Chapter 102: Premeditation

(Dec 27th 1600)

On a balcony of the great Bourbon Castle, King Bourbon Godefroi and Clay were speaking to each other.

"My King..." Clay said. "There is a huge problem, if we don't change our stance on religion... there will be a civil war! If our forces weaken here... we will surely be attacked by our neighbors! The implications are-"

"Silence!" King Bourbon declared. "I will hear no more of this"

"My King..." Godefroi said. "I beg you to reconsider"

"What is there to reconsider? I refuse, to persecute those who wish to practice their own religion! That is a right every man should have!"

"But the templars..." Godefroi said. "They will not rest until they have what they want! THey will decend upon France and kill everyone in the name of their god!"

"I refuse to take part in any killing!" THe King said. "And that is the end of it!"

The King stormed out of the room without another word to the two men.