The Retrieval

This time, the Ellos Chieftain spoke, his long alabaster hair catching the wind as it blew and jingled a few of the metal ornaments in his locks. "My son is about to lay an egg…and bring forth the child of prophecy."




What were these people talking about? As soon as he got here, these people were shouting about some child. And now they were speaking of eggs and prophecy? Had he wandered into another world?

"What prophecy?" Taemor felt his insides tremble as he stared at the tall warrior, completely confused with all the mayhem and the rushing of the villagers around them. He could see them start to clasp hands and circle around the tent, getting on their knees and bowing their heads. "What egg?"

"The child of Prophecy," The voice of the Great Priestess reached them as she stepped out from the tent, like a crow in her inky silks. "The bringer of Nations—the foretold King who will unite the scattered people of this land and bring us all together to forge a mighty empire."

Taemor's brows knit together as the words of the elderly woman decoded in his head. "…A King?" He shook his head, trying to make some sense of what he'd just heard. "…You mean Jaelan is going to give birth to a King? How is that possible? He's a man!"

"He will lay an egg which we will have to transfer into one of our priestesses." The old woman quickly explained while at the same time motioning to her disciples to make haste. "She will carry the child to term, sacrificing her body for the greater good."

"Sacrificing?" Taemor swallowed, unable to believe what he'd just been told. "… he's—egg—what?"

Before he could formulate a sentence that made some semblance of sense, the short woman clothed all in black waved her arm, commanding silence after she was handed a silver basin by one of the Priestesses in violet silks. "Either join the forming rings around the tent," The Great Priestess motioned to the already forming units around the pavilion, "Or stay out of the way—we don't have room for error or time to let you grow accustomed to the idea of a man laying an egg!"

With that, she turned her back on the group and flicked her wrist, moving the tent flap to the side and entering the pavilion.

Taemor stared after her, eyes clouded with doubt and apprehension. He did not know what to make of the situation. If the pain Jaelan had been experiencing throughout their travel had been due to an egg, a child inside him, then indeed something mystical was taking place here. He knew the warrior was not entirely human—the blood of the gods ran through his veins like a river down a mountain slope.

Could it be possible?

Was Jaelan at this moment carrying a child inside him?

If so…whose child was it?

His eyes then flashed, knowledge dawning upon his face as he recalled the way Wylen and Jaelan had interacted. It was with the striking of lightning up in the heavenly sky and the roaring of thunder that everything clicked into place inside the Prince's head.

Upon feeling a single drop of rainfall on his cheek, he inhaled a breath, eyes narrowing as he came to a decision. He looked to the two Chieftains who were awaiting his decision and spoke. "We will join the ring formation. Any services we can offer, we will."

"Thank you, Crow Prince Taemor." The Ellos Chieftain gave a slight head bow, followed by the Aldor Chieftain.

"Raygar, let's join the rings."

"Yes, Crown Prince."

Wylen was staring blank-faced at Minow, who had his arms crossed over his chest, one eyebrow arched judgingly inside the tent. The silent exchange took place while the Ellos warriors busied disrobing their thoroughly exhausted, cringing, and energy drained brother. Having yelled himself hoarse, Jaelan turned to whimpering as tears streamed down his pale cheeks, nails digging into his abdomen as if trying to tear out the object, causing him so much pain.

"Jae," Soral choked and shook in place as he worked to remove his best friend's clothes, "…it will be o-okay… I'm here…N-Nokiel is here…"

Shaken as well at seeing his strong friend so vulnerable, Nokiel tried to keep a firm grip on his emotions as he pulled Jaelan's boots off his feet.

"What are you doing here?" Wylen finally found enough breath in his lungs to speak his query. Eyebrows arched into his sweat-stained brow, and beads of perspiration resting on the top of his lip.

Minow grunted, motioning with his chin to the whimpering warrior stripped on the makeshift bed, then to the unmoving figure of Priestess Senisari on another bed but a few measly paces away, her gathering of women around her, waiting.

"Leave it to you to somehow find a way to get us all in trouble." Minow sighed and let his hands fall to his sides. Locking eyes with his brother, Minow made sure to sound out every word so Wylen would hear it loud and clear. "That man right there is carrying your child."

"What?" Wylen exclaimed, eyes widening only to turn to narrow a split second later. It was not the time for Minow's ill-humored jokes. "Minow…" He growled.

"I'm not joking around." Minow sighed, expression far from humorous. "Jaelan is about to shit out an egg."


"Yah!" Nokiel puffed and stuck out a finger at the offender, cross as a hen that just had her nest sacked. "Ever heard of tact?"


"Damn," Heekam cursed under his breath and looked up to find Wylen's gaze, having been short of breath up to this point and thus unable to utter a word. He was not in the best shape. It had been a long time since he had needed to sprint through a village as fast as his legs could carry him. "I thought we were at a lull again…"

Wylen swallowed, all thoughts of eggs flung from his head as Jaelan's eyes flew wide open, and he arched off the bed, yelling himself hoarse.

"JAELAN!" He was immediately by his side, trying to get Jaelan to focus on him. "JAE!"

"Get into positions!"

All heads snapped to the front of the tent where the Great Priestess now stood, eyes focused on the agony-ridden warrior.

"He must get it out before falling unconscious!" The Priestess swathed in black issued like a sergeant. "The egg needs to come out!"

"Priestess Senisari is under hypnosis already!" One of the ladies in violet silks on the other side of the tent chimed. "She's ready to receive the egg when it comes!"

The Head Priestess grunted and pushed her way to stand by Jaelan's side, eyes landing on the worry-ridden Wylen. "You," She spoke to him, voice crisp. "You are late!"


"Never mind that!" She waved his words away before he could even speak, commanding silence. "Listen to me very closely if you don't want your son and lover to die."

Wylen froze, legs locking in place as his eyes doubled in size. His jaw dropped as he gaped at the short-statured woman, the words not making any sense to him whatsoever. It was only after the Priestess grabbed his chin and pointed him towards Jaelan, clawing at his stomach on the bed, that the words were able to penetrate through his disbelief, cynicism, and confusion.

"That man on the bed," She motioned to Jaelan, who was back to whimpering, eyes closed and heels digging into the bedding as Nokiel and Soral worked hard to remove his trousers. At the same time, Minow gripped the warrior's arms in an attempt to keep the half-god from doing any harm to himself in his state. "He is about to lay your egg, you understand me? That man right there is about to bring forth your child! And if you don't do exactly as I say, you will be endangering both their lives, you hear?"

Thoroughly shaken by the tone of the woman's voice, not to mention the words she was saying, Wylen nervously licked his lips and nodded. Deciding to follow and listen, then ask questions later.

Upon his agreement, the older woman released his jaw and continued drilling orders, hands motioning about her.

"You will stand by the bed right here," The Priestess pointed to the foot of the makeshift bed, kicking away some of the strewn clothes that Nokiel and Soral had earnestly stripped. "The egg…you must catch it when it falls from him. It must not touch anything other than you, understand?"

"Not touch anything other than me." Wylen nodded, assuring he understood.

At that moment, the Priestess drew forth a blade and, as quick as lightning, grabbed Wylen's palm and sliced through it.

Wylen sharply withdrew his hand, eyes wide as he stared at the Priestess, alarmed. He was about to ask about the stab to his person when the elderly woman shook her head, silencing him.

"Your blood must touch the egg for it to recognize you." She revealed, trying to waste as little time as possible. "As per Priestess Senisari's vision…the egg will begin to glow as soon as your blood touches its surface. At that point, you must quickly rush to Lady Senisari over there," She motioned to the prone woman lying on the bed. "Do not drop the egg…you will feel it is moving, but you must not let it fall from your hands. Instead, you are to thrust it as far as you can inside Lady Senisari. The egg will move where it needs after you do so. And if everything goes as it is supposed to…Lady Senisari's body will give a faint glow. Understand?"

Wylen took a step back, horrified. "I'm to…w-what?"

Having already heard about the process at least a dozen times before, Minow stepped forward and turned his brother around to face him, tone serious. "You have to stick that egg into that lady's vagina. Get it?" He scowled. "Just don't think about it…stick it in and pull out."



Wylen jerked his head to Jaelan, feeling his heart drop. It was insane. Surely he must be dreaming. An egg? Jaelan had an egg inside him? How was that even possible?

"Do you understand me, Wylen?" The Priestess called out, tone anxious as she too stared at Jaelan. "You must transfer the egg into Lady Senisari, no one else!"


Giving his head a shake, Wylen dismissed all his thoughts. Now was not the time to be deciphering what the hell was going on. He needed to help Jaelan.

"Okay." He nodded, licking his lips upon turning to face the Great Priestess. "I understand."


Outside the tent, Jaelan's mother stood amidst the first ring. Tears flooded down her face as she listened to her son's anguished cries. Hearing him scream like that tore at her heart. She desperately wanted to hold him and take his pain for her own. He was her angel…for god, why did her son have to suffer?

The droplets of rain began to fall more readily as the fires lit.

All around them, their people got onto their knees, hands joined as they bowed their heads forward, prayers muttered under their breaths as they called upon their ancestors for safety and guidance.

In one of the middle rings, Prince Taemor and his men joined hands. Their heads also lowered as they prayed upon their knees in earnest for whatever outcome was best. None of them wished the two young warriors any ill. Even though the circumstances hadn't been of the best variety, they had all become friends. Prince Taemor vowed as his lips mumbled prayers that he would do everything in his power to help Jaelan and Wylen and their prophesized son.

For the first time, he wondered if he was meant to cross paths with these men.

Closing his eyes, he bent his head lower.

Inside the pavilion, Jaelan screamed, teeth-gritting together as he held both Nokiel and Soral's hands in his grip. The strength of his grasp surely bone-breaking—though both Ellos warriors tried not to show the amount of pain Jaelan's hold had on them. For they knew the laboring man must be in agony twenty times worse than theirs.

"Push, Jaelan!" Heekam instructed animatedly, hands waving all about the place as he coached the young warrior. "You need to get that egg out! Do you hear me? PUSH!"

On the other side, Minow was doing much the same, although his method was more—crude. "Just like taking a shit, Jaelan! You can do it! Imagine one big one up there!"

"YAH!" Nokiel shrieked, unable to listen to Minow's coaching skills any longer. "Have you no sense of shame?"

"Well, what do you want me to say?" Minow snapped, oddly showing fear much as he'd like to have hidden it. Their circumstances were chilling and frightening. It was one thing to have to listen to what he was supposed to do, an entirely different matter enacting them. The naked warrior upon the sheets looked like he was dying. "I am as eager for him to get that egg out like all of you! Hell, that's my nephew in there!"

"ALL OF YOU SHUT UP!!!" Jaelan screamed as he clenched. His teeth grinding together enough to be heard by those present—even the priestesses gasped upon the unearthly sound.

Two sharp cries echoed through the tent as both Nokiel and Soral felt that for sure Jaelan had broken their fingers.

"GET IT OUT! OUT!" The warrior screeched, heels digging into the bedding only to have his feet restrained by both Minow and Heekam upon instruction from the Priestess. "PLEASE…FOR GOD'S SAKE GET IT OUT OF ME!"

"Jaelan," Wylen soothingly called out, still unable to see the egg even though his lover's legs were separated. "You need to push the egg out…I can't se—"

"AHHHH!" Jaelan screamed, face turning red.




Gritting his teeth, Jaelan mustered his resolve and clenched his muscles. If the pain had been wicked before, it was much worse when he forced himself to push. Everything hurt. His lower half felt like one big throbbing sore stuck with hundreds of sharpened metal blades.