Chapter 119: The Sage of Okinawa

Prince darted through the vines and bushes of the jungle struggling to keep up with Duke.

"Getting lost isn't going to help  us find your lover" Prince grunted

"She's not my lover!" Duke said. "And I know exactly where I am going! Judging by the map the captain drew the village should be just ahead!"

"Your sense of direction is off" Prince grunted

"And how would you know!" Duke rebutted

"Its about evening time now, and I see now sign of smoke coming in the direction we are heading."

"And why would there be smoke?" Duke asked

"Villagers are not like us Frenchmen," Prince said. "A friend of mine from the east once told me she was very surprised at how we westerners eat in individual homes, while in eastern villages..."

"The entire village eats together!" The captain snorted. "I'll be Prince, you make a mighty first mate on deck! That Duke is more like Dookie on deck if you ask me!"