3 chapter

as I woke up I grab my mask and put it on. This mask I have been wearing since I was five. Not a lot of people know what my face looks like if they did they probably could not remember my face because of how long it has been since they have seen my face. The reason I wear a mask is that it fits on my face really good it changes sizes and makes me feel like I can show myself.

as I get up to turn on the tv

Tv Reporter: Prince of Britain now dead.

Jake Skull: You are right jill

Jake skull is my favorite news reporter he is the only one that can make me smile. His funny jokes and everything about him.

Jill must be new to this show I haven't heard of her.

Jill: He died during the invasion of Japan with his sister the cripled princesses

Jake: you are probably asking why are we showing another countries problem because our countries PriceMinister has to go to Britain's capital.

I shot off the tv why did they even show that it's not like it going to change anything about that. I find that annoying when they do that.

I get up from the couch and go to make breakfast. There use to be maids but they all left when I turned five which is good. I reach up to grab a cereal box my fingers touch the cabinet door barely and then I open it but I put the cereal too back.

Lucifer: I should really buy a step ladder

He then climbs on the counter and goes to grab it. He then reaches in and takes it out.

Lucifer: I won

He then grabs the milk. he felt proud about grabbing the cereal. As he eats he hears a knock on the door and goes to open it. But he stops and looks throw the hole and sees a man in a black suit. He then knocks again.

[Pov Lucifer]

Why is there a man in front of the house I should just open it. I then grab the door nob and slowly open the door the man in front of me was 6'1 with dirty blond hair in a black suit. If he charges me I probably couldn't defend because I have been slacking off on training.

???: Boy are your parents hear

Me: Yes they are here

???: Can I speak to them

Me: NO

I then shut the door. I should train I am getting a little overweight. I had some fat on me that made me look chubby but I didn't think anything of it. It could be gone if I trained like a spartan like how we used to.

Byt that didn't bother me at this moment. I hear a knock at the door this time it is heavier and then I hear a voice say "You are a prince" I knew that but no one told me that before. I look through the peephole and see an old man with a beard and hair that is curly standing at 5'7.

I open the door because he is a different person. He puts his hand between the door and the left space and flings it open. He looks like I don't know how to say it he is like a old dude with scars on his face and looks badass.

Cliff Hanger


Imagine tom tucker from America I think maybe he is in Great Britain that is what Jake skull would be like. I don't like Nattily but the stories are based on her just saying. You will never beat cliff hanger he will always be here when you are not. One more thing thank you for reading this boog and i will put the word count below.

word count: 643