Chapter 26

Relda clutched the bracelet as the captor started down a long, pentagonal walkway. Slanted ceilings passed by the inch. A blue crested creature stopped near a mechanical door. He turned his attention to the wall nearby, to a digipad that emitted faint light. He tapped the screen, and his fingers created a string of code.

Relda memorized it in the instant she had before the captor prodded her forward.

"Pay him no mind," he said.

"And why not?" Relda defied.

"He's just an attendant," the captor said, gagging at the word. "No one important."

N377A, she repeated the code in her mind. Maybe that would fast track it to long-term memory.

"Lek!" The captor announced to the Lek as the doorway unsealed.

"Brekken," Lek muttered into the chamber.

"What's going on? You got access?"

Brekken kept his blaster pointed at Relda and the crew. He narrowed his eyes, but nodded to Lek.

"Access," Lek confirmed with echolalia.

He fished in his pocket and dangled a glimmering medallion. A hand covered Relda's mouth. Raylay applied pressure.

"Don't even," he mouthed.

Lek threw his shoulders back.

"It's the most expensive item anywhere. That's what they say anyway."

He shrugged and pocketed the medal.

"What do I know? I'm just an attendant. I'm not important anyway."

"Go on," Brekken ordered Relda, giving her a shove. "You heard him."

They advanced down the hallway, and Lek called after them.

"I'm important on Akron," he said. "High Council Chair Nessa appointed me to the court. And, I'd have you know I set all the passcodes to what Nessa uses. Learned it in Quadrant 2; she did."

Relda shut her eyes and repeated in her head:


Maybe she would need it. Maybe there was another way.