Etched in Eternity

The velvety heat and the crystal-like glitter of the stone walls made the days spent in the glowing cavern melt together into a singular weave. The two warriors remained sleeping on the soft covering of moss upon the grotto's terrain. Time didn't seem to register with either of them. When they awoke after interludes of rest, eyelashes would flutter open to gaze across the patch of space and bask in the tranquility gifted them by the other's presence.

It was a wrinkle in time.

A small reprieve from the life of responsibility and duty…

Neither man could get enough of the other's touches or caresses. As soon as Wylen would rise from sleep, his arms would instantly curl around the still reposing form of his lover. His tender ministrations would slowly bring Jaelan out of the world of dreams and soon both their limbs would be intertwined together. The melody of their lovemaking bounced off the stones and caused ripples to skip across the lagoon' surfaces.

Kisses were fruitful and arms welcoming as they rolled on the bed of moss. Jaelan's back arched as he gave a shuddering cry of vibrant release. The catches of breath, moans and groans of pleasure hung about the pair like a cloud of incense as Wylen's hips rhythmically moved in an age old motion, not stopping until spasms hit his thighs with the shocks of his own release.

Spent and once again diminished off all energy, he would collapse upon Jaelan's rising chest as breath left him in one fell swoop. His arms still passionately locked over the pair of ivory shoulders. They glistened with a fine layer of sweat, in the ethereal blue light of the grotto.

When sleep would lay claim once again, both men would drift off into the land of dreams, only to rise but a few hours later, hungry for each other's touch. And eager to rekindle the heat in their thighs and groin.

However, no matter how desperately they wished to remain deeply hidden in the warm protective cocoon of the grotto, duty finally won out. It demanded they cease ignoring the world beyond the cave's salt crystallized walls. The bubble of fantasy had to be pierced.

Responsibility reasoned with their minds, almost harking at them. If they did not return soon, their families would each think the worst had befallen them. Tears from their loved ones would create rivers that would flow through the land.

It was with great difficulty and a collection of whispered proclamations of promises that the two young warriors slowly pulled on their strewn about garments. The sweet caress of the grotto's dewy warmth lingered around them. It pulsed like a beating heart as they gathered their belongings.

Wylen adjusted his leather belt before picking up a stone. He then strode purposefully to the wall of the grotto and picked a spot where the light of the lagoon illuminated the stone. The earthy scent filled his senses as he began to etch their symbols into the stone's surface. A marker of their vow to each other and of their time spent inside the mystic cave.

With their names eternally etched in stone, they finally departed.

Jaelan winced and lifted an arm to his face upon stepping out of the cave's entrance. The light too bright after so many days spent in the soft glow of the pool's ethereal luminosity. However, he was quick to adjust to the glaring sun. The fox tails around his throat shielded his neck and mouth from the vicious mountain winds. Beside him, Wylen growled as he stared out at the terrain. His earlier dislike for the arduous climb coming back to him in full force.

Nonetheless, he gathered his resolve and set to it. He followed behind Jaelan as the surefooted warrior led them down the peak.

Down the mountain they climbed.

The rope they used in their previous ascent up the frozen face of the cliffs remained tied fast around Jaelan's waist as he led the both of them. Wylen but only a few steps behind him, was covered head to toe in his furs. Neither said much through the climb, the wind so vicious and spiteful, it would have swallowed so much as a simple word of concern if uttered.

Thankfully the heavens gifted them with a clear sky empty of gravitating clouds. And so, their descent went off with no delay.

Soon…a week passed within the blink of an eye.

Under the inky sky the two of them sat shoulder to shoulder. A fire roared at their feet and the moon's glittering light embraced them as they cooked fresh fish caught at the side of the river.

Jaelan stood to his feet. His boots crushed the bracken below his heels soundlessly as he crouched down and checked on the grilling fish. The crackling flames reflected like a mirror in the irises of his eyes as he surveyed the catch. One arm moved forwards to remove a cooked mullet from the fire. He licked his lips, hissing as he quickly slid the hot fish onto a layer of large leaves in his hand. Then with a grin he blew on the contents of his hands and quickly hurried back to Wylen. He threw one leg over the fallen log they had dragged over and faced his whittling warrior.

Thigh propped up and serving as a makeshift table, Jaelan hurriedly began to draw back the skin, revealing the cooked white flesh beneath.

"Jaelan." Wylen laughed. He dropped his knife and stick as Jaelan tore the white cooked meat from the bone. The warrior stretched it out to him, not minding the burning sensation it caused to his fingertips, "What are you doing?"

"Eat it." Jaelan answered pleasantly. His mouth drew into a soft smile as he brought his fingers to Wylen's lips, eyes alight with the tenderness only love could create. "It's nice and hot."

Scooting closer to the slender framed warrior, Wylen gave one last chuckle before gently taking hold of Jaelan's wrist and guiding the flaky meat to his mouth. He made sure to lick his lover's fingers clean in the process. He chewed his mouthful with the eagerness of a newly born pup and stared affectionately into Jaelan's eyes. Almost unbelieving that his heart could feel so full upon the other's smallest of actions.

The fire snapped and crackled in the background. Flames glowed orange and red as they whipped in the wind like a banner on an erected post. The clear nightly symphony of the cicadas buzzed from the forest along with the occasional addition of scurrying animals.

In his navy tunic and leather boots, the half god seemed to shine more brightly than the twinkling stars of heaven's midnight blanket. His long flowing locks tied back with his custom red sash remained almost motionless as Jaelan smiled at Wylen and tucked the shorter tendrils behind a pale ear before turning his attention back to the fish.

Swallowing his mouthful, Wylen threw one leg over the log and dug his heel into the rich earth. Then moving his arms forward he took hold of Jaelan's waist and pulled the warrior into his chest.

Caught a little off guard, Jaelan almost dropped the fish he was picking at. His resting thigh slid right off the log and made his boot dig into the earthy soil on the side.

A soft wind blew as Wylen lowered his head and found Jaelan's lips, their moistness more inviting than the thought of appeasing his grumbling stomach. Closing his eyes, Wylen turned the reigns over to his senses as he brushed his tongue against the form of Jaelan's bottom lip. As he did so, a pair of warm arms wrapped around his neck. The meal was put to rest behind them as Jaelan opened his mouth and welcomed Wylen with an eager greeting of his own.

It was a true happiness, there in the forest of trees.

Wylen deepened the kiss and wrapped his arms more securely around Jaelan's back. His tongue glided over familiar teeth and gums and soon mingled with the playful partner waiting for him in the heart of the small cavern. Blithely, Wylen groaned as he felt Jaelan's tongue rub earnestly against his.

It happened then, as his eyelashes fluttered between open and closed that he noticed the strange yellow glow emitting from his passionate lover. Entranced by the light, Wylen ceased all his movement and simply stared, almost as if mesmerized by the ethereal glow.

It didn't take long for Jaelan to notice the lack of participation from his previously quite enthusiastic lover. Drawing back only slightly, he pouted as he opened his eyes, only to find Wylen staring at him unblinkingly.

"Why'd you stop?" He murmured huskily, lashes at half mast.

Wylen blinked. His head turned slightly so that his gaze was level with Jaelan. He swallowed, only realizing now that he'd been silent this whole time. Licking his lips, he slowly nudged with his chin, "…You—you're glowing again…"

"What?" Jaelan's eyes flew to his arms. Brows darted into his hairline as he stared at the soft glow radiating out from his own body. The fingers that were locked around Wylen's neck went slack as the warrior withdrew them and held them to his face, analyzing the soft light.

"Do all your clansmen glow like this?" Wylen asked curiously, watching as Jaelan turned his palms in and out.

Shaking his head, Jaelan let his tongue dart out from between his lips and lick habitually at the corner of his mouth. "No…I've never heard of something like this happening before."

"Does it feel different?"

"Not really…" Jaelan muttered and then lowered his hands, eyes coming back to meet with Wylen. "…Just a little unnerving that I'm giving off my own light."


Wylen could imagine how that could be bothersome. If he had suddenly started radiating like the sun, there would be no doubt that he'd be a little if not more so troubled by the strange occurrence.

"Maybe the elders in my tribe will know more about it." Jaelan mumbled quietly. His eyes lifted from his hands and moved to stare into the fire.

With another grunt of agreement, Wylen nodded.

After a few minutes of communal silence with only the sounds of nature as comforting tickles at the ear, Jaelan turned to check on the fish cooking in the fire and motioned for Wylen to return back to his meal. With a resolute sigh, the taller warrior brushed a hand through his shoulder length locks and went to pick up his half-eaten fish.


Leaning heavily against the trunk of a tree, Jaelan bit into his lip as a wave of dizziness assaulted him. His brows creased together as his mouth formed into a grimace. The slicing pain in his abdomen had returned, almost crippling in its force. He gasped and blinked into the afternoon light. His hand fisted by his side as he tried hard to keep as quiet as possible. Jaelan was certain that this pain would fade away like it had the day before.

Up just a few paces ahead, Wylen was sitting atop a huge rock. His legs hung over the side and hands supported him as he upturned his face to the sun, basking in the midday rays. The metal beads Jaelan had weaved into his hair just a few days prior sparkled as they caught the beams of sunlight, glistening like precious gems.

Gritting his teeth, Jaelan reached to his damp forehead and wiped the newly formed droplets of perspiration from his brow. Having told Wylen he needed to relieve himself, he darted away as soon as he felt the first few stabs slicing at his stomach. Now desperately clinging to the thick sturdy trunk of a nearby tree, Jaelan cringed as a hiss left his lips. His body doubled over as he swallowed a cry that nearly flew from his mouth.

At that moment, he regretted ever passing up the opportunity of acquiring horses from the last village they travelled through. The beasts were strong and young, coats glossy and vibrating with health. They would have cut the trip considerably. However, wanting to spend more time with Wylen, Jaelan had been against taking the horses with them. They had only two weeks left before they reached his clan, and at the time, two weeks seemed too short of a remainder.

He had wanted more.

"Nnagh!" Jaelan gasped. His nails dug into the bark as his knees buckled and sent him falling to the ground. One hand darted to clutch at his abdomen as another painful stab pierced through him. His eyes shut tight as the vicious cutting in his stomach intensified. Suddenly the tightness of the sash holding his hair together was too much. Almost manically he clawed at the crimson silk, pulling it free and allowing his long flowing sable hair to tumble over his shoulders.

Up on the rock, Wylen breathed in deeply as a smile played across his face. The weather was excellent and they sky a sea of blue without a cloud in sight. He imagined it would be the perfect time to take a swim in the river. If his recollection proved right, there had been one nearby when they passed through this wood on their earlier travel. Relaxing even further, Wylen tilted his chin and swung his legs, wishing Jaelan would hurry up and join him.

After a few more minutes of sitting idly on the rock, Wylen turned his head to scan the immediate area. He was growing a bit impatient with the length of time Jaelan was taking.

When he did not see the other warrior anywhere, his brow immediately creased.

How long could he be taking? Surely Jaelan should have been done by now. A little worried, Wylen spun himself off the stone's surface and jumped to the ground, boots sinking into the warm earth upon impact.

Eyes sharp he began to stalk forward, looking anxiously around for his missing partner. "Jaelan?"

When a call in reply did not sound, Wylen felt his heart quicken.

"Jaelan!" He called out again. His steps sped up as he sailed through the brush. "Jae!"

A small groan.

Wylen froze and turned around. His eyes raked over the land until he finally saw him.

There, lying right beside the trunk of a tree was Jaelan, his body curled.

"Jaelan!" Wylen sprinted towards the warrior. Distraught at seeing the usually strong and resilient man crumpled in a heap. He lunged to him, knees scraping against the small stones littering the earth's floor as he reached to pull the other into his arms. "Jae!"

Trembling and face scrunched with pain, Jaelan forced himself to open his eyes. When he saw Wylen's worried face hovering over him, he inwardly cringed.

"I'm f-fine." He rasped out, wincing when the shakiness of his voice failed to deliver his lie believably.

"Like hell you are!"

"Really," Jaelan tried to convince Wylen. "I f-felt it before…just it w-wasn't as b-bad…"

"Damn it!" Wylen cursed and tried to lift Jaelan to his feet only to withdraw his intention immediately when the smaller man gave a pained cry and clutched almost viciously at his abdomen. Scared, Wylen didn't know what to do. "J-Jae…what's wrong? What hurts? Do you need me to get something?"

"AHH!" Jaelan's eyes flew open as another assault barreled his body. Tears pricked at his eyes and were soon tumbling down his cheeks. The strength to keep them locked away faded from the half-god like a summer rain. Teeth dug into his flushed lips as his body jerked. The agony he was in matching the effects of having a hot iron rod, seared by fire, pierce through his abdomen repeatedly with no mercy.

And unlike before where the pain came and lasted for just a short period, this time it didn't melt away and fade into the darkness. If at all, it increased in its intensity. Almost blinding him with the full brunt of its relentless force. As another slicing burn hit him, Jaelan almost choked. His threshold reached and exceeded.


Wylen froze.

Never had Jaelan ever showed any weakness, even when sick with fever and barely conscious enough to start a fire. The strong warrior had barely uttered a peep and hearing him call out instinctively and with such quaking despair for his mother shook Wylen to the core. Scared and trembling, he did the only thing he could do.

With his hands he hurriedly reached for Jaelan's neck and felt for the arteries on both sides of the warrior's damp and cool throat. Then pressing his thumbs into them, he applied pressure. Anxiously he stared into his face, waiting and praying to whatever deity could hear him to guide him through whatever the hell was happening.

When he saw Jaelan's eyes roll back into his head and eyelashes flutter closed, he exhaled sharply and swiftly released the other's neck.

Then without wasting a precious second, he quickly lifted the unconscious warrior onto his back and took off at a run.

There was only one person who could help him now, and Wylen swore to himself he'd get Jaelan back to his clan by any means necessary. And in order to do that, he needed a horse.

With his boots pushing off the forest floor, Wylen sprinted forward. Intent on reaching the main road and stealing himself a horse if necessary.