Secrets Revealed

Meanwhile, Hawkmoth reveled in his triumph. "I finally have one of ladybug's earrings and now you just have to find her so that you can take the other one!" Kagami was on the ground defeated by Mayura and Exployo. "Hawkmoth' Mayura said gravely, 'I have to tell you something important, I need you to be here though." Hawkmoth was surprised at Mayura's request but immediately started up the elevator back into his dwelling. When he was up, he heard the front door open. "Nooroo Dark wings fall" He said appearing as the famed fashion designer Gabriel Agreste once again. He walked into the foyer and came face to face with Adrien. "Adrien what happened?" He said when he saw his arm. Adrien wiped away a tear, as he was very emotional on the way back home, "Oh, nothing." He mumbled and ran to his room. Gabriel watched him leave with a suspicious glare wondering how Adrien could have hurt himself. He hoped it wasn't Exployo's fault. Gabriel resolved to get answers from Adrien later as he had a request to fulfill and also would very much like to defeat ladybug himself. He transformed into Hawkmoth and headed towards the battlefield. Marinette sat alone in the lobby of the news station. She had removed her banana suit when Cat Noir left because there was no need to hide who she was anymore. "I failed Tikki," she said tears brimming in her eyes. "No Marinette, you didn't fail, you just have to find a way to get your earring back." All of a sudden Tikki started to fade. "Tikki! What's happening to you?" Marinette exclaimed in distress. "I am being called by the other earring." "Called? I didn't know that was possible." It is important that the earrings stay together otherwise I will lose my power. Marinette was determined, she had to get her other earring back. She walked out of the building and hid behind a car when she saw Mayura and Exployo. She grimaced when she saw Exployo trying to put on her earring. "I have to get that back," She said determined in her purpose. Suddenly, just as she was peering around the car, she felt a strong grip on her arm. She gasped as she was brought face to face with Hawkmoth himself. "Now what could little Marinette possibly be doing here, oh and conveniently with only one earring." Marinette was too shocked to speak. Her heart pounded in her chest as she tried to come up with something to say. "I was uhh… umm…FLYING BANANA!" Hawkmoth was baffled by Marinette's unusual response. He reached toward her other earring when a ginormous banana flew from the sky right onto his head. This was immediately followed by a crazed ape who grabbed "banana moth" and forcefully shoved him into his mouth. Coming to the realization that this strange morsel was not in fact a tasty banana but an unfortunate supervillain, he spit the disgruntled man onto the ground. During this mayhem Marinette quietly slipped away and ran towards her master's home. Exployo chuckled as Hawkmoth struggled to his feet and composed himself. "Looks like you peeled over there he he he," Exployo said exploding with laughter. "I hope your combat skills are better than your jokes." Hawkmoth replied with malice. "She's getting away!" Mayura said pointing toward where Marinette had run.