Chapter 29

"Naww look at how cute they all look." Anko smiled as she and Naruto stood in the tree tops overlooking a small alleyway in the southern part of the Konoha. They stood together side by side and hid their presence from the genin that were down below. They had been passing by when they noticed Eiji chasing after an irate looking Sakura who was running full force after Konohamaru Sarutobi. The young boy looked scared out of his wits when the pink haired girl managed to grab his blue scarf and slowly pulled him towards her clenched fist. Somehow the boy managed to get out of her grasp but ended up running into a team of Suna Shinobi.

The male of the two wore all black with a large bandaged object draped over his back. His face was covered in purple paint and wore a cocky smirk on his face as he hoisted Konohamaru up in the air by the hem of his shirt. The girl next to him was the same height though clearly looked like the more mature of the two. Blonde hair was tied in four ponytails and wore a purple top that went down to her things with fishnets covering part of her shoulders. A red sash was tightly secured around her waist and on her back was a large fan almost the same size as her. Definitely a wind user in Naruto's mind.

They watched as the two groups met with Eiji stepping forward and telling the boy, who's name was revealed to be Kankuro to let Konohamru down otherwise he would be sorry. The threat got a laugh from the blonde girl, whom was revealed to be called Temari. Naruto and Anko could see Kankuro look intrigued to start a fight with Eiji. "As the son of the Kazekage I'm looking forward to testing how weak the son of the Yondaime Hokage is."

"So that's the Kazekages kids? Not bad I guess. Though neither of them are higher then a high genin level." Anko muttered as they continue to watch the little display in front of them. Eiji glared at one another and Naruto could see him toy with one of the tri pronged kunai he kept in his shinobi pouch. Kankuro dropped Konohamaru who scrambled up and ran behind Sakura, forgetting about his earlier fear of the girl as said girl gently moved him behind her as she kept her eyes on the Suna nins.

"Kankuro now is not the time to start a fight with a Leaf Shinobi. You know Baki-sensei will have our hides if we caused any trouble." Temari warned though Kankuro didn't look in the listening mood as his hands were grabbing a hold of the object on his back. "You want to use crow?"

"HHHEEEEYYYY EEIIIJJIIII." Everyone herd causing Naruto sigh. He had hoped no trouble broke out but now that chance had gone up a notch now that his sister was here. Mito landed beside Eiji jumping around like she had too much sugar for lunch. "Old Man Teuchi said we can have all the Ramen we want since the Chunin exams are tomorrow. Come on-" She started but stopped when she saw the Suna nins. "Who are the weirdo's?"

The two Suna nin formed tick marks on their foreheads while Kankuro glared at the blonde haired girl. He looked between the two siblings as he realized who she was. "Ha! Even better. My Tou-san said the Hokage had twins but I didn't know for sure until now." Kankuro took the bandaged object on his back and slammed it on the ground as Mito understood why Eiji looked so confrontational. She frowned and put her hands on her hips, moving her sword that was strapped to her back forward a little so the Suna nin could catch the glint from the handle.

"Should we step in?" Anko asked but saw Naruto shake his head.

"Only if things get out of hand. We don't really need any incident between two shinobi of two different villages getting serious. Even if Suna are our allies these are still the children of their kage. Vice verse for our village." Naruto explained as he leaned against the side of the tree.

"When do you think gourd boy is going to stop hiding and actually show himself?" Anko asked as they looked to the ed haired boy who was watching silently from the top of the tree's. His attire screamed Suna shinobi and wondered how the boy could carry such a heavy looking gourd with his skinny body. The kid looked like he hadn't slept for years with dark black bags under his eyes.

They saw the boy begin shuffling around and lean forward just a smidge. "Now it look's like."

"Kankuro. Stop being an embarrassment." The red haired boy said making everyone in the alleyway jump at his sudden voice and look up in the tree's. They saw the red haired boy glare down at them while Mito and Eiji looked surprised that neither sensed him or noticed he was there.

"Ga-Gaara." Kankuro stammered as they all watched Gaara jump down form the tree and land next to Kankuro. Their was no emotion on his face only a completely impassive look which chilled the leaf genins spine. Naruto narrowed his eyes on him as he got a feel on his chakra and felt how malicious it felt. Something about the chakra felt familiar but he couldn't place where.

"Peculiar." He whispered as he watched this Gaara talk down to his his teammates while also revealing to the genin he was also their brother.

"Baki-sensei is probably waiting for us at the hotel." Gaara said and went to leave but they all watched him stop and now and stare over at the Leaf genin. "You. What is your name?"

Eiji raised an eyebrow at him but stepped forward, gently pushing his sister hand down when she tried to stop him. "My name is-"

"No not you." Gaara spoke causing Eiji to suddenly go quiet and frown as he saw Gaara point towards Mito. "You. Who are you?"

"My name? My name is Mito Namikaze and don't ever forget it. I'm the one that will be winning the chunin exam this year just like my Onii-san." Mito said proudly causing Naruto in the tree's to break a smile. "Why? Want to know you will be wiping the floor with you."

"No I care nothing about that and I will spill you blood on the ground as easily as all the rest I have encountered." He told her making the twins and Sakura pale slightly at the declaration. "No Mother what's you dead. She doesn't like what you house. What you contain. She want's you dead." His voice slowly turned into a whisper before he began walking away. "I will abide by Mother."

As he left Temari and Kankuro followed after him as Kankuro put his the bandaged object back onto his back. He shot the leaf genin a dirty look before they left. Once they were gone they all let out a breath of relief, inwardly thankful a fight had not occurred that night. "Mother? What a whack job." Sakura said before she turned her attention back on Konohamaru who had a fearful look on is face when he saw the look she was giving him before bringing down her fist on the top of his head.


"How did he know?" Mito whispered as her hand went to the seal on her stomach as her eyes followed after the retreating boy. "No ones suppose to know." Next to her Eiji wrapped his arm around his twins as he watched her earlier confidence wane,wanting to comfort before letting his gaze rest on the retreating Suna nin that slowly morphed into a frightful glare.

Up in the tree's the playful humor between the two friends were now long gone as they witnessed what just transpired. "Naruto." Anko said with her playful act gone and the serious kunoichi now present. Both their eyes were focused on the Gaara as he left. "He knows about her. How?"

Naruto wasn't sure at first either but after mentioning how his mother spoke to him and the gourd that on his back which he had an idea of what was inside, he came to the only logical conclusion he could think of. He wondered if his parents knew about this.

"Anko what bijuu lies with Suna?"

"The One Tail." Anko Spoke before warning bells went off in her head. "You think-"

"Yeah I think so. That boy is the jinchuriki of One Tail Shukaku and he's just pick Mito as his target for the chunin exams."

Next Day

"Good luck to both of you. I know your both going to do great." Naruto smiled as he double hugged the twins who were happy to reciprocate the hug. Behind him were Minato and Kushina who had just gave them both their good luck speeches and told them to pay attention to their proctors and to expect the unexpected. Mina was over at the hospital having her weekly lesson with Shizune.

"Of course we are. We're gonna kick ass and take names. Just you wait Onii-chan we'll be at the top in no time." Mito informed him as both she and Eiji crossed their arms and grinned. It was scary when they both copied each other's movements so organically. It must of been one of those weird twin things.

"Well still I want you both to look out for each other. Even if you might be opposite teams I still want you both to look out for each other when you come across one another. No being too rough on each other you hear?"

Eiji nodded though Mito punched her left hand into the palm of her right. "I''ll try but I can't promise." It caused Naruto to sigh and ruffle their hair though both quickly smacked it away in annoyance.

"Alright you two you better get going. I know you don't want to be late." Minato spoke as he stepped forward. "I know you with both do us all proud. Give them hell."

"Yes sir!" Both chorused before they took off running to meet up with their teams. The three watched them go before they disappeared out of sight. The area was quiet without the voices of the twins

"Tou-san did you know the Kazekage's son was a jinchuriki?" Naruto asked as he turned to look at his father. He heard him sigh and watched as he nodded his head. By the expression on Kushina's face Naruto knew she was aware as well.

"We knew. As part of our alliance with Suna the name of the jinchuriki of the villages bijuu had to be known in order for the trust between our two villages to have a foundation. The identity of a jinchuriki's a big deal even if some villages hide it and other's don't." Minato informed. "Only myself, your mother and the elders are aware while the Kazekage and their elders are aware of Mito."

"And the Kazekage's son." He informed them making them both look alarmed. "He seemed to know when they encountered one another yesterday. It shocked her that he knew and said she was now a target for his Mother."

"Geez." Minato moaned as he ran a hand through his hair. "I had heard the youngest of the Kazekage was a trouble kid but this sounds worse then I thought. The Shukaku has been known to be one of the more violent of the bijuu. We'll have to keep a close eye on him during the exams. Unless he does something that will get Mito or a leaf shinobi killed then all we can do is observe for now."

"So did everyone turn up in the end? The Iwa group and Kiri group?" Naruto asked prodding his father for information.

"They did. They all arrived yesterday afternoon and evening.." Minato told him before Kushina spoke up.

"Naruto are you sure you want to be the Iwa representative's escort while she's in Konoha? I imagine she might be a little sore still about you beating her during your chunin exams in Suna?" She expressed a not very happy look on her face when she spoke. She had not been very keen on the idea of Naruto volunteering to be the escort for the Tsuchikage's granddaughter while she was in Konoha for the peace talks. This was a routine job when an outsider came to the village but she didn't like Naruto having to be that person. It was public knowledge what Iwa thought about Konoha and Minato. Even if they were here for peace talks it didn't ease her one bit.

Naruto however waved off his mother's comments knowing full well he didn't have anything to worry about their representative. At least he hoped he didn't. "Don't don't worry about it Kaa-chan. I think I can handle her." His words didn't do much for Kushina but she accepted it for the time being. However inwardly she was already making plans on keeping an eye on them herself the first chance she got. No way was she going to let a kunoichi from Iwa get the jump on her son and try anything funny.

Naruto though didn't notice the determined look on his mother face and instead made a turn to begin leaving. He something he needed too look into before he met with his hot tempered, fiery other half.

As he made a few steps away from the house he heard his father's voice call out too him. "Be at my office in 30 minutes Naruto to meet with her. Don't be late." Minato told him and got a salute from his son in response.

"Got it Tou-san. I'll see you then."

Once Naruto left Minato stretched his arms before intending to Hiraishin to his office. He would need to be there to meet with the representative before his son made his way over. Deep down he was really hoping for the best and was tried of the animosity between their two villages. If he could finally be the one to bring about a peace between Iwa and Konoha then he would do whatever necessary. Before he could though he felt the arms of his wife wrap around his stomach and saw the sly look on her face when he turned to look at her.


"We have the house all to ourselves for a short while. Let's make good use of it." She whispered into his ear. Before Minato could respond he felt his wife grabbed the hem of his pants and begin leading him into the house, slamming the door shut before the sound of clothes being removed and playful laughter began appearing.

With Rookie Genin

"Come on guys keep up." Mito told her twin as she ran towards the room where the exam was suppose too begin. Behind her Eiji and Team 7 along with Team 11 walked at a much slower pace then the excited blonde girl who had a certain spring to her step, excitement over the day they were about to have. She felt she was ready to take the next step in her shinobi career and was eagerly awaiting for the chance to elevate too the chunin level. She knew Naruto was able to do so in only a year and at such a young age and she wanted to try and top that.

"I'm coming Mito, please slow down. We have five minutes before the exam is said to start." Eiji told her walking side by side Shikamaru and Sakura. Behind them walked Sai with his even present smile on his face and Sasuke a few paces behind him.

Everyone had noticed there was something a little different with their Uchiha friend and teammate when they all greeted one another this morning. He seemed alot less tense and the air around him felt far more calm then the usual stern and hazy one he had carried for so long. Though he barely said anything since they grouped up he did at least keep any negative opinions to himself and didn't try to belittle any of his team members or the other team. They weren't sure what had changed but whatever it was it had made the dark haired boy less of a pain in their minds.

He even helped them figure out the room on the floor beneath them was not the room for the chunin exams but instead a room with a genjutsu placed over it too trick genin into being late for the exams. The revelation surprised them but Sakura voiced that they shouldn't be surprised that they were being tested even before the exam started. It was just another way to weed out the week and those not ready for the next step in their shinobi careers.

"Someone's sure excited." Shikamaru voiced before sighing. Just looking at Mito be so excited made him exhausted. "I can already tell this is going to be a drag. I should have just stayed in bed." Next to him Eiji looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"If you think that then why are you taking part?"

Eiji got an insane look back from the Nara. "You're kidding right? I don't want to have my mother, your mother and my teammate constantly hounding me if I said no thanks. Have you met them? Their all completely insane." Eiji turned his head and saw his sister barely keeping her excitement with a gleam in her eye that resembled their mother when something was getting her blood pumping. Thinking about he really couldn't blame Shikamaru. He was use to Mito and her overly excited tendencies. Shikamaru was her natural opposite.

"Yeah I can understand that." Eiji admitted before turning his head around and now looking towards Sakura. "Are you okay Sakura? You've been kinda quiet."

Said pink haired girl was off in her own little world as thoughts ran through her mind all about the chunin exams. It wasn't until Eiji asked a second time that she realized he was trying to get her attention. Turning to look at him she chucked nervously as scratched her forehead with her index finger in embarrassment. "I'm okay Eiji. I'm just thinking about the exams."


"A little." She admitted. "Do you really think we are ready for this? We really haven't been genin for all that long." She sounded nervous and Eiji picked up on it quickly, putting his arms behind his head as they walked towards the exam room.

"I''m honestly not sure but I don't think Kakashi sensei or my parents would let us compete if they didn't think we were ready. We already know how dangerous mission can be. After all with everything that happened in Wave I think the 3 of us have all had that drilled into our heads." Sakura nodded. The wave mission had been an eye opener for all of them.

"But then again the three of us have trained alot in 3 months. I'm alot faster and stronger then I was back in wave and so is Sasuke." Said boy was still a few paces behind them though was listening in on what they were saying. "And you have been studying and training with Miss Shizune. That means you have definitely got stronger too right?"

"I...I guess that's true." While what she had learnt from Shizune was far from perfected or mastered she could now tell people she could use the Shosen jutsu to a sufficient degree where it could benefit her and her team. She had also become quite proficient in dodging now having Kakashi sensei help her in that regard by having Eiji and Sasuke throw kunai and shurikens towards her around a training field. Her control was flawless as usual even with her chakra reserves taking a good sized boost and her fixation on Sasuke finally waning.

"Don't worry Sakura. As long as we stick together we will make it through these exams. That's a promise." Eiji reassured and placed an arm around her shoulders, briefly making Sakura's eyes widen in surprise. She swallowed her fear and nerves and tried to look more confident. She didn't want to let her teammates down.

Finally getting to the door Mito grabbed the door handle and pushed the door open, leading the group of six inside the room where all the other teams were waiting. Once they entered they all stopped and all took a big gulp.

Filling up the entire room were genin from all across the Elemental Nations all crammed into a single room leaving little breathing room between individuals and their teams. Most looked older then the group of Konoha Shinobi easily making them the youngest members of the exam. The oldest looking was a group of Kusa Shinobi who looked to be in their late teens, possibly early 20s. Every single head turned in their direction and every face either had an emotionless face or a look of annoyance. Some were even sneering at them, likely due to their age and stature in comparison.

"That's alot of people." Sakura murmured as she scanned the room.

"Well my Tou-san did say there was alot of entrants this year. Almost every country sent genin this year." Eiji told her. He tried not to show it but he was feeling a little intimidated at all the older genin that were looking in their direction.

"Hey guys! About time you all got here!" The six all turned their heads and felt themselves breathe a little easier noticing that Team 8 and Team 10 standing off too the side. Kiba had called out to them and waved them over with a grin settled on his face while little Akamaru stood by his feet. Behind him Ino an Choji waved over to the group as did Kurumu and Hinata. Shino stood silent as always though did nod over to them in acknowledgement. Close to where they were stood was another genin team from Konoha though stood few meters away from them.

"I'm glad to see you guys here." Eiji admitted as he high fived Kiba. Behind Kiba he saw Ino looking in his direction and gave the blonde girl a short wave. "Hey Ino-chan."

The girl smiled brightly in his direction and stepped close to her crush, her hands behind her back. "Hi Eiji-kun."

As the group conversed they tried to ignore the looks the other groups were giving them, trying to punk out and scare off the youngest members of the chunin exams. On the opposite side of the room the Sand Sibling's of Suna stood with their backs against the wall, looking over towards the members of the Rookies 12 they met earlier that day, especially the twin Namikaze's.

"Too think brat's like them would be in the chunin exams. I bet they won't last the first round." Kankuro muttered, his hands in his pockets with a lazy look on his face. He wasn't worried about the exams in the slightest. At least as long as his younger sibling didn't try to turn him into one of his latest victims.

"I dunno about that. Two of them are the children of the Hokage and his famed Uzumaki wife. And I hear the rest of them are children from noticable clans. They could be more then just a thorn in our side." Temari wondered aloud whilst responding to her younger brother. "What do you think Gaara?" The red haired boy didn't answer his sister and instead kept his gaze firmly in the blonde twins he met earlier in the day. Especially towards the Mito with whom he felt a great deal of power emanating from.

' will prove my existence.'


"That's one packed room. I think there's even more genin in there then when we were in the chunin exams." Naruto wondered allowed as he stared into the room from the building across the street. He stood beside Itachi who was ever stoic an calm. Anko was elsewhere and already preparing to make a big entrance to the genin that managed to pass the first exam. "You know you think they would come up with something different for the first examine instead of the same written test."

Itachi shrugged. "It's a useful first test. Help to weed out the ones who are not ready to take the next step and become a chunin." Itachi scanned the large group of genin and gazed at them for a few seconds before stopping on the trio of Sand Siblings. "That the one?"

"Yeah that's him." Naruto looked towards Gaara with a cautious look. "I have a feeling he might be someone who will cause our siblings some trouble throughout the test. He doesn't strike me as someone who will allow fear or caution to hinder him. I think he's already decided to lock onto Mito from their earlier meeting." It didn't sit well with Naruto that another Jinchuriki and taking an interest in his sister but there wasn't much he could do about it for the time being.

"My sensory skills might not be as pin point as yours but I can tell he has an enormous amount of chakra which is likely due to the Bijuu he carries. I hope Sasuke does nothing to antagonize him."

"Well you said Sasuke seems to be changing himself for the better since being told the truth about that night. Perhaps if he is as good as he thinks he is then he can tell Gaara is not someone he wants to try too push and shove so too speak." Despite the slow change in the youngest son of the Uchiha the boy could still be a bit of a snob when it came to his own abilities and still made sure he was better then everyone else. Though his teamwork skills according to Kakashi was improving and he and Eiji had not bickered or fought nearly as much as they use to. The fact that Sakura didn't bother him anymore also seemed to lighten Sasuke's mood.

The boy was still a miserable git in most people's opinions but at least to his family he had come out of the shell he had created around him. Mikoto was simply glad to have her son back.

"Here come's Ibiki." Naruto said as he sensed Ibiki walking through the building with is calm and rather dark chakra signature and neared the exam room. Behind him were a large group of chunin who would all help too officiate the test and follow the instructions Ibiki gave them. "Guess we should get going."

"Agreed. I need to be back at Anbu HQ. If I leave now I should still make it on time." As much as the raven haired Uchiha wanted to stay and continue to watch over Sasuke as he prepared for the first exam he had duties elsewhere.

"You still planning on watching over Exam 2 at the forest?" Naruto saw his long time friend nod before he watched Itachi disappear in a flock of crows, a mode of transportation he had gotten use to the Uchiha using since his returns to the village. "Guess I should get going too. I got a Iwa Shinobi to see." He quickly turned away and soon headed over towards the Hokage building.

Five minutes later a casual Naruto walked through the door to his father's office and met with a sight that he honestly was not all that surprised to see. His father behind his desk with his fingers laced together while to his left Hiruzen stood looking outside of the window and looking out over the village. The reason for their serious persona Naruto knew was due to the young woman that sat in the seat directly opposite of Minato.

He did his absolute best not to let a smile break on his face while in front of his father and grandfather figure. Kurotsuchi sat with her left leg thrown over her right leg while her arms were crossed. Her eyes were currently closed and looked to be in deep thought. She wore her usual Iwa shinobi attire and looked near enough the same as she did when they had met up in Wave Country. Close to where she was sat was a large man much taller and wider in weight was stood to her side, slightly behind her, likely acting as her bodyguard.

The silence in the Hokage office was almost at it's peak the moment Naruto walked through the doors. Negotiations had been slow so far not much progress was made though it was too be expected at the start of what was going to be a series of meeting's over the course of the chunin exams. Iwa were known to be quite hard headed and stubborn when they wanted to be along with being quite nit picky. Though he had never met the Tsuchikage he had an idea what he was like from Kurotsuchi.

"I hope I'm on time." He spoke as he walked towards the office desk, watching as his Hiruzen turned his head to give him a smile while Minato stood up and began to speak.

"You're just in time. It's been some year's since you last met but I'm sure you remember the Tsuchikage's granddaughter Kurotsuchi." Said girl slowly opened up her eyes and looked up towards Naruto, giving the younger blonde a glance at the pink eyes that he loved so much. He could see the corners of her lips fighting off the urge to smile similar to himself though her eyes did have a look of playfulness to them, something he could recognize form their time spent with one another.

As she stood up her bodyguard stood up straighter and ensuring that he was close too his Kage's granddaughter. Kurotsuchi turned her head and looked up at Naruto while keeping her arms crossed against her chest. The Hokage and his predecessor watched as Kurosuchi appeared to be sizing Naruto up in their minds, completely unaware what she was doing was simply an act. They tensed for a brief moment when her index finger poked Naruto in the chest a couple of times before finally speak.

"You look far more flaky then you did back in Suna."

If they weren't here on official business then both Minato and Hiruzen would have fallen flat on their faces at the remark. They were honestly expecting her to say something a bit more rude or even offensive to Naruto and not something so minor or even playful in a sense. When they looked at Naruto he didn't seem offended by it and instead chuckled and tucked his hands into his pockets.

"Well it's nice to see you too. You look like you got stronger since we last met." Kurotsuchi let a grin grace her and hold her head high. "I had hoped that defeat I handed you hadn't left too much of a mark on you." He inwardly laughed at the annoyed look that appeared on her face.

"What can I say, defeat only pushes someone to become stronger. Give's us a purpose." Her eyes narrowed. "My grandfather and father upped my training in the last few years. You'll find I'm in a very different league too back then."

"I have no doubt."

Kurotsuchi tapped the floor with her foot. "And I have no doubt you have been training too. After all you manage to get into the bingo book as an S Ranked shinobi. How very impressive."

"Well you should know. Your Grandfather was the one that put me in there." To emphasize this he took the bingo book that usually sat on his father's desk and flipped it open to the page he was on. He then turned it towards Kurotsuchi and made her look at the contents. "I feel flattered Iwa would hold me in such high esteem."

"It's no problem at all. Iwa know's when to look out for any...potential threats." Her earlier grin turned into a smirk which only made him smirk back at her. Despite the facade the two had no problems challenging one another in such way. After all when they met they were trying to beat the snot out of one another. Their aura's when together always held a sense that one another were trying to one up the other. Even if it was something so trivial.

"Perhaps a future spar is in order."

"I think that might be in order."

Behind Kurotsuchi her bodyguard too a step forward towards them, watching Naruto intently to ensure he didn't try anything. Kurotsuchi was known to be a bit of a hot head back in Iwa and he knew her mouth sometimes got her into trouble. While he had no doubt she could hold her own against mot Konoha shinobi, the young man in front of her was not any ordinary shinobi.

Feeling as if the tension in the room was becoming a bit much and not wanting his son and their guest to begin speaking more with fists then there words Minato quickly voiced an idea in his mind.

"Well perhaps we could arrange something of that nature at a later date." Minato offered standing up from his chair. "Kurotsuchi-san how about we continue our meetings tomorrow. We have alot to discuss and I expect we will be having many long discussions in the coming weeks during your stay." He looked over at his son. "Perhaps Naruto could show you around the village."

"Hmm. I suppose we can do that. I'll be here for some time so I may as well get to know the village, especially if our two villages are going to be civil towards one another from now. I guess I can get a good look at what makes the village of tree huggers so special." Kurotsuchi look back up at Naruto with an expecting look. "Well? What do you say?"

A grin laced Naruto face as he gave her a short bow. "This way milady."