Bring Down The Curtain

Naruto and Itachi ran along the rooftops as quick as they could as they darted towards the area where Naruto had sensed Shisui.

Itachi already had his Sharingan fully activated and had a focused and intense look on his face. "How much further?" He asked back to Naruto who was running slightly behind him.

Naruto sensed Shisui's location with his sensor abilities before answering. "Just over that ridge. He's tiring and I think he's hurt." Naruto said as they both picked up the pace.

After a few moments, they both jumped over the ridge and landed at one of the empty training grounds. Naruto sensed there was no one around the training ground which made him understand why there was no one around to help and see what was happening.

In front of them, they both saw Shisui who was down on both of his knee's looking exhausted and had a two holes in his chest. He was breathing unevenly and blood dripped from his mouth.

Around him where eight Anbu's though looking at their masks Naruto and Itachi could tell something was off about them. Though they were wearing normal masks like the regular Anbu wore along with a darker version of the uniform, on their masks they had Ne symbol in black. Neither Naruto nor Itachi recognized the symbol since neither had seen these kind of Anbu before.

Scattered all around the field were dead Ne Anbu, roughly around twenty-one if by Naruto's count showing Shisui had not gone down without a fight.

They saw one of the Anbu go in for the killing blow on Shisui but before the tanto strike could land, Itachi shunshined in front of the strike and blocked it. He then grabbed the Anbu's wrist, twisted it and threw the Ne Anbu into a nearby tree.

"Itachi." Shisui coughed out as he spat blood onto the ground while Itachi got in front of him.

"Stay behind me." He said as Shisui nodded and slumped to the ground.

"State your business. Why are you attacking my Clan member?" Itachi asked but got no response as the masked figures just looked at him in silence. After a few moments of silence the Anbu shot forward and went to strike Itachi.

Before Itachi could defend himself though a giant wooden wall erupted in front of him and blocked the strikes as the two Uchiha looked in surprise. They looked up to see Naruto standing on top of the wooden wall with his blade drawn out of its sheath.

He looked down at them. "I was going to tell you eventually." He said as Itachi had questions bubble up in his head but would save them for later.

"This one possesses Mokuton." One of the Anbu said in an emotionless tone. "Take him alive. Leader-sama will want him."

The other Anbu nodded before the seven of them went forward.

Four went towards Naruto while three went towards Itachi whose Sharingan was now spinning.

As they Anbu went to fight him, he followed their movements and countered them as he ducked a swing from a tanto and drew a kunai from his pouch. As he ducked another swing, he drove one kunai into the back of the head of one of the Anbu, watching as they dropped to the ground lifeless.

With one down, he turned to the other two who stood beside each other. Both went through some hand signs before saying "Futon: Daitoppa!"

The blast hit Itachi but instead of falling to the ground or getting knocked away, he erupted into a murder of crows.

The two Anbu looked around before a pair of hands grabbed one Anbu and dragged him into the ground where after a few seconds a severed head got thrown out of the earth and rolled along the grass.

The last Anbu threw kunai and shurikens down the hole in trying to kill Itachi with a mass barrage of weapons though after a few moments he saw down the hole was a tree stump.

He heard footsteps behind him but as soon as he looked around he only saw a pair of Sharingan looking at him. He found himself trapped on a tree as Itachi melded out of the tree with a kunai in hand and slashed at his throat.

The Anbu dropped to the ground lifelessly making a soft thud sound.

Itachi looked over to Naruto and saw he was handling his Anbu without problems and went over to Shusui who breathing was hard and labored.

Naruto blocked a strike from one of the Anbu's with his blade before slamming his fist into one of the Anbu's faces, cracking their mask and making a sickening crack be heard in the area as the Anbu dropped to the ground dead.

Naruto ducked a swing and kicked another Anbu in the stomach, which put him to the ground before he blocked another strike with his blade and pushed forward.

Naruto jumped in the air and kicked off from one of the Anbu's shoulders and did hand signs. "Suiton: Teppoudama!" He called out as water bullets shot forwards towards the Anbu who all quickly evaded the attacks.

When they did though a shadow clone of Naruto appeared next to one of them and drove a kunai though his chest while the real Naruto used the distraction to deliver a hard super powered axe kick to the back of one of the Anbu's, crushing him into the ground and breaking his spine in the process.

With the last Anbu who defiantly stood their ground, he went to throw shurikens at Naruto but before he his hand could even reach into the pouch, Naruto's blade appeared in his chest. Small bits of blood leaked out from under the white mask before he too dropped to the ground.

Taking a deep breath and wiping a bit of sweat from his brow, he noticed from the side that the Anbu that was knocked into the tree was beginning to get up and trying to make a getaway.

"Mokuton: Jubaku no Jutsu!" Naruto said as wooden branches wrapped around the Anbu. Though before the Anbu's arms were completely locked, the Anbu dug their hand into their pouch and put a small pill into their mouth.

Naruto appeared in front of the Anbu but before he could even speak he saw white foam coming out from underneath the mask making his eyes widen before growling out. He tore the mask out and saw foam coming from the mouth indicating he had taken a cyanide pill.

"Damn it." Naruto said before he let the body go when a green seal glowed on the Anbu's neck and the body was suddenly set on fire as any remains of the Anbu was destroyed.

All around similar actions were being done around on the other Anbu as they all were set alight. 'Whomever they belong to knows some knowledge of seals.' Naruto thought before he made his way over to Itachi and Shisui.

When Naruto crouched on the other side of Shisui he saw the two holes in Shisui's chest and knew immediately there was no way he was going to survive. He looked up at Itachi who looked at him for moment before Naruto gently shook his head.

Itachi face fell as he looked back at Shisui who was getting very pale and was coughing up more blood.

"Itachi, Naruto listen to me…" He gasped out as he motioned for them to lean closer.

"These Anbu were not regular Anbu. They were part of Danzo's Root Shinobi. They have been brainwashed into becoming emotionless tools at his disposal. Danzo has this belief that every part of the village needs to be militarized and believes he is the one that will bring Konoha to greatness. All he wants is more power and for Konoha to be under his thumb."

He then looked at Itachi. "I tried to go to the clan and use a special genjutsu on the clan members that are revolting but his Root Anbu got to me first and tried to take my Sharingan."

"Why go after your Sharingan?" Itachi asked as Naruto was shocked at the part about Uchiha's revolting against the village.

Shisui took a long and ragged breath before both watched in amazement as his Sharingan morphed and formed into a four-sided shuriken.

"Mangekyō Sharingan…" Itachi said in awe as did Naruto since no one had ever activated it to his knowledge since Madara and Izuna Uchiha.

"I awoke my Mangekyō Sharingan when I was twelve. Since then I have developed a powerful genjutsu called Kotoamatsukami. The technique itself allows the user to enter the opponent's mind and manipulate them by giving them false experiences, making it seem as if they were doing things of their own free will."

"Wow." Naruto said. "That might be the most powerful genjutsu technique that I have ever heard."

"Yes and Danzo wants my Sharingan. If he gets it, he would no doubt use it for his own goals. He must never be allowed to get my Sharingan or any Sharingan for that matter." He said before turning to look at Naruto.

"How good are you in medical ninjutsu? I know you were taught by Tsunade Senju who no doubt taught you some of her techniques and medical knowledge." He asked as Naruto pondered it for a moment.

"I'm okay I guess. Not enough to be classed as a medic-nin, but I know enough when the situation calls for it." He said as Shisui nodded before coughing violently again.

"Good. In that case I need you to do something for me." He said, coughing violently again before continuing. "Take my Sharingan eyes out of my body and store them away. The sooner you do it the better."

Naruto and Itachi looked shocked by the order but both looked at one another before they both nodded since Shisui obviously knew Danzo might try to get to his corpse to obtain the Sharingan.

"Okay, but I don't have the equipment with me now, but later when you have…passed on I can collect the eyes and store them for you."

Shisui nodded before smiling. "Good. That is good. After you take them keep them hidden until Itachi will be in need of them."

"Why would I be in need of them?" Itachi asked not fully understanding, but Shisui just gave him a sad smile.

"You will understand soon enough." He said before giving one last serious look to Itachi. "Do not allow our family to delve into the darkness any further then they already have. If it means you have to take actions against those that would harm our innocent family members, then it should be by our hands to stop them. It's our duty as Uchiha and as shinobi of the leaf to stop those from hurting its people, even if they are part of our village and of our blood."

Itachi nodded as silent tears went down his face with Naruto not faring any better as they listened to Shisui's last words.

"Lead us Itachi. Lead our family into the light and rid them of the darkness once and for all." Shisui muttered before his eyes dropped and his breathing slowly came to a halt.

Naruto dropped his head down in respect of the fallen Shinobi while Itachi gently closed Shisui's eyes with his palm as he said silent words and bidding his clansmen and cousin luck in the next life.

As he let a few more silent tears stream down his face Itachi suddenly scrunched his face up and held his eyes as they began to feel like they were burning.

Naruto was alarmed and was about to ask what was wrong before he saw Itachi look at him with his Sharingan activated and watched as the three tomoes slowly began to move inwards and formed a three-sided pinwheel.

"Itachi your eyes." Naruto said as Itachi took his headband off and looked at his reflection in the metal to see his eyes new form.

"Mangekyō Sharingan. The Mangekyō Sharingan is awakened through the trauma experienced from the death of a person very close to the Sharingan user. With the user normally having to witness or experience this first hand. So that's what Shisui meant." He said quietly.

"Do not tell anyone about my new eyes." He said towards Naruto who nodded.

"As long as you tell no one about my Mokuton." He answered back as Itachi gave a nod back in return.

They sat there for a few moments and saw that the burning bodies had now almost been completely destroyed and that there was almost nothing left of them.

Collecting Shisui body and sealing it inside a storage scroll, they both left the field and went back home since they had eyes they needed to remove and needed to talk with the Hokage.

Later On

Naruto and Itachi did not have to go to the Hokage's office to see Minato since Naruto sensed Minato along with Kushina and the twins were at his new apartment obviously wanting to see where he was now living and give their opinion of the new place. He could also sense Hiruzen was there as well, which was a bonus since they would need to speak with him too.

As they walked into the apartment they saw Naruto's siblings along with Ria sitting on their couch talking and playing while Minato, Kushina and Hiruzen was chatting to Anko. Kushina was looking around the apartment trying to find faults in it, but to her disappointment the apartment was actually very nice in her opinion and thought at least her son would live someone where decent.

"Hello Naruto. I hope you don't mind but your mother and I wanted to see where you now live so we knew where to reach you." Minato said as he spoke a little nervously and scratched the back of his head.

Though they were surprised when they saw red marks around their eyes indicating that Naruto and Itachi had been crying and were looking at them seriously.

"Anko." Itachi said getting her attention. "Could you please take Ria, Mina, Mito and Eiji into your bedroom for a bit? We have matters to discuss with the Hokage."

Anko looked at them in confusion, but she shrugged and led the four children into her room.

The three adults look at Naruto and Itachi in confusion wondering what they wanted to talk about.

When they heard the door click Itachi spoke.

"Shisui Uchiha is dead." He said getting surprised and wide eyed looks from the three. That was not what they expected to hear.

"How?" Minato asked in his Hokage voice, wanting to know how why one of his shinobi was dead.

"We found Shisui after Naruto detected him with his sensory abilities. He was in some kind of battle so we went as quickly as we could. When we arrived, we found he was fighting with a group of Anbu. Only we saw on their masks were Ne symbols."

The two boys watched as Minato and Hiruzen's eyes hardened.

"Danzo." Hiruzen gritted out.

"We took out the Anbu though Shisui had already killed two dozen of them on his own but his wounds from the battle were too much. He died a few moments later."

As they recounted what happened both Naruto and Itachi decided it that they would keep the fact that Danzo was after his Sharingan since it could lead to the discovery of Shisui's Mangekyō Sharingan as well as Itachi's.

"Shisui told me that he was going to try and use a genjutsu he created on members of the Uchiha clan. He does not want them to rebel so he thought it could change their thoughts about it but Danzo got to him first."

Minato, Kushina and Hiruzen looked anxious but Naruto spoke up. "I already know. Itachi told me and I heard Shisui mention it. It explains why Mikoto Sensei has been so jumpy lately."

"I have new information on that front as well," Itachi spoke as Minato and Hiruzen stood ready to listen with Kushina listening in as well. He had already told Naruto about it during their way back to the apartment and it made Naruto boil in anger. The adults saw his reaction and wondered what it could be.

Itachi nodded to Naruto who put up a hand sign. "Fuin!" He said as the adults all saw silence seals around the apartment glow to life. Both Minato and Kushina inwardly smiled and jumped for joy at their son's fuinjutsu knowledge and usage.

"My father along with the Uchiha members that are going through with the coup de ta had a meeting last night. They are going to attempt the coup within the next few days since they are tired of waiting." He said as Minato nodded knowing arrangement had to be made now.

"However during the meeting the subject of your daughter Mito sprung up." He said as the adults eyes all widened.

"The Uchiha clan knows Mito is the Jinchuriki of the Nine Tailed Fox and they plan on breaking the seal." Naruto answered as they all snapped their heads to look at him.

Minato and Kushina looked at Naruto in a loss for words. "Naruto." Kushina whispered. "H-How to you know what your sister contains?"

Naruto sighed. "I found out when I was ten. I saw the seal by accident and then when I went to look at the seal I must have accidentally entered some kind of mindscape because the next thing I know I saw a pair of large red eyes looking at me and threw me out with a roar. Plus I could never forget it's chakra after that night."

Minato and Kushina looked at him sadly and as much as they wanted to talk to him about it, right now it had to wait.

"How does your family know about Mito's status? It was kept very tight-lipped about it. Only myself and a selected group are aware of it." Minato asked as he narrowed his eyes at Itachi.

"I am unsure though I do have a suspicion." He said as Minato motioned for him to continue. "When I listened in to what they were saying I heard a voice that I did not recognize. When I managed to get a look inside of the room there was a man in a black cloak speaking with my father. There was never a name that was given and I never saw his face but when he turned around I saw what was in the hood."

"His face was covered by a mask with a black flame like pattern and a single hole for his right eye. Afterwards he used some kind of jutsu to teleport away. After that they just spoke about how they would attack and who they would allow to live when they ruled."

Naruto nodded and turned to look at the adult but he almost took a step back at what he saw.

His father's fists were gripped so tightly that his nails made his palms bleed and his eyes had steeled over even more than before. His body even shook a little as he gritted his teeth.

Though his father looked imposing, it was his mother's look that scared him.

Never in all his years of life had he ever seen his mother have a look of absolute hatred on her face. Her violet eyes were so dark that they looked ready to kill.

"So he came back." Hiruzen said as Kushina and Minato tried to reign in their anger.

"Who came back? Who is this guy?" Naruto asked since he must have done something terrible to have earned his parents hatred to such a degree.

He watched as his parents turned to one another and spoke in hushed voices that Naruto could not make out. After a few moments, they turned to look at him.

"Naruto we know you must have question about who this person is but now is not the time to tell you. Once the problem with the Uchiha's has been solved, then we will tell you what you need to know."

Naruto eyed his parents before he reluctantly nodded. But he was intent on finding out what they were keeping from him.

"So what happens now?" Naruto asked as his father had a sad look on his face as he looked at Itachi.

"They have to be stopped Itachi. I'm sorry to have to do this but Fugaku has gone too far now. I don't know how he thinks he will get away with it but I cannot allow him to put the lives of the people of Konoha in jeopardy."

Itachi sadly nodded knowing internally that it was always going to come to this eventually.

"Though my father and most of the Uchiha Police Corps are involved there are many that want no part in it. My mother and my two siblings Sasuke and Ria must be spared. My mother only has not gone to tell you because he threatened to harm Sasuke and Ria if she did."

Minato nodded. "Of course. Those that are not involved in the coup will be spared and will not be held responsible for the action of those that want to hurt the village."

"I hoped it never had to come to this." Hiruzen said sadly since he was just a boy when the Uchiha Clan had first settled into Konoha with the Senju Clan and the other clans.

Minato and Kushina nodded while Kushina's thoughts turned to her long time friend and wondered what Fugaku had put her through.

"If that is the fate that falls to the dark part of my family then I ask you now that you allow me to be the one to draw the curtain on that part of the Uchiha Clan. Allow me to end what my father is planning."

The adults looked at Itachi in shock and surprise. "No Itachi. I cannot ask you to do that. Not to your own family. It is noble of you but I will have my best Anbu handle this now. I can't allow you to take on this burden by yourself."

Itachi shook his head. "I thank you for the consideration, however this is my family. If someone is to be the one to stop the evil that has corrupted my family, then it must be left to me. Shisui told me before he died to help bring the Uchiha out of the darkness and back into the light again. I will do just that."

Minato and Hiruzen looked with difficulty as they both admired the fact that he wanted to be the one to stop it but could they really let it fall to a thirteen year old to murder part of his family.

"If I may make a suggestion." Itachi said. "If you do not feel easy with me going in alone then I can think of a fair agreement. You may send with me two of your best Anbu to accompany me but on the condition that I have one person I can fully trust with me."

Minato and Hiruzen looked at one enough, having a silent conversation before they looked back and nodded at Itachi.

"That is agreeable. I know which two Anbu to send with you though please state who you will pick. We need to know that they are skilled enough and can be trusted."

Minato and Hiruzen watched as Kushina gave a little gasp when Naruto stepped forward.

"NO, absolutely not!" Kushina said putting her foot down but Minato obviously was not listening since he looked down at his son in sympathy and pride at wanting to help his friend with this action.

"Naruto, are you sure about this? I know you are strong for your age and could probably defeat all Chunin's and many of the Jonin of this village, but are you positive you want to help with this task?" Minato asked since it made him uncomfortable that his son wanted in on this mission.

"I'm positive. I won't let Itachi do this by himself. I will help my friend in this task and I will not let him take the life of some of his family members all on his own."

Itachi gave him a nod of thank you. "There is no one I trust more in this village then Naruto or my other team mate Anko. They are the only two I would fully feel comfortable watching my back."

The adults all looked with heavy breaths. While Kushina did not like it one bit and showed it by the frown on her face, she knew Minato had the final say in it. Minato and Hiruzen once again had a silent conversation between one another before Minato turned back to face the two boys.

"Very well, Naruto you will accompany Itachi as well two Anbu to infiltrate the Uchiha Clan Compound and kill those that are attempting to join the coup on the village. Be at my office at 17:00pm where I will give the briefing to the other two Anbu as well as get you fitted for Anbu gear." He said as both boys nodded.

Minato then left with Hiruzen and a reluctant Kushina, knowing that plans had to make for tonight and protection had to be issued to Mikoto and Itachi siblings as well as Naruto's siblings. Kushina was not going to let a soul get to Mito on this night. When she got her children from Anko, she took Mito's hand and gripped it gently, but firmly as she led her away. Mina and Eiji were picked up by Minato as they waved goodbye to Naruto.

As they left Itachi and Naruto quickly went to Naruto's room as threw up some more silence seals. Anko was curious what the pair were up to, but before she could get an answer they locked the door. Her eyebrow rose at the action, but she dismissed it as one of the weird boy things.

Inside the room, Shisui's body was unsealed on the floor of Naruto's room as Naruto had a scalpel and some medic supplies by his foot as well as a jar full of an unknown substance.

Taking a deep breath, he gently opened the deceased Shisui's eyelids and with the scalpel began to make incisions around the eye so he could safely remove the two Sharingan.

After a couple of minutes of careful precision Naruto had extracted both Sharingan from Shisui's eyes and put them in the jar. "This liquid should conserve them and keep them from them alive so to speak."

Itachi nodded and took the jar before he took a storage scroll and sealed the Sharingan inside before he sealed that scroll on his arm.

Where better to keep it safe then on your own body.

That Night

Nightfall had arrived as the moon was high in the sky and many were on their way home for the night or were just starting to and enjoy Konoha's nightlife.

On the rooftops overlooking the Uchiha Clan compound four figures stood as everyone around them did not even notice they were there. All four wore masks on their faces that were porcelain white with various markings that represented an animal.

'This does feel a little weird being like this.' Naruto thought since being an Anbu was not something he actually planned on doing, even if he was just for one tonight. He had picked a black stripped white tiger mask in honor of his summons.

"Where are the targets currently?" Kakashi asked with his dog mask on looking at Itachi with a crow mask.

"My father is in the central Manor while the rest are spread out through the compound. Half would be found in the east wing of the compound. The rest will likely be scattered but with Naruto's sensor abilities we can find them quickly."

"My mother and siblings are at the Namikaze house while the rest of the innocent Uchiha's are at a safe guarded bunker with Sandaime-sama."

Naruto was glad of that since Hiruzen felt it was best he watched over the other Uchiha in the chance that Danzo might try to pick one of them off and gain a Sharingan.

"Good, we don't want any innocent casualties tonight." Naruto said as Itachi nodded as did Kakashi and the other masked Anbu who was referred to as Tenzo.

Lying in Naruto's pouch was a tri-pronged kunai his father had given him to use to summon him in the emergency in case things went wrong. Minato wanted his son to be able to call him if anything that did not go as planned happened.

His mother meanwhile had stuck to Mito all day and had even brought Tsunade and Shizune to the house to watch over her in case this masked person striked. He wanted to know what it was about this man that made his parents so angry and worried.

Shaking his head of his thoughts, he saw one of the messenger hawks go over head which was the signal to move in.

Naruto looked at Itachi and nodded before the four jumped from the rooftops and went to complete their mission.

Kakashi and Tenzo paired together and took the west wing while Naruto and Itachi would pick off the rest.

Naruto and Itachi ran along the roof tops and spotted three Uchiha walking together.

"That's Yashiro, Inabi, and Tekka, three of my father's biggest supporters." He said as Naruto nodded and both began to ready themselves.

As the three Uchiha walked alongside the road, they activated their Sharingan and looked towards the roof they were standing on. Only there was nothing there when they looked.

When they turned back around Itachi was in front of them and drove a kunai into Tekka's throat and kicked him to the ground as he bled out in silence.

"Traitor!" Yashiro roared before the Shusui went through his chest and through his heart. He looked down at the blade before his eye rolled into the back of his head with the last thing he saw being Naruto's Anbu mask.

Inabi grabbed a kunai from his own pouch with his Sharingan flared with anger and swiped at Itachi. However Itachi easily dodged and drew his tanto out from its sheath. He swung and took off the head of Inabi.

With the three Uchiha dead, he nodded to Naruto who quick unsealed some containment scrolls and sealed the bodies inside. Once it was done they moved onto their next target.

"In that house." Naruto said as Naruto and Itachi burst through a wall with a surprised Uchiha about to have dinner. Before he could even react, Naruto had snapped his neck and sealed him in a storage scroll in a matter of seconds.

It went on like that for the next ten minutes as the rebel Uchiha did not even know what had hit them. With the advantage of surprise Naruto and Itachi killed 28 of the rebelled Uchiha. None had managed to put up much of a fight and were dead within seconds.

Naruto swung his blade and decapitated the head of one of the Uchiha that tried to strike him with a tanto blade while Itachi used his Kajin fire attack to pierce the chest and instantly kill his target.

By the end of it, a blood covered Naruto and Itachi walked silently down the streets since they both knew that by now most of the Uchiha traitors had been dealt with.

Naruto could sense Kakashi and Tenzo throughout the mission and both were alive, meaning it had gone well for them.

After a few minutes of waiting Kakashi and Tenzo appeared in front of them, both blood covered as well as Kakashi held a few storage scrolls in his hand. He looked towards Itachi and gave them to him.

Tenzo and Kakashi looked at the two before they vanished from the compound as Naruto and Itachi focused on the building in front of them. There was just one left.

Fugaku Uchiha

Naruto and Itachi walked towards the main house of the compound and walked inside.

Naruto sensed for Fugaku. "He is in your parents' bedroom."

Nodding they both walked up the stairs and headed down the hallway. Itachi counted his steps before he stood outside his parents' room. He turned to Naruto.

"I must do this on my own."

Naruto did not need to hear any more before he nodded and leaned against one of the wall as he watched Itachi open the door to the dark room and walk inside. The door quickly closed behind him.

As he did Naruto made a few shadow clones to scout the compound and make sure all the bodies had been picked up, not wanting to leave it to chance.

In Room

Itachi walked inside calm and collected and looked towards his father who was on his knees and staring through the window and had his attention on the moon.

Itachi walked up and stopped just behind his father.

"So you have made your choice. Your mother has chosen this path as well?" He asked.

"Yes she has as well as Sasuke and Ria."

Not looking towards Itachi, Fugaku nodded his head and kept his eyes fixed on the moon.

"It seems I have failed this clan just like my predecessors before me. Perhaps you can finally bring our families curse to an end." Fugaku then turned to look at Itachi ever so slightly. "You are the man of the house now. Look after your mother and siblings. The clan is in your hands now and beware the masked one. He will try to influence you or anyone else in the Uchiha clan."

"I may not show it but I am proud of you Itachi." Fugaku said as behind Itachi's Anbu mask tear ran down his face as his grip on his tanto shook.

Taking a steady breath and calming himself with his grip on the tanto reaffirmed, he drove it forward and impaled his father straight through the heart.

Fugaku made a few strangled noises as life left him until eventually his body slumped to the ground, eyes and mouth closed as he went into the afterlife.

Itachi sniffled as his breath became slightly uneven as he looked at his father's dead form but steeled himself. He could let out his grief later. The man might have been a traitor, but he was still his father.

He quickly sealed the body away and made his way out of the room, not wanting to be in it any longer.

As he arrived outside, he looked towards Naruto and nodded, signalizing that it was done.

"My clones have swept the area. All Uchiha rebels have been killed and stored. There are none left."

"Then it is time to go." Itachi said quietly as Naruto nodded in responses and quickly made their way out of the house and back outside.

As the two boys were about to jump to the roofs, Naruto stopped as he felt a signature he did not recognize a little ways off from the compound, hiding in a tree. It felt like they were looking towards them.

Naruto took a breath and looked straight over, but saw no one was in the tree. Though he could have sworn he saw the air from one of the braches ripple, almost like something got sucked away.

'It's been a long night. I'm sensing things that are not there.' He thought before he followed after Itachi.

Namikaze house

Mikoto sat on one of the couches as her hands rested in her lap with her thoughts wild and full of concern for her eldest child. Sasuke too was asleep having taken a spare bed that was set up in the twin's room. Kushina had applied so many barriers and protection seals around that room that when they all activated it looked like a Christmas tree.

Kushina was sitting beside her friends with Tsunade not far from them with Shizune. Minato was leaning against the wall beside Kushina.

Kakashi and Tenzo had already gone, filling in what they could and that when they left only Fugaku remained and that both Itachi and Naruto were fine. This quickly made all of them in the room feel better, but was still worried for the two boys.

"I don't like this. They should have been back by now." Kushina spoke as she got up and started pacing.

"They will be fine. Those two can handle it. Naruto and Itachi are the best of the next generation. They can get this mission done." Tsunade spoke as Mikoto nodded in agreement.

"I know my two students. I know that independently they are very strong, but together I have no doubt they would be near unbeatable."

Kushina listened but continued to pace. As she was about to speak again they all heard the door open and close and footsteps making their way towards them.

They looked to the doorway and felt relieved when Naruto and a still masked Itachi walked in.

However all the adults felt sick to their stomach and ashamed of themselves when they saw all the blood that covered their children. Mikoto and Kushina wanted to cry while Minato wondered if he did the right thing letting them do this.

"The mission is complete Hokage-sama." Itachi spoke. "The bodies of al the Uchiha are in storage scrolls that Naruto has sealed on his wrists." Naruto showed the seal to everyone as they all nodded.

"How many did you take down?" Minato asked gently.

It was Naruto who answered. "About twenty eight while Kakashi and Tenzo took out around twenty five I believe."

Minato accepted the answer. "There was no one else around. Just the team and the Uchiha's?"

Itachi nodded yes though Naruto looked a little suspicious but did not voice his opinion. His parents saw this and would ask him about it later.

They gave them a brief run through of what happened along with any added details. Once it was over they watched Mikoto stand up and walk towards Itachi.

"Itachi take off that mask." She said gently, but Itachi did not move. In fact he hardly reacted at all. Mikoto had an angry look on her face.

"Take off that mask and look at me." She said with a bit more force laced in her words.

After a few moments of silence Itachi's hands shakily went up to his mask and took the crow mask off. When he did, Mikoto sobbed and felt her heartbreak as she watched a flow of tears continue to run down Itachi's face.

Not wasting a seconds Mikoto wrapped him in a tight hug as she placed her sons head in the crook of her neck. Itachi never spoke a word but let his arms wrap around his mother and just grieve, not caring that people were watching.

Everyone looked in sadness as did Naruto as he wiped some tears from his eyes and sniffled. As he did he too felt arms wrap around him. He saw Kushina wrap her arms around him and held him close to her.

Naruto relaxed into his mother and gently hugged her back as well as she gently stroked the back of his head and letting exhaustion from the night finally take over.

Later that Night

After showering and getting something to eat, Naruto headed into the kitchen of the house since there was one last thing he had left to do. He wore some spare, comfy clothes he had brought with him.

Mikoto had taken Itachi into the spare room and would stay with him for the night, seeing that her eldest child needed her the most right now after what he had to do and taking the life off his father.

Tsunade and Shizune had left for the night as they headed back home while his siblings along with Itachi's continued to sleep silent as if nothing had happened.

Walking into the kitchen he saw his parents sitting at the kitchen table both not saying a word. They looked up at him when he came into the kitchen and took a seat in front of them.

"You both said you would give me answers. I want those answers now."

Minato and Kushina nodded though both looked sad. They did not think they would have to tell him at such a young age but their son was not like other children. They saw that now and knew he could take it.

It was Minato who spoke and began to tell him.

"We will tell you the truth about that night on October tenth..."