amused smirk cross his face while Naruto put an arm around her shoulders.

"Don't worry Anko-chan. It will happen to the best of us. That genjutsu I am guessing that is there to weed out the groups that are not ready for the exams. If they can't see through a simple genjutsu like that then it means they are not ready."

Since we noticed it, it means we are ready Itachi added as they watched Anko's eyes ignite into flames as her drive to pass the exams got even stronger.

"Then what are we waiting for! Let's go kick some ass!" she declared as she grabbed Naruto and Itachi's hand and began dragging them up the third flight of stair.

When they finally got to their floor, they saw the real door that they required. They narrowed their eyes on this one to see if it was a genjutsu but quickly their faces calmed, seeing it was the real one this time.

They walked together and after taking a deep breath slid the door open and went inside.

When they went in they felt a little nervous though they never showed it.

All around the room were genin teams that look a lot older than they were; many were in their teens and as they looked around saw that the oldest must have been bout sixteen.

"Great more kids," they heard one of them snort out but Naruto quickly noticed that many of them were gazing at him.

"That kid looks familiar. You don't think he is the Kiiroi Seiko's (Yellow Flash)kid do you?" Another whispered while others contemplated the idea.

"If he is then this exam has got more fun," another said showing from his head band he was from Kumo. "If he is then it must mean he is the Benihime's (Crimson Princess) son too."

Naruto breathed calmly as he, Itachi and Anko went and stood on one of the back walls.

"There are a lot of teams here," Anko muttered out as she looked over the teams before she smiled a blood curdling smile. "It just means there are more people to cut and make bleed."

Both Naruto and Itachi rolled their eyes at their female team mate but figured it was good that she was at least confident. The two of them were confident but they knew not to get to over confident since getting cocky can easily lead to some one getting killed.

Deciding to scope out the other teams Naruto examined the other team looking for any weaknesses he thought they might have as well looking to see what nation they came from.

The first he noticed that a lot was from the minor nation like Grass, Rain and even Bird country. Since they were smaller in size Naruto guessed they needed more chunin level shinobi.

There was about two from Kumo that kept sneaking glances towards him, but he also noticed there were no teams from Kiri. But he already knew why though.

It was quickly known through Konoha that a civil war had erupted in the Hidden Mist village and currently the Mizukage who was known as Yagura was at war with rebel forces that wanted him gone.

From what Hiruzen had told him it was due to Yagura wanting the bloodline eradicated and he saw them as a threat. Naruto quickly figured that Yagura was not a man that should be left to be in charge of an entire village.

Looking over the team once more, he was about to look away having seen all the teams before his eyes locked in on a team that was on the other side of the room and leaning against the opposite wall.

He knew immediately from their head bands they were from Iwa and they looked like an interesting trio. He also seemed interested in them since by the look of them they must have been the same age as Naruto, Itachi and Anko was.

The first one he noticed was the biggest of them who was easily the size of a middle aged teen and was quite chubby. He wore standard red Iwa clothing and his as for his feature he had a very large round nose that stuck out like a sore thumb. Though the boy had a very happy go lucky expression on his face indicating he must have been quite innocent and childlike.

The other was the second male member who for some reason just gave Naruto a bad feeling. He had long straw blond hair that covered part of his left eye and wore clothes similar to Itachi which were dark blue in color. His hand kept playing around with some white clay and looked like he was molding it into shapes.

Naruto could see that Itachi had honed in on the same group and had his Sharingan activated very subtly and guessed he felt something a little off about the blond boy as well.

As Itachi focused on his Naruto eyes panned to the final member and the only girl of the group; she was quite pretty looking and had dark hair that stopped a little below her chin. She wore something similar to the big kid but her left leg instead of a red pants leg was instead a mesh coat.

When he started at her, she saw that she turned her head and looked in his direction. When she did Naruto saw her eyes and saw they were a very exotic color of pink.

"Her eyes are really pretty," he thought to himself having never seen an eye color like that before noticing she narrowed her eyes and him and scowled a little.

When she turned her head again to look away from him a small burst of some smoke appeared at the front of the class showing the form of a Suna Kunoichi.

She was clearly a Jonin and just by looking at her Naruto, Itachi and Anko could tell she was someone with a lot of power behind her and that she was a seasoned shinobi despite her young appearance. She had to off been in her early to mid-twenties. She was fair skinned with pupil less brown eyes that were very cold looking and her hair was dark green with two bang framing her face that were orange. She wore sleeveless, backless top and short tight pants, with two lapels on the front and the back. She wears an obi around her waist, as well as purple arm-warmers which extend up to her shoulders, and has bandages around her tights and ankles.

"Alright meat bags listen up and do not interrupt. My name is Pakura and I will be your proctor throughout the entire chunin exams. From now until the end of the exams I will be your judge, jury and executioner. If I tell you to do something you do it. Is that understood?" she declared as everyone nodded their heads.

Everyone go around the tables and sit in the seat with your name on it she said as everyone began moving around.

Naruto found himself at the front and found out that he was sitting beside none other than the Iwa Kunoichi. Though she completely ignored him and made sure not to even look at him.

Anko was in the middle room while Itachi was at the second to last row; the trio was completed separated.

"The first test is a written exam," she said as a few of the stationed chunin that appeared in the room began laying out exam papers in front of them.

"Answer the questions as best as you can however be warned that if you are caught cheating you and your teammates will be sent out of this room and you will fail the chunin exams."

"No pressure then." Naruto thought.

"You have 50 minutes to answer the nine questions on the paper before we will stop the exam and give you the choice to answer the tenth question. Your time will start now." she declared as man of the genin got their heads down and began writing.

Naruto also put his head down as he began to read the question, but quickly knew something was off about the test when he saw the questions.

"They can't expect us to know this surely?" he thought to himself seeing the question were ones that some Jonnin probably would not even know. While he could answer three or four of them, the others left him a little baffled.

"There is something of about this." He began to scan around the room as discreetly as he could.

As he did some of the chunin judges began calling out numbers and started sending some of the people out of the room. Many grumbled and claimed they were not cheating but it did not mater since they were forced out if they did not comply quietly.

He looked to his side at the Iwa kunoichi was a little surprised to see that she had forehead protector strapped around her wrist and was using it as a reflector to see the exam sheet from the person behind her.

"She is cheating and not getting caught…" he thought as he then turned to try and see his team mates.

When he saw Itachi, he saw his Sharingan was on and was copying the hand movements of the guy in front of him while Anko had a small snake besides her which was relaying the answers from the person behind her.

"We have to cheat. That is the aim of the first exam." he thought as it finally clicked.

Smirking a little to himself, he first answered the question he did know before he put his hands behind his head, and leaned back on the chair and closed his eyes, letting himself feel the chakra of all the people in the room. He could feel most were nervous and scared while only a few were keeping to together.

A few of the chunin proctors look at Naruto in surprise and saw one of his hands take the pencil on the desk and write a few things before putting it down. He did that continuously for the rest of the fifty minutes.

Pakura raised an eyebrow at the kid wondering what kind of trick he was pulling.

"Everyone pencil down and listen up," Pakura suddenly spoke gathering all the attention towards her as everyone complied with the order.

"Alright are you all ready for the final question?" Pakura asked as they all nodded their heads.

"Good, because know now if you quit you will be disqualified from the exams; however if you choose to take it and you fail, you will never get promoted and will remain a genin for the rest of your life." She said, flaring her KI, now causing worry and panic to fill most people in the room as many began shouting at how telling her that it was not fair.

Konoha's ninja and Iwa's ninja all stayed silent though as they listened to the others complain.

Naruto watched as about four teams got up and left the room, not wanting to take the chance.

"So you think you got what it takes gaki? You think because of who you are, you think you can make it?" Pakura said towards Naruto wanting to see how tough the blonde boy was and if he was ready and how he would take the jab.

Naruto though just shrugged at her question gaining looks from many including the Iwa girl next to him.

"I don't really know but I do know that I won't let your little trick of trying to demoralize us get to me."

"This question is all about whether or not we are willing to risk it all. We are shinobi and we will be risking our lives every time we go on a mission and step out of our village. If I was not ready to take those risks, then I would not be sitting here waiting for you to give us the tenth question would I proctor-san."

"Oh and proctor-san; just to clarify for you, I am not doing this because of who my parents are. To be honest I could not care what you think or what anyone else thinks. I am doing this for me because I believe I am ready. So do not insinuate because of my last name that I think I will get it easy because that is the last thing I want to happen."

While his two teammates grinned, Pakura looked around the room to see others who had been ready to leave were now sitting put. His little speech giving them what strength they needed to stay put.

Pakura sighed before giving them all the evil eye.

"For those who are still here then I will tell you all this now," Pakura spoke as she raised her chakra levels to intimidate the genin which worked as she showed of her power.


When she spoke many looked confused and asked about the tenth question to which she began explaining to them that the choice to take the risk of continuing was the tenth question and that everyone that remained had moved onto the second part of the exam much to their delight and others relief.

"Now that the first part is over, go and get in your teams." she said as many shrugged their shoulders and did just that.

"Pretty nice speech you gave us all there." Anko commented as Naruto shrugged.

"I did my best. Hope you liked it."

"It was very informative plus it's probably what made everyone else stay here." she said as Itachi nodded in agreement. Naruto turned around and noticed that the Iwa girl he was sat next to was looking at him with an unreadable expression before she turned her head and looked away.

"Listen up!" Pakura called getting everyone's attention. "Now that the first test is over, we can begin the second." she said as she had a devious smile appear on her face and Naruto began to notice the other chunin proctors had now vanished from sight.

"Kai!" she said as she made a hand seal with her right hand and suddenly out of nowhere around them small paper notes began to shine similar to how explosive notes did. However instead of an explosion, a torrent of gas began to shoot out.

As soon as the gas hit them, all the teams began to feel drowsy and one by one they began to fall to the ground.

"Knock out gas. What the hell is the second exam then?" Naruto said to himself, as Anko collapsed in front of him and fell asleep with Itachi falling next before Naruto finally went down, being the last in the room to go down.

Pakura then reappeared along with a couple of dozen other shinobi which included Mikoto who went forward towards her team.

"You three have down well to get passed the first exam but now the second exam will be much harder and it will test your team work and your survival skills." she said as she grabbed a hold of the three of them and shunshined away just like the other sensei's did with their genin teams.

When they were gone Pakura went around the room and began picking up the papers.

When she got to Naruto though she found a few of the answer had been written it which she saw were correct while on the other question he had begun playing game of tic tac toe.

Seeing it, it made her snort and shake her head.

"I just passed a genin that did not even take this first exam seriously and who will no doubt be a big player in this exam." she thought as she continued to collect the papers.

"This year's chunin exams are going to be an interest, that is for sure" she thought as she finished picking up the papers and shunshined away, leaving a now empty class room.