Escape Plan

Marinette began to knock on her door and call for anyone who could hear her. "Hey! Anybody there?! I need a drink of water?!" She yelled. Finally, someone came to the door. It was Tobey. "Thirsty I see?" He asked. She smirked at him trying to put on a confident face even though she looked as if she had been crying. "I was wondering if you could escort me to the kitchen?" Tobey tilted his head and seemed to like the idea. He took her arm in his and they walked down together. She glanced at her surroundings for any familiar places that her earrings could be at. When they reached the kitchen, they stopped. She walked towards the fridge and grabbed a cup giving herself some water. It was late at night and the house was mostly dark. Tobey tapped his fingers on the counter as he waited for her to be finished. She took her time drinking and began to form a plan in her mind. It was risky but worth a try. She placed her cup on the counter and slowly looked up. Tobey held out his hand for her to take but instead she yelled. "Hey, look over there!" Tobey glanced over since she looked so distressed and when he looked away Marinette smirked and grabbed a huge pan whacking him on the head as hard as she could. "Sorry." She whispered. She bolted out of the room and down a flight of stairs to where she remembered Tikki was. She burst into the room glad to find it empty and saw Tikki. She looked sad and tired, but she was happy to see Marinette. "I'll get you out of there Tikki." She said. She went to the control panel that operated the device holding Tikki and she tried to shut it down. Luckily her video game skills came in handy and she was able to shut down the field. Tikki flew to her side and she asked her where her earrings were. "They're in Dr. Wells' room." She said nervously. Marinette breathed a sigh. "Okay, I'll have to be quick and stealthy." She said. She tiptoed back up the stairs and Tikki led the way to his room. She heard a slight commotion and it seemed like some of the other house workers had found Tobey or heard something. "This is his room, I'll go in and get them." Tikki said. Marinette cracked the door open and Tikki slipped in. Dr. Wells was fast asleep and Tikki went straight into his safe unlocking it and got Marinette's earrings. She left the room and Marinette quickly put on her miraculous. "This plan is going perfectly." She said. "A little to perfect." Tikki admitted. "You're right." Marinette said. She tiptoed away from his door and transformed into ladybug. She tried to call Cat Noir put he didn't pick up. He must not be transformed. She thought. Just as she was heading for the back exit someone grabbed her arm and yanked her to the ground. She pulled out her yo yo and defended herself. It was a security guard and he had a gun in hand which he was pointing straight at her. "Don't move or I'll shoot!" He shouted. About twenty more guards poured into the room with guns and surrounded her. "Put your hands on your head!" One of them shouted. Ladybug smiled. "Sorry but I'm not staying." She said. She swung her yo yo at the guards and they began to shoot. She blocked all of the bullets and knocked all the guards over. She then ran for the exit of the house. One of the guards grabbed his gun and from the ground and shot when she wasn't expecting it. The bullet went into her leg and she screamed in pain. She couldn't stop running through and she broke through a window and out into the streets. Dr. Wells got up after hearing the commotion and was angry to hear that she had escaped with the miraculous. "Call in the dark guardian." He said.

Ladybug landed in an alley far away from the house and clenched onto her injured leg. She was bleeding a lot and needed help. She also found that standing was too painful, so she laid on the ground and tried to call Cat Noir again. Where was he? She looked for any sign of human life around where she was and noticed a shop had its lights on. Maybe they were still open she thought. She forced herself to stand and limped over to the store. But to her dismay the door was locked. Then she remembered Roland. He always stayed up late fishing and could be found near the docks. She tried to swing closer to the water, but it was far away. She collapsed on the way and couldn't make it any further. She hugged the ground and felt her consciousness drifting away. She pushed herself a little further onto a sidewalk but then passed out.

The cloaked man aka the dark guardian worked for Master Fu and had been tirelessly trying to get the miraculous back. He had partnered with Dr. Wells after he said that he would provide them valuable information in regard to the miraculous. When he heard of Marinette's escape, he wasn't sure Dr. Wells was competent enough to get the job done. "I'll do it myself." He said to himself and went out to find Ladybug.

Adrien was thinking about his visit to Marinette that day. She seemed fine but there was something off about her new father. He was friendly but a little too nosy at times. It was late at night and usually he liked to go on strolls as Cat Noir. He transformed and was shocked to find multiple missed calls from Ladybug. It looked like she had tried to call him multiple times and she had sent her location. He set off to the location but found nothing. He tried calling her but she didn't pick up. "I hope I wasn't too late." He said to himself.

Ladybug opened her eyes and found herself still on the sidewalk in the city. Her leg hurt so much that she couldn't move. Tears streamed down her face as she turned herself over to look into the sky. If no one found her here, she could die. She wanted a future with Adrien, but she didn't think it would be possible now. The dark guardian entered the street and spotted the injured superhero laying on the sidewalk. He walked up to her and knelt down beside her. Ladybug was clenching her teeth like she was in a lot of pain and she looked pale. Normally he would have taken her miraculous then and there but even though he didn't care for anything, but his duty, he felt sorry for her. He examined her injured leg and tore a piece of his robe off. He tied it around the wound to stop the bleeding. He looked into her face and she had a small smile on her pale lips. "I'm going to take you to my master." He said and her heart sank. "You were the one who killed my parents weren't you?" Marinette said with emotion in her voice. "I'm afraid so." He said. "Why?" She stammered. "I don't care for you. I only care for what my master wants." He said. He picked her up and carried her off. Cat Noir had just caught sight of the robed man carrying off Ladybug and followed close behind. They arrived at a warehouse and the man placed Ladybug down on a table. Cat Noir looked in through a window and saw all that transpired. "Marinette." A familiar voice growled. She turned her head to see Master Fu.