Chapter 75: The Smell of Victory

Canderous!" A soldier on the ground yelled to him. A man with a crescent bladed sword approached Canderous angrily shoving his way onto the battlefield.

Canderous waved his giant war hammer, tearing apart a wave of dozen soldiers with a single sweep. He turned to his backside, hearing out his soldiers' wishes.

"Melvin," Canderous said, eyeing his old friend. "What is it?" He asked.

"Just what are we doing!" Melvin yelled. "Our positions have been compromised and our casualties are in the thousands! We can't sit here inside the castle walls forever!"

"Sit tight!" Canderous said. "If we try to take back our positions as it is we will be obliterated!"

"So we're suppose to sit and watch as the enemy takes over the left and middle parts of the bridge? Why should we do that?"

"There is a man out their on the bridge," Canderous said, "I believe he will change the tides of this battle."