Chapter 135: Ghosts of Shuri

Duke and the others quietly gathered around a fire, sharing stories with each other about their endeavors so far. As Duke reminisced about Princes latest revelation The group looked back at him I'm amazement.

"Prince is..... Your Cousin!!!!"  The captain yelled spittin gout his wine

"Yes it would seem that is the case, not by blood ofcoarse but we are indeed related. And our stories very similar." Duke said

"You westerners are horrible people! Treachery betrayal and death all within your very early years, surely all of you have jaded hearts." Nala  said

"Hearts that are Jaded are still sent from above

Even the most damaged heart is capable of love" Rhyme said.

"But sometimes that love can damage others...." Nifhtengale replied.

"You...." Duke said.

"Well if ya ask me its not just hearts, yar brains are a bit jaded as well! I'm the only innocent one here!" The captain pleaded