Chapter 143: Tekashi

As Duke and the others came to the edge of the mountain, they saw in the distance a great shrine, with what looked like one thousands steps leading to its apex.

"Finally! Forty days and forty nights! Say a prayer for the messiah will you!" The captain roared.

"It was two days, I say you are more dramatic than anything shakespear could possibly imagine." Melvin said.

"To sea or not to sea? That is the question! And I gave the wrong answer when I said yes to you lot!" The captain grumbled

"To sea or not to sea? For what shall I care!

Lets see if you fat belly will make it up those stairs!" Rhyme chimed running ahead.

"You pissin Son of a sea urchin! I never got you back for feeding me to the undead!" The Captain yelled chasing after him.

"Are westerners always this noisy?" Nala asked Lei shaking his head.