Chapter 162: 2 Frenchmen 1000 Shinobi

Standing back to back,  Prince and Duke drew their weapons as the army of Shinobi stormed at them from all sides.

  Duke, drawing his shining blade of light, closed his eyes focusing his might.  The look of being  overwhelmed and yet determined reflected on his face, willing to do what he must  to continue this fight. 

  Prince in a much more relaxed posture,  let his blade hang from his  hand lackadaisically, as sadistic  glow grew in in his eyes watching the army  of Shinobi get closer.

"Only a thousand eh?" Due laughed

"Let's do this"  Prince said determinedly

"Shadow  slash!"

" Holy Ray!"

  Prince cleaved his blade the right,  as duke swiped his blade from the left. They mirrored each other's movements creating a crescent like Arc that  surrounded them in the 360°. Half of the ark was completely dark while the other half was a brilliant beam of light.