Chapter 106: The Princess's Decisoin

Duke looked back at Prince with a focused, and yet somber look. It was as if he was telling Prince that he knew who he was, but did not necessarily know if he had decided on whether he liked him or not.

"You knew when you saw Meri didn't you" Prince sighed.

"I knew since you spoke those words to that man who stopped us…. I just didn't believe it until now."

"I  see," Prince said calmly. " If you blame me for Meri"s death…."

"I don't" Duke said. "I… I blame myself for not being strong enough"

"The only person to blame is Androkinos" Prince said coldly. "I swear he will pay!"

Duke shook his head, trying to get the images of Meris body out of his head.

"You seem…" Duke said. "To be handling this quite well."

"It's not the first nor the last time, Iv seen someone I love die.." Prince said pressing his hands to his forehead. " I guess Iv become good at hiding my feelings"