Chunin Finals Part One

The crowd roared and cheered as Naruto stood in the center on the Suna chunin exam stadium. To his left stood Itachi and Anko while on his right were the Iwa and Kumo teams.

"That's a lot of people," Naruto muttered as Anko and Itachi had to nod in agreement. Easily all of the Suna shinobi and most of its civilians were here in the stadium along with a lot of foreign shinobi.

"GO NARUTO," Naruto heard as he looked up in the stadium and went a little bit red before smiling as he saw Tsunade Shizune and Hiruzen in the crowd. Tsunade had even made a giant flag that said Team Naruto and was waving it around.

Instead of being embarrassed he just laughed and gave Tsunade a thumbs up as grinned at him.

Just beside them was Mikoto and a few members of the Uchiha clan which included Fugaku, Sasuke, Ria and Itachi's family member Shisui who Naruto had met a couple of times before. Shisui was a lot like Itachi as well as did not have that Uchiha stick in the ass.

Little Ria was sitting on her mother's lap as she looked around happily at the site of a new place while waving her little hands at her oldest brother while Sasuke too had a big smile and cheered Itachi on.

Over on the other side of the stadium was the Kumo and Iwa lot that were mostly quiet and stoic. Though Naruto noticed that a lot of the Iwa shinobi were staring at him either in curiosity or with a glare on their face. The glares they have made him they would want to jump from their seats and attack him.

Then up in the Hokage box was his father along with the Kazekage, Raikage and surprisingly the Tsuchikage. His father was busy conversing with the Kazekage and had Kakashi standing beside him as a bodyguard. The Kazekage had a tanned man with half his face covered by white cover.

Beside the Tsuchikage who was an old man that was very short, old man with a triangular beard and a moustache that has angular corners, a big red nose and thick eyebrows. The top of his head is completely bald, although, he has long white hair on the lower-half of his head which is styled in a traditional chonmage hair cut. Over his shinobi coat he wore a mostly green and red coat.

Beside him was a large man wearing the traditional red Iwa uniform but had no sleeve on his right arm, showing his larger arms.

Then beside the Raikage was the same Jonin who accompanied him to Konoha just over a year ago.

As Naruto waited for the proctor to begin the third exam, he knew that his own family was missing from the stands.

Before they had left for Suna, Minato and Jiraiya had decided it would be best to keep the twins and Mina in Konoha since they did not want to risk any assassination attempts. Kushina had readily agreed which made Naruto angry.

He wondered if his parents actually remembered about him at all. They had not shown any concern when he left for Suna over a month ago and yet they were threatening over the twins. Instead of coming to Suna they would instead watch from the chunin stadium in the leaf where they would be playing the chunin exams on the big screen for those that had not gone to Suna to be able to watch it.

His eyesight then turned towards the shinobi he and his team would have to go against but noticed that the Iwa Kunoichi was glaring at him. Kurotsuchi who name he remembered outfit was the same as before but her eyes were brimming with confidence.

"I bet she has gotten a lot stronger since her grandfather is the Tsuchikage after all," he thought as he looked back up at the Kage Box to see Onoki looking down at his granddaughter with a prideful smile before he turned to Naruto gaze before narrowing a little and scoffed a little.

Over in the stands Tsuande who was keeping close eye on Naruto saw where his gaze was going san noticed Onoki looking at him.

She let a growl build up in her throat promising pain to Onoki if he tried anything during the exams.

Next to him Anko let her eyebrows shoot up a little."You okay Naruto?" Anko asked as she tapped her friends on the elbow since she saw his frown on his face.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Just thinking that all," he said looking away from the stands and just focusing on the ground in front of him.

"Always dangerous," she said snickering a little while Naruto knocked her a little with his hip, making her almost trip. He got a glare in return.


Kushina sat in the kage box with many of clan heads as they waited and watched the chunin exams, wondering how well Mikoto's team was going to do since she had bragged that her team was definantly going to make chunin first time around. It earned a lot of scoffs thinking it was ridiculous but were curious none the less.

Kushina sat with Mina on her lap who was giggling happily as she saw her brother on the big screen.

"If it was not for the eyes, he would be a carbon copy of Minato," Inora said as her daughter Ino sat by her feet, happily playing with Mito and the other clan children.


From the centre of the arena a small smoke cloud appeared and got quickly swept away. Pakura arrived and stood in the arena drawing attention to herself as her being their signalled the matches were about to begin.

"Good luck guys," Naruto whispered.

"You too," both Itachi and Anko said to him before they paid close attention as the Kazekage stood up from his seat and began to speak as his voice projected through the arena.

"Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to the Third part of the Chunin exams. I welcome everyone who is from the village of Konoha, Iwagakure and Kumogakure and hope you are enjoying your stay here in Suna. Watch as these eight young genin will show the world why they are ready to advance into becoming chunin of their village. Pakura, I leave the rest to you."

Pakura nodded towards her Kazekage before looking at the eight genin. "If any of you want to drop out now, then now is the time to do so she said as everyone watched as no one moved."

"In that case would everyone except for Anko Mitsarashi of Konoha and Raido Kuroshini of Kumo please leave the field and go to the competitor's box," she said.

"Kick some ass Anko," Naruto said as Anko grinned at him knowing that kicking ass was exactly what she had in mine.

Naruto and Itachi left the arena and stood next to one another as they watched their friend and team mate.

"So how do you think she will do?" Itachi asked watching as Anko took up her position as did the Kumo shinobi.

Naruto grinned at the question. "Anko is going to win, no questions asked. She has been working her butt of this last week so there is no way she would lose to this guy."

On the Field

"You ready to lose leaf girl?" Raido asked as he cracked his neck in shuffled his arms around.

Anko stood calmly and firmly as she stared at her opponent before she licked her lips a little showing her anticipation for the match.

Pakura stood of to the side as she looked between the two. She raised an arm which made the stadium fall quiet before she swung down.


As soon as the word was said Raido shot forward and pulled a sword from its sheath on his back and swung down at her. Anko saw it and jumped backwards a few meters.

Raido did not stop since he quickly jumped forwards and began trying to strike Anko with his blade. He was swinging in a mad frenzy but Anko though was easily dodging the strikes.

"Raiton: Inazuma Zeppin," he said as he threw his hand forward to try and grab Anko's shoulder and sent currents of lightning going through her body. Anko however Kawarimi'd away and reappeared ten meters behind him leaving a log in her previous spot.

As she stood there she bent down a little traced her thumb over the ground, something Raido did not take much notice of while the shinobi in the stands did.

"Interesting," Hiruzen thought as he watched Anko.

Raido growled loudly and breathed hard as Anko danced on the spot a little.

Raido once again went forward a bit this time tried to hit her with his taijutsu which by the way he was throwing punches towards her though it looked similar to an academy style taijutsu. His punches and kicks were a little sloppy and Anko easily manoeuvred out of the way before landing once again ten meters away from him.

"Damn it stop dodging and running away you coward," he said to Anko before he felt something slice his cheek all of a sudden and felt a warm trickle going down it. A cut formed on his cheek and behind him was a kunai.

Anko blurred from her spot in front of him and appeared behind him and pinned his arms behind his body. Who is the coward you snot she said as she licked a small trail of blood from his cheek which freaked Raido out.

She pushed him in front of her and with great speed and precision threw senbons toward Raido.

"Senbons?" He laughed as he pulled them out. "How pathetic," he said throwing them away before noticing his arms suddenly went limp. A look of horror and surprise appeared on his face when his other arm suddenly went as well.

"My arms? What did you do?"

"Those pathetic senbons as you called them were lased in poison," she said making Raido's eyes go wide like saucers. "Don't worry it's not harmful but it will make your body go numb and limp for a few hours. Don't worry though you should be fine by the end of the day."

"However," she said as a wicked grin appeared on her face. "It means you are now all ripe for the taking."

She makes a hand sign and out of the ground a large snake bigger then Raido comes out of the earth and wraps around the numbed boy who now looks ready to drop to the ground in fear.

"Now you can either surrender or I could have my friend have you as a snack. He has not been fed in a few days so he is mighty hungry," she said patting its head before the snake hissed loudly at Raido.

Everyone watched as the snakes opened it jaws and elongated its fangs towards him. Just as the snakes mouth was about to devour him whole Raido called out.

"I give up. I surrender."

"Darn, that takes the fun out of things," Anko said before shrugging as she called off the giant snake and watched as Raido dropped to the ground like a sack of potatoes.

Pakura who was standing a little of to the side smirked a little before holding up her hand. The Winner of the match is Anko Mitsarashi of Konoha.

When she spoke, the audience clapped while those from Konoha cheered. Pakura option for a stretcher to come onto the field and they quickly took Raido away.

"That girl is pretty good. She might have a bright future in the leaf," Hiruzen said. "Though I wonder where she learnt to use poisons." Both Hiruzen and Tsuande glanced over towards Shizune who shuffled a little in her seat before returning to the field

Up in the Hokage box the Raikage grumbled a little while Onoki looked at the girl curiously.

"How is it that she has the Snake contract?" he asked.

"I'm not at liberty to say that," Minato said firmly as Kakashi eyed the older kage while the guard of Onoki's looked in Kakashi's.

"I would not bother asking Tsuchikage. When it comes to sharing information don't expect to get anything back from him or that village of his."

Minato glared a little from his seat while the two kages huffed. "Not surprising. The boy always was full of himself," Onoki muttered while Kakashi glared at him before Onoki glared at Kakashi.

"Boy if you don't stop glaring at me you will be joining your father in the afterlife," he threatened as Minato put his hand on Kakashi's shoulder as things went quiet in the Hokage box.

"Good job out there Anko. You showed him who was boss," Naruto said as Anko shrugged.

"I did what I could," she said before looking at Itachi." You better win your match because I will be waiting for you in the next round," she said as Itachi nodded and began walking onto the field.

Itachi arrived on the field as he looked across from his opponent, Deidara of Iwa. The blond Iwa shinobi was grinning as his hands were very close to a pouch on his side.

"Are Uchiha-san? Are you ready to behold my art. It is quite a bang," he said as Itachi furrowed his brow.


"Art is fast, something that happens in an instance. It so quick most don't even see it. Except for me that is. Its art, it's beautiful. It would be great to defeat you Uchiha-san. My sensei the Tsuchikage will be pleased with me knowing I defeated someone of the famed Uchiha clan."

After speaking many looked at him in surprise at that he was trained by Onoki. Some of the Uchiha members including Mikoto looked a little worried while Fugaku and the others showed no emotion.

In the Kage box the other kages looked at Onoki in surprise since Onoki had never shown any interest in taking on a student before other than those in his family. So they wondered what was so special about this one boy.

"A student of the Tsuchikage.? He is going to be good then," Naruto said as Anko nodded in agreement.

Pakura's voice broke everyone out of their thoughts as she raised her hands. She looked towards the two who both nodded at her. She nodded back before calling out "HAJIME."

Immediately both Itachi and Deidara jumped back from each other to the other side of the field. Naruto fingered his shurikans in his pocket while keeping his eyes plastered on Deidara while Deidara and put his hand in the pouch and took out a lump of white clay.

Everyone looked in curiosity at what h was going to as well as Itachi before everyone had a slightly grossed out looked when they saw a hand appear on his hand with a tongue sticking out of it. It ate the clay and began to munching on it.

"I think I lost my appetite Kaa-chan," Sasuke said looking a little green as did Ria who was pouting and waving her arms at the action, obviously not impressed.

Deidara grinned before he noticed that Itachi's eyes and become Sharingan and were spinning around. He looked away and tried to avoid eye contact since he had been told that an Uchiha could easily put a genjutsu on someone by just looking at them.

"Your eye tricks won't work on me," he said as Itachi then threw a flurry of shurikens.

"Doton: Doryūheki," Deidara called as he made the hand signs while his right hand was still munching on the clay.

The wall went u and stopped the shurikans but Deidara was surprised to see Itachi quickly appear on top of the wall .

"Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu" A torrent of fire went towards Deidara and poured over Deidara much to everyone's surprise and few a few people's cries.

Itachi looked a little surprised but when the fire disappeared he and everyone went al title wide eyed when they saw Deidara begin to melt away.

"A clone," Itachi thought before he suddenly heard scurrying come from beneath him. He looked down to see little spiders made of clay walk towards him.

"It seemed you fell into the trap," Deidara said appearing a distance behind him and made a hand sign. "KATSU."

When he spoke the spiders lit up and to everyone's surprise exploded.

"ITACHI," Anko shouted out having seen her friend in the centre of the explosion though Naruto stayed looking calm. Though she and many other were relieved when they saw a log was now where Itachi as standing.

"Not bad," Itachi said now appearing behind Deidara with a kunai to the back of his neck. "When did you make the clone?"

"I see the Uchiha live up to their name. I would be disappointed if you did not. And to answer the question when the earth wall went up."

"But you Uchiha's really should pay more attention behind you," Deidara called as Itachi looked behind to find more clay spiders appearing and jumping towards him and trying to latch onto him.

Itachi jumped up high towards the top of the wall. "Katon: Ryūka no Jutsu." A giant head of a dragon flew towards the clay burning and melting most of them. When the spiders disappeared Itachi was surprise to see Owls made of clay now flying towards him.

Frowning he made a new set of hand signs. "Raiton: Raikou Senbon no Jutsu," A range of lightning made senbons formed in front of him and he threw them towards the clay made owls.

"Since when does Itachi know Lightning jutsu?" Anko asked since she was unaware he even knew nay light jutsu since he was mostly fire based like she was.

"Must have picked it up during his training," Naruto answered.

The lightning made senbons hit the owls and they all went tumbling down. As Itachi looked toward Deidara he saw a grin was plastered on his face.

"You're in range," Deidara said as form the corner of Itachi's eye he noticed a small clay bird appear in front f him.

His eyes went wide and jumped back as much as he could but saw that he was just too close.

Deidara looked victorious as the tongues in his hands swayed around in every direction. "Now you know that Art is an EXPLOSION."

The clay bird exploded right by Itachi caused a small shock wave to hit the arena and throw a couple off their feet. The walls that it was close to now had a big indent and cracks in it.

Coming out of the smoke cloud Itachi jumped out all limbs still intact but had burn on his right hand and leg along with some blood going down the right side of his face. However as soon as he landed a clay made centipede came out of the ground and wrapped around.

It held on tightly as Deidara appeared in front of him with a grin on his face as he held up the hand sign for the explosions.

"Any last words Uchiha? I would hate to make a mess," Deidara said.

He waited for Itachi to say something but instead Itachi said no words but instead had a small grin on his face. The grin alone made rage boil inside Deidara wondering what Itachi had to grin about. He was about to ask what he was grinning at but just as he got close to Itachi the Uchiha suddenly disappeared in a flock of crows.

"I would not make that hand sign if I were you," Itachi's voice said before Deidara suddenly felt something clamp around him. He looked down and was shocked to see the clay centipede wrapped around him instead of Itachi.

"What? I don't understand," he said as Itachi appeared in front of him with no injuries on him anymore and he noticed Itachi Sharingan eyes were spinning. "A genjutsu? You have had me in a genjutsu. When did you put it on?"

"The moment you first looked in my eyes at the beginning of the match," he said as everything around the suddenly broke away like glass revealing the real audience who looked a little surprised. There was a grinning Uchiha Clan as well as a smiling Naruto and Anko all looking at him.

Pakura walked over to the two boys, impressed at the control Itachi had throughout the entire match and called the match. "The Winner is Itachi Uchiha from Konoha."

Many cheered as the Uchiha as Deidara slowly made his way of the field with his head low, never had he felt this humiliated before. He saw the Tsuchikage shaking his head while his Iwa partners gave him some sympathy.

Though he looked back at Itachi with hate filled eyes silently swearing he would make Itachi pay.

"That my boy. That my Itachi-kun," Mikoto called out as Sasuke and Ria joined in while Fugaku tried to scold his wife for not acting proper but she just waved him off.

Itachi left the field a little red faced since his mother was shouting how well her little boy did. He saw the grins on his team mates face.

"Very nice Mr Uchiha, winning with a genjutsu. How very Uchiha of you," Anko said patting his shoulder. "Though you better now it will take more than a genjutsu to make me down," she said.

"I would expect nothing less Anko," he called back as the next match was announced and they watched as the other Kumo shinobi and the Iwa girl made their way onto the field.

"So who do you think will win this one?" Anko asked as they all scanned the two opponents.

The girl Naruto said getting looks from his two team mates. She is strong I know that much. She is the granddaughter of the Tsuchikage therefore no doubt he will have a hand in her training. Though unlike Deidara I don't think a genjutsu will be enough to take her out."

He did not know how right he was.

The match did not last very long. The Kumo nin had changed like some academy student while Kurotsuchi had remained calm. She quickly batted him away with her taijutsu which was recognized as the rock style the Iwa shinobi were known for using.

She then used a couple of C and B ranked earth jutsu's which quickly squashed any chance of the Kumo nin winning. She trapped him in earth before knocking his lights out with swift and powerful punches.

Once it was over Kurotsuchi was standing there with a victorious smile on her face hardly scratched or warn out while the Kumo nin was out cold and bloodied on the ground. Pakura quickly called it.

Kurotsuchi walked proudly back to the finalists box. She looked towards Naruto briefly and gave him a look as if saying to him try and beat that.

"Oh it's on," Naruto thought smirking before he heard his name being called along with the two others he would have to battle.

As he, Akatsuchi and C walked onto the field they all got a round of cheer form their respective villages.

Tsunade, Shizune and Hiruzen cheered, Tsunade being the loudest telling Naruto to kick some serious ass. While back in Konoha Mito, Eiji and Mina all cheered and clapped when they saw their big brother on the big screen. Kushina clapped lightly smiling as she watched Naruto's match.

In the kage box all kage and bodyguards looked down curiously at the Naruto no doubt wanting to see if he was anything like his parents and to see just how powerful he was. They had seen first hand how his two team mates had fought. Now though it was time for Naruto to shine.

The three stood in a triangle like formation and Pakura was just outside the triangle. As he stood there he saw Akatsuchi and C looked at each other and nod before turning towards him.

He along with many others saw it and inwardly cursed. Though Naruto had stayed perfectly calm and now prepared himself. His hand went behind his back and sneakily made a hand sign. Only Hiruzen and Tsunade saw it and inwardly smirked.

"HAJIME," Pakura called out and almost immediately Akatsuchi and C turned towards him and charged.

Naruto watched them come towards him and felt their chakra and their movements from it. Akatsuchi readied to punch him from the top while C punch him from the bottom. When they connected to everyone's surprise Naruto had poofed out of existence.

"Kage Bushins?" the shinobi all thought when they saw it while Minato who was watching closely had his eyes widen a little. "Naruto knows shadow clones?"

"Wonder where he go," Akatsuchi said putting his finger to his lips and scratching his head. C tried to dense him about but before he could a pair of arms shot out from the ground and brought him down into the ground.

"Doton: Shinjū Zanshu no Jutsu," Naruto whispered as C was pulled down until only his head was left sticking out.

When he shot out of the ground Akatsuchi eyed him and engaged him in taijutsu.

As he swung Naruto saw that his suspicions about him were right In that Akatsuchi was focusing more on power and his speed was not so great. Meaning Naruto was easily dodging all the kicks and swings as well as landing a few blow of his own on Akatsuchi. He focuses on the side of where his kidney would be. He mentally thanked Shizune for the anatomy lessons.

Akatsuchi grunted as Naruto pushed the big genin away while C had managed to dig himself out. He made a few hand signs and shouted "Raiton: Dendou Underi " Small waves of lightning shot out from C and went towards Naruto.

Naruto saw them and made his own hand seals. "Doton: Tsuchi no Yaei." The ground around him shot up and hoisted him into the air dodging the waves of lightning.

In doing so he Akatsuchi jumped back before he pumped chakra into his feet and pushed towards Naruto at great speed.

"Doton: Gōremu no Te." Clumps of rocks formed around Akatsuchi hands and increased it physical capabilities. He swung down at Naruto who jumped away and landed on the side of one of the walls. The spot he was standing on was reduced to rubble from the Iwa ninja.

Naruto jumped down from the wall and landed back on the ground. C and Akatsuchi appeared in front of him. Both went forward and engaged him in taijutsu, doing their best to once again try and hit him.

But again Naruto's speed was greater than both and was dodging them gracefully and almost effortlessly. Plus it did not help that Akatsuchi and C kept bumping into one another.

"Stop getting in the way Iwa idiot."

"I trying Mr Kumo boy."

"You two don't make a very good pairing you know that," Naruto said before he sent a strong kick to C which threw him a couple of meters away while Akatsuchi got kicked in the guy and then kneed in the face which sent him staggering back. He had felt a crunch so Naruto might have just broke Akatsuchi's giant nose.

"Suiton: Teppoudam," he said as glomps of water shot out and toward C and Akatsuchi. A few of the water shots hit the duo as the two knocked into each other and stumbled a little.

In retaliation they threw kunai and shuriken towards Naruto. Instead of jumping out of the way Naruto stood their calmly before he quickly pulled out the Shusui and deflected them all with the black blade.

When he did many in the audience civilian and shinobi alike marveled at the blade. Those in kage box looked at it curiously even Minato. He had only seen the sword in its sheathed state, never actually taken out before. This was the first he and many other had seen a black blade. Many of the shinobi's from other villages licked their lips and the thought of having the sword but froze when they had KI hit them and saw Tsunade glaring at those who she knew had those stealing thoughts.

In Konoha Kushina too looked at it with wide eyes. "Why have I never seen that blade before? Surely I would have noticed that sword at home wouldn't I?"

"Little unfair isn't it that you two team up?" Naruto spoke getting the two out of their surprise said as he was curious to why they teamed up.

"It does not matter. You're the son of the flash and most hate your very existence. Kumo hates your mother and Iwa hates your father. Therefore both extremely hate you," C said.

From their spots in the kage box and back in Konoha both Minato and Kushina frowned while many of the leaf shinobi shook theirs and argued they would not let anything happen to one of their shinobi's.

"Well if that's the case then I guess I should start getting serious then huh?" he said surprising most who were listening as he gripped the Shusui which was still sheathed.

"You know my Baa-chan has always said that I have the devils luck since her completely sucks," he said making Tsunade shake her fist at him from the crowd making a few people laugh.

"So I think I can end this soon since watching you two fumble over each other leaves little to be desire," he said as well as thinking "I can end this in one move. Guess it's time that I finally used it." His fingers traced along the hilt of his re sheathed blade.

"You think so? Well I will show you," C declared forgetting about the teamwork with Akatsuchi. In his hands eight kunai appeared with paper bombs wrapped around them as he readied to throw them.

Next to him Akatsuchi made hand signs before slamming on the ground. "Doton: Gōremu no Jutsu." A big hand shout out of the ground In front of him and the rock body of a person three times the size of a normal person appeared ut and gave a loud roar.

"Impressive. Now it's my turn," he said before putting his hand on the hilt of Shusui and closing his eyes much to the surprise of many.

Naruto waited for the right moment as he felt the charka of his opponents and felt one was angry and the other was weirdly curious and kinda happy even. He pushed chakra to his feet getting ready to push of and do so at a great speed.

"Here he goes," Hiruzen said alerting the people around him and now watching intently at what would happen.

"I will show you," C declared as he threw the paper bombed kunai towards Naruto who still stood still. Akatsuchi also sent his golem forwards which had its hand out stretched.

Naruto waited and waited for the right moment as the attacks got closer and heard a few people tell him to get out of the way.

Just as they got close his eyes snapped open and at great speed pushed off from his spot.

It all happened in a blur as Naruto was standing in one spot one second and then the next he was behind Akatsuchi and C. Many were surprised to see where Naruto suddenly stood with his sword outstretched. All they heard for that few second were what sounded like tearing the whipping of wind.

They had no idea it was actually Naruto swinging his blade. Those Jonin level and above all saw him move and his actions and were looking at him in a surprised state, none realizing a genin and potential chunin could move so fast at his age.

The kunai and missed their target and gone off at the other side of the field, not hurting anyone while the golem and the contestants just stood there.

Slowly Naruto began to put his blade away back in its sheath. The whole field was complete quiet as they heard him mutter his techqniue.

"Ittōryū Iai: Shishi Sonson." He then fully sheathed the blade making the clink sound echo through the arena. When he did everyone watched as the golem suddenly fell to pieces and C and Akatsuchi had blood spurt from their chests as they suddenly fell down to the ground.

No one moved as they were all a little wide eyed while Hiruzen, Tsunade, Shizune, Mikoto, Itachi ad Anko stood there with big smiles on their faces.

Pakura who was off to the side shook herself out of her daze and smirked a little before raising her hand. "The Winner of the match is Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze."

As soon as she said his name was, the Konoha side of the audience burst into applause as they stood up and cheered his name and clapped.

"THATS MY NARU-CHAN," Tsunade shouted out as Shizune clapped enthusiastically.

"THATS MY STUDENT," Mikoto shouted out as she and her kids all cheered for him too.

Back in Konoha Mito, Eiji and Mina were all on their feet cheering loudly for their big brother though Mina was more like just clapping rather loudly and kicking her legs in front of her.

While everyone cheered just two people did not clap. Not because they were not impressed but because they were shocked at what they saw.

Both Minato and Kushina looked at their son with one thought in their minds.

"Naru-chan. How or when did you get so strong?"