Chapter 116: No Rhyme No Reason

Prince, Duke, Rhyme, Melvin, and the captain, all walked across the bridge to Drake's ship.

As they came aboard,they were surrounded on all sides by ragged looking men, all armed with weapons, staring them down as they crossed over.

"Dear creator, this must be hell...

Never have I ever, endured such a smell" Rhyme quietly chanted

The smell of the ship was incredibly rancid. The men on board had chaffed skin, and greased faces, that looked as if they had not seen a bar of soap, or a splash of water, in years. Yet, they all stood, drenched in their stench carrying on as if nothing was wrong.

"Pirates" The captain grunted underneath his breath. "They smell as nice as their personalities ."

"Their can't be many nice pirates then can they?" Duke sighed.

"We'll either be walking the plank, or dancing naked for their entertainment, in either case, things don't look good."