The Battle

He found Kagami, "Kagami here is the Dragon miraculous go and help Ladybug." "Yes, Cat noir thank you." She replied and she transformed and rushed to help Ladybug. Meanwhile Cat Noir went to the hospital de-transforming before he entered. They got his arm all fixed up and when the technicians asked to contact his parents, he kept saying "oh its fine." He didn't want his Father finding out what actually happened and banning him from leaving the house. "Ladybug can't see me either otherwise she would figure out who I am." He headed home meeting up with his bodyguard. "Where is everyone?" He asked. His bodyguard led him to his room, and he turned on his tv. Ladybug and Ryukko were fighting Mayura and Exployo and it didn't look like they were doing a very good job. Ladybug used her lucky charm and got a bottle of deodorant, "seriously?" Ryukko said. Ladybug looked for clues on what to do and leapt into action. Just as Ladybug was about to use it, she slipped on a random banana peel hitting a poll with the deodorant causing it to explode all over her and Ryukko. In the mayhem Exployo lunged toward Ladybug. He grabbed one of her earrings and before he could get the other one, she swiftly pulled away. She began to de-transform. "Excellent work Exployo! I will finally know who Ladybug is!" Hawkmoth said in triumph. Ryukko still phased by the deodorant saw what had happened and used her water powers "Water Dragon!" She yelled and she flooded the area. Ladybug's mask was already half gone, and she was covering half her face. "Ryukko help!" She said. Ryukko charged on Exployo who was struggling in the water but Mayura was surprisingly nimble in the water. She pushed Ryukko back and grabbed her miraculous! Ryukko de-transformed into Kagami. "No!!!" She shouted. The water drained out of the street and Kagami pulled out her fencing sword to face Exployo and Mayura on her own.