91: Elements of The Dao

"Where are you!" Jimi screamed into the floating grey ball that hovered over them showing Clay their position.

"Not there!" Clay said laughing, "You will never make it to me in time!"

As Clay chuckled an army of soldiers began to gather in front of Jimi and friends, blocking their path.

"Yes they will uncle, because I am with them." Cassidy said confidently

"You will not reach me in time, even with that fool of a Nephew I have, your numbers are small, and your window to attack is limited, enjoy your last moments of glory and rightousness, the end is near for you fools." Clay spoke from the shroud.

"We will find you you Bastard," Prince said. "I can do anythign I set my mind too, and right now, I have never been so motivated, consider yourself dead" 

"We shall see boy!" Clay boomed "We shall see!"

As the army of Clays men grew closer and closer, Cassidy pointed to a door off in the distance.