Chapter 133: Hope

The four Princes all tackled the old Prince, dragging him to the ground with their fists.


The old Prince let out a deep groan filling the valleys with his cries as he rose once again standing on one knee.

"He's too strong" The Dark Prince said, "We cannot hold him for long, now is your chance Prince!"

Prince walked towards the older versoin of himself, and confidentlypressed his hand onto the old Prince's shoulder. As he presseed down, he looked into the cold damp eyes of his older self, that although burning with a fueling rage, seemed empty.

"I see" Prince thought. "So that's what this is all about."

"I know what it is, that I have that you don't, I can see it in your eyes." Prince said

"Then tell me, what rreasosn do I have not to take that thing away from you!" Old Prince said.

"Because..." Prince said solomely. "Even if you did, the result would be the same."