
Marinette woke up in the dark. She could hear voices but didn't see anyone. She tried to reach up to her eyes but realized her hands were tied behind her back. She had a blindfold covering her eyes so she couldn't see. She tried to move but found herself unable to. Her mind began to panic, why couldn't she move her legs. She did feel kind of funny so she assumed that she must have been injected with something that was messing with her brain. She tried to let out a call for help, but a little moan came out. She then heard footsteps approaching her and she froze. Someone yanked her to a sitting position and tore off the blindfold. Her vision was blurry, but she could make out a man kneeling in front of her. "Let… me.. go.." She managed to get out in a weak voice. The man in turn slapped her hard on her face. "You will not speak unless spoken too." He said in a stern voice and tears welled up in her eyes. "Gonna cry?" He said sarcastically slapping her again harder. A voice then rang out from behind him. "Tobey, don't damage my most prized possession." A man came up in a wheelchair from behind and Tobey stepped away from Marinette. The man wheeled up to her and she tried to ignore the pain on her face. "You are quite the unique girl; I'll give you that." He said looking into her bright blue eyes which were full of tears. "And these trinkets are sure to make me a rich man." He said holding up her earrings. She gasped and tried to move again in which the man raised his hand threateningly. She stopped moving and he lowered his hand. "Tobey, clean her up and take her to her room." He commanded and rolled away. Marinette scowled as the man approached. He lifted her up and dragged her to a separate room. There was a platform in the middle that she was forcefully laid onto. He untied her hands and removed her jacket he then locked her wrists into restraints that were attached to the platform and he left. She tried to breathe normally to calm herself down, it wasn't every day that you get kidnapped on your way to an orphanage. She wondered what these people wanted with her. Maybe it wasn't Master Fu after all or was it? She turned her head to notice a forcefield that was surrounding something red. Her eyes were still blurry so she couldn't tell what it was. "Tikki?" She said weakly thinking it could be her. "Marinette! Are you okay? You look awful." Tikki said from inside the forcefield. "Thanks for that information." She said sarcastically. "No really Tikki, I'm fine. I just need to escape from here." She said tugging her wrists against the restraints. "I'm stuck in this forcefield Marinette so I can't free you." Tikki said banging herself against the edge of the forcefield. "How could these people have kwami trapping technology?" Marinette asked herself. "They seem dangerous, I would be careful." Tikki said with worry. "We need to get ahold of Adrien and Mr. Agreste, then they can help us escape." Marinette said. "Can you contact Plagg?" She asked. "I can't without your communicator." Tikki said. "Marinette looked around her for anything she could use. Her legs were beginning to move again, and she tried squirming but that did nothing to free her. She sighed, "If only there was a way to shut down the forcefield." She said to herself.

Back at the Agreste Mansion, Adrien was sad about Marinette having to leave and pouted in his room. He couldn't stop thinking about whether she was okay or not. He decided to give himself comfort and look up the name of the man who had picked her up that morning. Wagner Hyatt, he typed. The weird thing was that he didn't come up on the orphanage website. He wasn't even listed among the staff. Adrien was nervous now and did some more research. Felix entered the room and Adrien was surprised to see him. "Oh Felix, you're still here." He said with distaste. "I can't believe you didn't notice cousin." He said. "Anyways, my mom and I are leaving tomorrow morning and I came to bid my farewells." Adrien tipped his head wondering why Felix would care to say goodbye to him, but he stood up and shook his cousin's hand. Felix left the room and Adrien called the orphanage. He asked for information regarding Marinette and also asked about their employee Wagner Hyatt. "I'm sorry young man but we have no such employee here." Said the worker on the other side of the line. "Okay, thanks for your time." Adrien said hanging up. "Marinette's in trouble!" He yelled out to Plagg. "Are you gonna tell your father before you rush in?" Plagg said. "There's no time. I have to rescue her now!" Adrien said preparing to transform. "Wait Adrien…." Plagg was cut off by Adrien transforming into Cat Noir. He left his window and went into the streets to find Marinette. He searched all day but couldn't find any trace of her. He came home frustrated and de-transformed falling onto his bed. "I don't know what to do Plagg." He said with worry. "Well maybe you could start by giving me some Camembert!" Plagg yelled. Adrien tossed him a piece of his favorite cheese. "Maybe you could track Tikki somehow Plagg." Adrien suggested. "I would suggest asking your father for help." He said between bites of cheese. It was late and Adrien didn't want to disturb his father, so he decided to ask in the morning.

Marinette stared at the celling in the cold room she was restrained in. She was shivering and wondered why they had taken her jacket. Probably to make her miserable, she thought. She had already tried to break her restraints multiple times but was exhausted from her attempts. She didn't know how late it was in the day since there was only one dull light in the room and no windows. She closed her eyes in despair and tried to fall asleep in vain. She jolted when the door was opened to her room. The man she had seen in the wheelchair before walked into the room with no problem at all and shut the door behind him. Marinette swallowed and eyed him as he approached her. He pressed a button on a controller and her wrist restraints unlocked. She sat up and rubbed her sore face. The man pointed to Tikki, "Isn't that an extraordinary creature. I believe it is called a kwami." Marinette nodded and the man smiled. "I'm Dr. Wells, a scientist and inventor and I have an interest in people such as yourself." He said. "All I can say is that you must have exceptional mental abilities to be able to use the, miraculous, I believe they are." Marinette finally gained the courage to speak. "How do you know so much about the miraculous?" Dr. Wells looked surprised to hear her voice. "Why my dear, I tend to stick my nose into things that could be a threat, like you." He said. He handed her a water bottle and she hesitantly took it. "I need you to keep your strength up if I'm going to get what I need." He said walking over to Tikki. "You on the other hand, are a remarkable creature that cannot die." He said to Tikki. "I won't let you hurt Marinette!" Tikki demanded. "So that's her name." He said glancing over at Marinette who was looking down at her feet. "Yes, and she is not a possession that can be used by you!" Tikki yelled. "I get it she's a girl you're a flying creature there are differences. I have plans for you little kwami." He said with a sinister grin. Dr. Wells sat down next to Marinette and she took a drink from the water bottle. "I suppose it's time I told you the truth." He said and Marinette looked up at him. "I am now your legal guardian." Marinette gasped. "But I thought… how?" She asked in disbelief with a shaking voice. "Oh, I heard what happened and I made a deal with a certain man. The end result is that I am your new father." He smiled down at her. "Why are you treating me like this then?" She asked her eyes getting watery. "I had to take your jewels without you causing a fuss. Of course, you will still be going to school, but I expect you to behave." He said. "I can't have you trying to run away from me, can I?" He said grinning. He stood up and looked down at Marinette. "I'll never call you father!" Marinette yelled back. "You will learn to respect me!" He said grabbing her shoulders. She was forced back down onto the table and her restraints clicked back onto her wrists. He left the room giving her one last look then closed and locked the door.

Adrien had a restless sleep and in the morning, he ran to find his father. "Father I think Marinette is in danger!" He said. Gabriel looked up at his son. "And why do you think this?" He asked. "The man who picked her up doesn't work at the orphanage. I think he fabricated those documents." Gabriel stood up and examined Adrien's phone screen which had the evidence on it. "Could you help me find her?" Adrien asked. "This is quite alarming though you do have school in the morning Adrien. I'll help you when you get back." He said. "I thought you changed father?" Adrien said sadly. "I'm still working on it son." He said turning back to his work. Secretly he was concerned for Marinette, but he couldn't let that distract him from his work. Adrien reluctantly got ready and went to school.