Chapter 157: Nala Master Of Nunchuck

With Yammi defeated, Prince and the others turned to Iruku, slowly starting to outnumber him.

"Allow me to assist!" Lei said descending from above.


Before he could get to the bottom, Lei was ambushed by a swarm of shinobi.

"LEI!" Ying cried reaching out to him.

"Im fine! Focus on Iruku!"

With the Captain and Nightingale knocked unconscious and Rhyme and Duke interlocked in battle. Prince and Melvin turned to Iruku focusing him

Iruku scowled at them, and without making a sound began to assemble his strings around like a legion of blades.

"So he's finally getting serious," Prince said.


In an instant Iruku's eyes darted in Nalas direction. In speed nearly untraceable to the human eye, a strand of his scarlet silk shot out in here direction.

"Shit" Prince yelled swinging his blade a the silk