Chapter 38

Relda woke to Rhiannon propelling two incubators to the door.

"Wait!" She called. "Where are you taking them?"

Rhiannon paused and steadied the incubators.

"Early Birth Care," she replied. "They were premature, but they'll be alright. We want their health to be optimal; one day they're going to save the quadrant."

Relda settled in and relaxed.

"Can you send Raylay and the girls in please?" She asked, closing her eyes.

"Sure thing," Rhiannon responded.

"Please, Triune," she muttered as the hallway took Rhiannon and the babies from sight. "Keep them safe."

"Can we come in?" A familiar crackly voice inquired.

Relda opened her eyes as Raylay filled the door frame, holding Daly and Anthem's hands in his.

"Please!" She invited them in.

The other three girls followed Raylay, Daly, and Anthem. They filed to Relda's bed and divided. Half stood on one side; the other half, the other.

"Your sisters are here," Relda announced.

"Really?!" Darrion exclaimed. "Where are they?"

Relda stared into the hallway, imagining--and almost seeing--Rhiannon and the twins still there.

"Early Birth Care," she responded.

"What are their names?" Anniston chimed in.

Relda locked eyes with Raylay. She took a long, deep breath.

"I was thinking--if it's okay with your uncle--their names would be Ozla and Klea."

Raylay put his arms around Annika's and Darrion's shoulders. He didn't exactly smile, but there was radiance in his face that Relda hadn't seen before.

"That'll be fine," he said.

Relda raised her eyebrows at the door as Eyan strode in.

"They'll be fine," he assured her. "Since it was a success, I will give you a month to rest. Then we implant the other five."

He leaned with his full weight against the doorway.

"When those are born," he said, "you are free to leave the ship. I will make sure you have safe passage."