Chapter 6

[A/N I forgot the word count last chapter it was 590 and thank you to LeeZanda for the two power stones I didn't think I would get 7 in a week this is a thank you for them guys It didint take me that long to finish I just got bored]

In a forest, you could see a boy running and behind him, you could hear a jeep turning left right left right then going to a complete stop. In the car, you could see a man and woman getting out of it than going into the bunker. They walk in to see the people they have left are dead they are now looking for the boy of royal blood. "we lost him god damnit you fucking bitch I said leave a guard do you hear me. Why why why did you not leave a guard you are not that smart are you are you. I need to calm I really need to fucking calm down."

"I am sorry sir," said the girl

"You are, Are you really," said the man

He then hits her on the face and grabs the knife in his pocket and cuts her cheek. "If you mess up again I will cut you up and feed you to the dogs" She walks away from where they are and goes back into the car.


You could see a boy running his feet are bleeding from walking on the forest floor barefoot. His blood is attracting the smell of parasites that are on the ground it smells like food to those who are hungry. He then falls midway on the ground head first in a pile of leaves. You could see that he is having a bad day just by looking at his face. He falls on the ground he then looks up and sees a tree branch stuck in his foot. He yells in pain as the tree branch is stuck in his foot.

[A/N I will keep writing I am just re-watching the anime so I don't get anything wrong I am also reading the manga and some of the light novel I really don't want to make a mistake.]