Chapter 153: Asain Booty

Drawing their weapons Prince and the others anticipated the group of soldiers storming across the castle.  Armed with Samurai swords,  knives,  bows , And Spears,  the soldiers came at them from all angles.

" Melvin"  Prince called

Melvin turned to Prince, and put his hand on his blade, hearing his Que. Unsheathing  his sword,  Melvin's blade became encased in a green wind that held as he drew it.  swiping it across his body a large wave of green energy swept across the battlefield

" Windblade!" 

Reacting instinctively as if they were a hive mind,  the Samurais in the front withdrew to the back of the formation,  as the spear Warriors interlocked weapons side by side, standing in front of the attack.

Each one of the spear Warriors dug their Spears into the ground and creating a barrier protecting the rest of the group

As Melvin's wind slicing attack  reached their weapons,  it was completely nullified.