Chapter 114: Opposites Refract

Prince and Duke Collapsed on each other, bringing their blades to each others throats

In a flash of light, something knocked them backwards onto their rears.

"Gentlemen! Let us not fight on the sea!

The waves are a tough enough opponent! Can't you see?"

As Rhyme spoke, a giant wave drifted towards the small boat.

"Damnit!" The Captian said spinning the wheel. "Everyone get below deck!"

The four men, Prince, Duke, Melvin and Rhyme stood fast, neither of them blinking an eye.

"Do you know who you are traveling with?" Melvin said laughing.

Walking towards the captain, he took the helm of the ship directing it at the wave.

"Your... Your mad!" The captain groaned.

"No," Melvin said drawing his blade. "It's god who is mad... it is us who must calm him!"

His sword began to whirl as a gust of air began rotating around the hilt of his blade. As he gripped it tight in his hand he aimed it at the wave.