The Reveal

Mayura held Marinette in a chokehold at the end of the alley. Marinette gasped for breath but was losing air fast. She began to feel faint and finally passed out. Mayura let go and she collapsed to the ground in a heap. Mayura reached for her earring but at that moment Cat Noir hit her with his stick, swooped in and picked up Marinette. He didn't have any time to lose he jumped behind a building and looked into Marinette's still face. "Come on my lady wake up." He said with tears filling his eyes. After a long thirty seconds Marinette began to cough. "Your okay!" Cat Noir said holding Marinette close to him. She hugged him back taking in big breaths and tears filled her eyes. "I can't believe it's you Marinette, but I'm not surprised though. You are the most amazing girl at my school." "You know me from school! But that means…" Cat Noir smiled and detransformed. Marinette gasped as a bruised and bleeding Adrien looked back at her. "Oh Adrien!" she cried clinging to him. "I love you so much!" Marinette declared in that moment. Adrien smiled "I love you to Marinette." They kissed each other and then Marinette noticed Adrien's forced breathing. "What happened to you Adrien?" "My father is hawkmoth." Adrien said with downcast eyes. "I should have told you earlier but Mayura figured out who I was back in the warehouse and she must have told him." "I am so sorry Adrien!" Marinette said, "We need to get help." "Maybe Master Fu?" Adrien suggested. "I don't know what Master Fu would say if he found out what just happened, so I suggest we go to my house." Marinette said. "Do your parents know your ladybug?" Adrien said. Marinette looked into Adrien's eyes. "No one knows, not even them." "How are we going to explain this to them then?" Adrien asked. "We won't, its time they knew the truth." Marinette helped Adrien to his feet and they both limped down the street to Marinette's house.

They approached the front door and Marinette reached for the door handle. "Here we go." she said under her breath and they entered the bakery. Tom was handing out bread to customers and humming to himself. Marinette helped Adrien walk towards the counter she was deathly pale herself and dirty from the struggle. Tom gasped when he saw his daughter and her friends sad state. He immediately ran and closed the shop and began to help Marinette and Adrien upstairs into the apartment. "Marinette, what happened?! Were you attacked? You look awful!" "There is something I have to tell you dad." Sabine rushed into the room and hugged Marinette immediately helping Adrien onto the couch. "Oh, sweetie what happened?!" She said frantically getting supplies to clean up Adrien and Marinette's wounds. "Mom, I'm sorry I never told you but… I'm ladybug." Sabine gasped then smiled. "My daughter, a superhero!" Tom said. "I'm so proud." "This is my friend Adrien." Sabine smiled, "We know who he is hunny, your room." Marinette's face turned bright red. "He he well anyways, Hawkmoth knows our secret identities and he is Adrien's father Gabriel Agreste…" "Wait hold up," Tom interjected. "The fashion king who makes all of the magazines you love is hawkmoth?!" "Yes, that is correct and I'm sure he is going to have the entire city looking for Adrien, so you can't let anyone into the bakery, do you hear me?" Marinette said staring into her father's face. "Of course, Marinette we are superheroes now so we will have to keep the bakery closed until the suspicions that Adrien may be here are gone." Sabine cleaned the wounds on Adrien's face but was concerned about his heavy breathing. "Hunny he may have a broken rib. We will need a doctor to look at that." "I'll call the doctor and have him come over later today." Tom said. Marinette went over to Adrien's side "everything's going to be okay, you'll see." Adrien opened his eyes and smiled, "As long as were together no one can take our miraculous." "Well I'll just have to figure out how to get my other earring back." Marinette said. At that moment there was a pounding on the bakery door that shook the house. "Open up in the name of the law!" a police officer hollered. "Hurry we need to hide somewhere!" Marinette said she helped Adrien to his feet, and they headed up to her room. "I'll distract him" said Tom pulling out a huge piece of bread and waving it around. "Open up this instant or I'll break the door down!" The police yelled again. "Coming coming" Tom said as he went towards the door. Marinette helped Adrien onto a chair in her room. He moaned in pain. "Adrien, I know this is a lot to ask but…" Marinette thought for a moment. "Would you let me borrow your miraculous?" Adrien slid off his ring. "Anything for you my lady." He said smiling for a moment. Marinette blushed and took his ring. "I need it to get my earring back. You can have my other earring while I'm gone." Marinette said taking off her one earring and handing it to Adrien. "Be careful Marinette, my father is a desperate man and will do anything to get our miraculous for himself." Adrien said with concern in his eyes. He couldn't let Marinette get hurt like he did. "Don't worry about me." Marinette said she leaned over and kissed Adrien on the cheek and transformed into Ladynoir.

The police officer was agitated by the long wait. "Don't you know we are closed at this time of day?" Tom informed him. "We have a serious situation sir and I need to search your home immediately." The police began to charge in, but Tom blocked his way. "What do you think your doing" He pulled out his ticket pad and began writing. Tom crossed his arms. "This is for getting in the way of the police's duty, this is for refusing to let me search…" He stuck a bunch of tickets onto Tom until he was covered in paper. "Maybe I can pay with pastries." Tom offered. The police officer seemed to like this idea and entered the bakery with Tom. He winked at Sabine who was peeking down from upstairs. She walked up to Marinette's room to check on Adrien. "Adrien are you okay?" She asked placing her hand on his shoulder. "I'm fine" Adrien said weakly still clasping onto his ribs which he was almost sure were bruised or broken. "The doctor's coming in a few minutes and he will make sure everything is okay." She said grabbing a blanket and placing it around him. "Thank you, Mrs. Cheng, you are the best." He said in response. "I'll get you something to drink." Sabine said heading back down to the kitchen.