Chapter 4

Sunagakure no sato

Next Morning

Temari woke up to see the peacefully sleeping face of the whiskered blonde on her side cuddled up to her and smiled as she buried her face in the crook of his neck and he held her tightly closer to him and she felt so safe in his arms. Kankuro was gone for a patrolling mission early this morning and Gaara always left early so she could sleep in as she closed her eyes and snuggled into him. She was suddenly woken up by a knock to the door of the estate as she growled and got out of bed and Naruto woke up rubbing his eyes and yawning. She got to the main door and opened it up in an annoyed manner when she saw Lady Chiyo standing there.

"Lady Chiyo this is a surprise, is there something wrong?" she asked politely and Lady Chiyo smiled waving her off.

"No no Temari-hime I just wanted to meet this new chunin that I heard about yesterday at the council. Naruto Uzumaki was his name if I remember right." She said and Temari looked at her surprised. She had thought of many reasons for her visit but this surely wasn't one on her list she thought.

"What do you want with Naruto Lady Chiyo?" she asked politely that held a cautious tone to it and Lady Chiyo chuckled slightly confusing her.

"Can't we go in and talk about it, my old legs get tired very easily now you know." She said playfully while Temari blushed in embarrassment.

"Of course; where are my manners please come in." she said politely ushering her in and picked up her headband from the drawer in the table at living room and tied up her hair in a high pony tail as she offered Chiyo a seat who sat there with a smile.

"I'll go and get Naruto." She said and Chiyo nodded and smiled sitting there as she went upstairs to go get Naruto. She entered the room to see Naruto come out wiping his face with a towel and smiled at her.

"Who was it Temari?" he asked softly and she gave him a smile.

"It's Lady Chiyo, she is one of the two honourable elders of the village and is highly respected. She wants to meet you." She said and Naruto tilted his head to the side in confusion.

"Me; what for?" he asked in a confused voice and she shrugged.

"Lady Chiyo is a strange woman, she will only talk to you about what she wants. Let's go." She said pulling her with him by the hand and Naruto just followed her and sat on the armchair to see a pretty old lady looking at him surprised at first and then with fondness and he grew even more confused.

"Umm I'm sorry Lady Chiyo but I don't really know you so may I ask what you wished to see me for?" he asked and she smiled at him picking up a biscuit on the table as she spoke.

"Straight to the point and not wasting any time just like an Uzumaki." She said cryptically and Naruto grew uncomfortable hearing this. Temari saw his uneasiness and herself grew confused by what she said. Naruto got up to leave the room and calm himself down.

"I'll go make us some tea. I'll be right ba…" he said but was cut off as Chiyo spoke up cutting him off.

"I had my suspicions but you really are his son, the same hair, the same eyes and her face. Now I have cleared all my doubts." She said as Naruto stopped dead in his tracks and Temari grew scared as she saw a dangerous glint in his eyes.

"I don't understand what you mean." He said in an all too calm tone but Temari sensed the low warning tone in it and glanced at Chiyo whose smile was getting wider by the minute.

"Please you know absolutely what I mean Naruto-kun; don't play dumb with me." She said happily as Naruto calmed himself down and went through hand seals and put his palm on the ground as seals covered the room and then disappeared.

"Privacy seals and of such high level with only hand seals; you are a true Uzumaki indeed." She said happily as Naruto turned his full gaze at her and Temari grew uncomfortable at the situation that was unfolding.

"Who told you?" he said in a tone that meant business and Temari turned to Chiyo who had her usual smile on her face and motioned for Naruto to sit down and he did so hesitantly beside Temari who was looking at him with worried eyes.

"Naruto what's going on?" she asked in a soft and worried tone and he sighed and sat down beside her wrapping an arm around her shoulder bringing her close as she leaned in and put her head on his shoulder and he sighed knowing he had to tell her now though he wanted to wait a few days to tell her.

"Is it right to tell her Naruto-kun?" Chiyo asked and Naruto glanced sharply at her and she flinched back.

"Do not wish to tell me who I could and could not trust. It is my secret to tell and I do not mean any disrespect but it is my decision." He said calmly and she nodded with a smile.

"Temari she's talking about my parents. She knew them." He said and she turned to him with curious eyes.

"You never told me about them after that night I asked about that letter." She said and he nodded with a smile.

"But how does she know them and who are they?" she asked and he turned a glance to the smiling Chiyo.

"That I wish to know as well." He said and her smile dropped as she spoke up.

"I met them during the ending of the third great shinobi war. They were great people, the only ones I respected from the leaf after the events of the Second great shinobi war. Your mother was a great person Naruto-kun and a good friend of mine. She had the fiery red Uzumaki hair and the temper to go with it that only your father could handle. Your father though I didn't know him closely was one of the most honourable people I met and I respected him a lot. Both were the last of their clans and when I heard the name Uzumaki and that you were in the village I had to meet their son. Not many remember their clans since they were almost extinct after the Second Great Shinobi War." she said fondly and Naruto smiled as Temari put a hand on his cheek turning his face towards her.

"Naruto who were they?" she asked softly and Naruto put a hand over hers and sighed.

"Their names were Kushina Uzumaki the princess of the Uzumaki clan and the heiress to Uzushiogakure. My father he wa-s.." he choked a bit as she rubbed his cheek and looked at him warmly.

"Who was he Naruto?" she asked and a tear dropped from his eye.

"Minato Namikaze." He whispered and she thought for a bit. She had heard that name before but where? Then realization came across her face and her eyes widened.

"The Yellow Flash; The Yondaime Hokage Minato Namikaze?" she asked in disbelief and he nodded

" Then he…he" she said solemnly and he nodded as tears streamed down his eyes and she hugged him bringing his to her chest.

"Oh I'm so sorry Naruto." She whispered running her fingers through his hair as he sobbed in chest and she put her chin on his head cooing him.

"I'm sorry Naruto-kun I didn't want to bring back bad memories; I just came to see her son." Chiyo said in an apologetic voice and he shook his head wiping his eyes.

"Don't be I'm glad that I met someone who knew them personally, if you don't mind can you tell me something about them?" he asked hopefully and she nodded with a smile.

"Of course Naruto-kun today I have a council meeting unfortunately but hopefully tomorrow you can come to my house? Temari-hime knows where it is." She said and he nodded gratefully.

"That would be very nice Lady Chiyo I am really grateful." He said and she nodded and turned to leave and Temari and Naruto walked back to the living room and sat down on the couch in silence as Temari broke it.

"Naruto does Gaara know?" she asked and he nodded and she looked down.

"Then why didn't you tell me Naruto, don't you trust me?" she whispered and he immediately sat by her side pulling her in a hug.

"No Temari don't say that please I trust you more than life itself. I was going to tell you that night but I didn't have the courage to tell you that night I-I w-was scared, frightened, and so lost If it weren't for you I would be dea…" he was silenced as Temari put her fingers on his lips and didn't let him finish.

"Shh don't ever say that Naruto." She whispered and he nodded holding her to his chest.

"When will you reveal it to the village?" she asked and he smiled. He too wanted to take up his father's name soon but the time wasn't right yet.

"I'm not strong enough to protect myself if someone came for me to get revenge on my father and they might use anyone close to me as leverage if they fail. I can't let anyone else be in danger because of me." He whispered and she nodded in his chest.

"I'll keep it a secret until you're ready; trust me." She whispered and he nodded.

"I trust you Mari-Chan; more than anyone in the world." He whispered and she blushed a faint pink blush and looked up.

"What did you call me?" she whispered and he realized what he had called her and looked down not meeting her eyes. He remembered how Sakura used to hit him and curse him when he had called her with an affectionate name and she too hated it he realized.

"I'm sorry don't mind me; I didn't me…" he started nervously babbling not wanting to lose her friendship too but was silenced as Temari put her fingers on his lips and gave him a heart-warming smile.

"Hush I don't mind. In fact, from now on call me that alright." She said softly and his eyes watered. She didn't mind it he thought and she pulled him into a hug.

"Arigato Mari-chan." He whispered and she nodded running her fingers through his hair and had a faint pink blush liking the way he called her so affectionately.

"You never have to thank me Naru-kun." She whispered and he nodded and looked up at the way she had called him and she sensed the origin of his confusion and answered.

"You didn't think only you can call me like that right?" she asked playfully and he smiled shaking his head.

"No Mari-Chan you can call me whatever you like." He said in a small voice and she put a hand over his cheek and rubbed his cheek as he leaned into her touch. He was never close to anyone and no one showed him any physical contact and he liked it he thought.

"Naru-kun you don't have to be scared of talking to me like that. Speak what you want with me alright, I won't get angry I promise." She said softly rubbing his cheek and he nodded. She wanted him to get out of that shell he had receded himself into. He nodded smiling gratefully as he went into the kitchen and both had breakfast and sat in a comfortable silence before Temari spoke up.

"Hey Naruto you know how to play shogi?" she asked suddenly and he looked at her surprised then shook his head.

"No, no one really played with me before but if you explain the rules I might be able to play." He said in a small voice and she nodded and beamed. No one liked to play shogi with her since they thought it was boring and she always won. She got up and walked up into her room and went through her closet finding what she was looking for and came down to the living room with the board and laid it in the middle of the couch as both sat in front of each other.

"Alright Naruto this is a strategy game just like a real battlefield it requires strategy, now I'll explain the pieces and rules alright." She said and he nodded. Kankuro came back from patrolling along with Gaara for breakfast to see Temari and Naruto ready to play shogi.

"Hey Naruto you don't have to play with her it's no fun she always wins." He said and Temari smirked.

"That's because you're too dumb to play a mind game instead of those dolls. And my mind is one of the best strategic minds in the village you idiot." Temari said tauntingly and he fumed at the insult.

"Temari you shouldn't underestimate your opponent." Said Gaara stoically and she looked at him with a smirk.

"Please Gaara no one has ever beaten me in shogi and I just explained the rules to him." She said smugly as Kankuro spoke up.

"Yeah Gaara the kid won't win; I hate to say it but I bet he doesn't win even if he played ten games." Said Kankuro and Gaara's lips twitched upwards.

"I'll take that bet. I bet 500 ryo on Naruto." He said monotonously and Kankuro looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Alight it's your money if you want to lose it so badly, you're on." He said with a smirk as Naruto glanced at him nervously.

"Umm Gaara Temari's right it's my first time playing it and I'm no good at strategies and you can lose a lot of money." He said nervously as Gaara put a hand over his shoulder.

"Uzumaki if there's one thing I know about you is to never count you out. You have a knack for pulling the unexpected." He said and Naruto nodded hesitatingly.

"Alright Mari-Chan let's play." He said softly and she nodded with a smile. Kankuro raised an eyebrow at the affectionate name and saw that she didn't mind it, maybe he should try it too.

"Yeah Mari-Chan win me some money." He said with a perverted chuckle indicating something and Gaara took a step back and the temperature in the room dropped as Temari's bangs shadowed her eyes.

"What did you just call me?" she asked sweetly with a very sweet smile as Kankuro started sweating. A moment later his screams were heard in the village as Temari beat him to an inch of his life with her battle fan and Naruto and Gaara decided to do the intelligent thing and stood back.

"Umm shouldn't we you know help him?" Naruto asked Gaara nervously who looked at him incredulously.

"You want to risk getting that?" he asked in disbelief as Naruto glanced at Kankuro.

"Not there not there…... oh my jewels !" he shouted as both Gaara and Naruto winced and Naruto walked up to Temari and wrapped his arms around her waist from behind and put his chin on her shoulder calming her down.

"Mari-Chan that's enough, I think he has had enough. It was just a joke." He said softly and she put down her fan and smiled as her anger died down and turned her eyes to Kankuro was hiding behind Gaara's leg.

"Alright, but if you call me that again or give any insinuation like that chuckle…" she said leaving the threat hanging in the air and he nodded furiously. All of them sat around the board as Temari made the first move as Naruto asked her to and he instantly moved his piece. This went on like this for an hour as she would think furiously for a few moments and Naruto would instantly move his piece. Temari was getting frustrated as Naruto moved his next piece instantly and captured her king.

"That's check and mate Mari-chan." He said softly and she gave out a frustrated cry and Kankuro's jaw dropped to the ground and Gaara smirked.

"Arrgh how did you do that, you have no strategy, you move your pieces instantly without thinking the moves ahead and this is your first time playing it how did you do that? You are so, so, so…..." she said in a frustrated tone as Gaara finished her sentence.

"Unpredictable." He said calmly and she nodded slumping in defeat as she looked at Naruto with curious eyes who was grinning?

"Wow Mari-Chan that was fun and you are good, you almost got me a couple of times. We should do this again sometime." He said in a happy voice and she smiled. Her anger died down seeing him happy and she nodded with a smile. Gaara put his hand in front of Kankuro who grumbled and emptied his wallet in his hand and Gaara counted the money slowly to infuriate him and he fumed.

"Alright I'm going out to train." He said and they nodded as he walked out and went towards the training fields.

Timeskip Two Weeks later

Two weeks had passed and Naruto had been training hard to bring his body and taijutsu to a good level. He had played shogi several times with Temari in the night with each time him winning or losing when Temari tricked him to look at her or somewhere else and would change the pieces and both would laugh after a few moments of staring blankly at each other with Naruto tackling and tickling her as she begged for him to stop and both would roll on the bed and fall asleep laughing and in each other's arms. He had visited Lady Chiyo a couple of times and she had told him all about his parents and how they were in life and how much she loved his mother and respected his father though resented Konoha as a whole all that much. She had started giving Temari medical lessons when she went with him and he found out that Lady Chiyo was one of the best medic nins and poison experts in the elemental nations second best only to Tsunade as was seen in the Second great shinobi war where she bested her poisons every time she came up with a new one.

Naruto was going through his father's taijutsu katas and suddenly a gust of wind came towards him as he jumped back and saw Temari standing there one hand on her hip and the other on her fan as she stood there grinning. A blush crept across his face as he saw her new attire. She wore a blue battle kimono with a deep neck cut which was mostly covered by the ANBU Armor over it and a red belt tied on her waist flowing in the air and a dark blue skirt with slits on both sides showing of her toned creamy legs and the usual fishnet she wore on her legs. She wore her now black headband on her neck with black shinobi sandals to match them(Search for the pic of Temari at the end of Part 1 on google or narutopedia). Naruto thought he hadn't seen a kunoichi look this deadly and beautiful before.

"Hey Mari-chan." He said softly and she walked up to him and stood before him. They had sparred a couple of times in taijutsu before in the past weeks and found out that it was her weakness which she was now trying to get fixed by learning her family's style which was a defensive style as her family has always relied on some form of long range offensive style before and it was created to work out their weakness at close combat.

"Let's have a spar alright." She said and he nodded as both took a few steps back as she opened her fan to the first moon and blew it towards him as Naruto jumped sideways and put his hands in a cross hand seal.

"Ninja Art : Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu" he yelled and created thirty clones who divided into three battalions and covered her as they were about to charge she opened up the fan to the third moon and channelled chakra to her fan as it hummed and glowed.

"Wind Style : Wind Scythe Jutsu" she said opening her fan completely and crouched down swinging her fan at a 270-degree angle taking out all the clones and her eyes widened the real wasn't amongst them. She tried to turn back but an arm wrapped around her waist and held her lose to a strong chest from the back as a kunai was on her neck. Naruto pulled her closer her whole body pressed against his as he whispered.

"Yield Mari-chan." He whispered in her ear sending shivers down her spine and she turned around in his arms and gazed into his cerulean eyes as she tripped him and disarmed him pinning him on the ground as she had a leg on either side of his waist and her face in front of his.

"You lose Naru-kun." She whispered softly in his ear and Naruto gazed into her eyes and whispered breathlessly before he leaned up and captured her lips.

"Hai you win." He said before capturing her pink and soft supple lips as she was wide eyed for a moment before she relaxed and returned the kiss putting her hand behind his neck deepening the kiss. She had a mischievous thought as she licked his bottom lip softly and he gasped as she took advantage of it and pushed her tongue into his mouth exploring it. Naruto was stunned as she did that but after a moment he relaxed and massaged her tongue softly letting her do what she wanted to as she kept exploring his mouth and was grateful that he was just gently massaging her tongue and letting her do what she wanted not pushing her for anything. They broke off after a couple of minutes as Temari was flushed with a scarlet blush on her face and Naruto had his eyes glazed for a moment before he brought her head down putting it in the crook of his neck and holding her against him. Her body pressed tightly against his as he had her wrapped around him. Temari just wrapped her arms around his waist and sighed in content with a smile closing her eyes as she snuggled into him.

Both stayed silent as Naruto took of her bands holding her hair and letting it flow freely as he ran his fingers through her silky blonde hair and took in her scent that he loved. He admitted that he had developed feelings for the kunoichi and this wasn't the petty stupid crush he had back in Konoha; this was something more. He rubbed her back as she snuggled into his neck and he smiled. He liked holding her close to him. It just completed him but it was wrong she didn't deserve someone like him. She was a princess of the village and any guy will be happy to be close to her. She deserved someone better. He had to stop before anything else happened.

"Mari-Chan?" he whispered and felt her breath on his neck as she kissed him a little on his neck.

"Mmhmm." She softly moaned and he ran his fingers through her hair.

"We should stop this." He whispered and her eyes snapped open as she gazed into his eyes with hurt in her eyes as her bottom lip trembled. Her eyes watered as she thought of why he had said this.

"You don't like me? Am I not pretty enough? Or am I too hard headed for you?" she asked in a hurt tone and his eyes widened and he averted his eyes.

"No it isn't you, it's me." He whispered and now she was confused.

"What do you mean?" she asked softly keeping a hand on his cheek forcing him to look at her as she saw a tear roll down his eye.

"You are a princess of the village, you deserve someone better not someone like…" he was cut off as she crashed her lips on his and he melted in her kiss. She gave him the most passionate kiss she could muster as she broke off both breathing hard.

"I really like you Naruto, I haven't felt this way for anyone before. I trust you and when you hold me I feel safe. I don't even let my guard down in front of my brothers but with you it's different. I don't know what it is but I want you to hold me forever. I can't sleep without holding you, and when I'm with you I feel vulnerable but the simplest of those touches you give me to reassure me; I feel like I can do anything. You cook and take care of me like a princess and I like those small things that you take care of for me. You never even look or glance at me in an un-decent way and I love that innocence behind all the pain and sorrow in those deep blue cerulean pools you look at me with. Please Naruto just tell me this do you like me too?" she asked softly rubbing his whiskers as he said nothing for a moment before he flipped her around and crashed his lips on to her answering her with the passionate kiss he wanted so much. He licked her bottom lip gently and she opened her mouth giving him access as she put one hand behind his neck pulling him closer deepening the kiss and the other grabbing his hair as he explored her mouth and she massaged his tongue softly. He loved how soft her tongue was and how she had given her access as he explored her cavern bit by bit and broke off the kiss as she whined a bit at the loss of contact but he kissed her jawline softly and she moaned and breathed hardly. He went down to her neck as she turned her head away giving him more access as she held his head closer and he kissed and licked the soft skin of her neck. He pulled off the ANBU armour and threw it aside and pulled her blue kimono a bit sideways as now she was a bit worried what he wanted to do.

He sensed her tension and started kissing gently and softly on her neck going upwards. He kissed, nipped and licked her neck gently working his way to her ear as he nibbled it softly getting another soft moan from her lips.

"Don't worry." He whispered softly in her ear and just like that all her doubts vanished. He won't do anything to harm her in any way she thought as he kissed her lips softly and pulled away as she tried to deepen it, he kissed her jawline gently moving down and kissed and licked her neck gently and softly and she loved his gentle touches on her sensitive skin and slowly he pulled the blue part of the kimono he went for earlier a bit sideways and got access to her collarbone as he put his lips down on the creamy and soft skin of her sweet spot as he licked and kissed it and her breathing was now becoming so hard, her C-cup breasts heaving up and down heavily; she felt herself getting wet and her panties were feeling drenched as Naruto picked her thigh up touching and softly rubbing the fishnet less thigh softly and gently as he captured her lips and this time both took out their tongues at the same time battling for dominance as Naruto broke it off after a few moments and again gently put kisses on the other side of her neck as she turned her head the other way giving him full access and he pulled her kimono sideways and licked and kissed her collarbone gently and softly; she was breathing erratically now and her moans and gasps becoming faster and louder as they filled the training field and Naruto felt his hand on her inner thigh that he was massaging softly feeling the soft and creamy skin of her inner thigh, was now feeling drenched; she was so close to her orgasm and Naruto gave her the final push as he bit down hard on her neck giving her a hickey as the dam broke from the pleasure and pain as she came hard.

"Naru-kun !" she said loudly and breathlessly moaning his name as her orgasm came and Naruto licked off the bit of blood from her neck kissing it gently easing off her pain as she brought his head up and pecked him with her now swollen pink lips and brought his head to the crook of her neck and closed her eyes running her fingers through his hair as Naruto snuggled into her neck and pecked it pulling the strand of hair aside and closed his eyes as both breathed hard and were now exhausted.

A moment later Temari started giggling like a schoolgirl and Naruto glanced at her curiously seeing the state she was in and her scarlet blush on her cheeks he himself was having trouble fighting of the blush. Her hair was dishevelled and her silky blonde hair now flowing around with her kimono loose down to the edge of her breasts and showing off bits of her pink bra; her skirt was up and showed him her drenched pink panties with his hand still on the inner side of her thigh as she looked at him lovingly with her arms around his neck and he asked her what she was giggling about softly and she answered.

"That was my first time kissing anyone and I have to say not many girls can say that their first time kissing was that amazing." She said softly and playfully and he chuckled softly and pecked her lips and buried his face in her neck taking in her scent. It was his first time kissing; actually being this close to a girl and the spark that he felt was something out of this world as a question came out of his lips unconsciously.

"Temari will you be my girlfriend?" he asked softly and her eyes widened in surprise and Naruto quickly continued not wanting her to think he was forcing her into anything.

"It's alright if you don't want to. I don't know a lot about relationships or dating but I wanted to you know…" he was cut off as Temari captured his lips and stopped his babbling and looked at him lovingly as she broke off.

"Of course I will you idiot. I don't care about the way others go about dating but you're mine now and I'm not letting you go." She said softly and he pecked her lips gently as he looked at her with all the love he could muster.

"And those soft pink lips now belong to me and I'm not letting you go." He said softly and she smiled as she held his face to her neck and both fell asleep from the soft breeze of the few trees in the training field and the shade of the tree they were under gave them a lot of comfort.

Naruto woke up a couple of hours later to see himself wrapped in Temari's arms who was sleeping soundly and saw that it was nearly sunset as he kissed her neck gently getting a soft moan from the sleeping girl and pecked her lips as she opened her eyes and smiled at him wrapping her arms around his neck and gazing into his eyes lovingly.

"Hey handsome." She said softly and he smiled.

"Hey beautiful." He answered softly and both leaned in and kissed each other passionately and broke off with a trail of saliva and both looking flushed and breathing heavily and gazing at each other in love as the orange light of the sunset fell on the field making it a truly majestic sight and just as the sun dipped both leaned in for the final kiss of the evening and broke off as the sky now had little light and broke off from their kiss as Naruto's lower lip bled a bit from the bite Temari gave him as she kissed the bit of blood away and both got up. Temari fixed her clothes and pulled on her ANBU Armor and tied her red waist band which flowed with the breeze and put her hair in a single high ponytail that came to her waist since it wasn't now divided into the usual four pig tails.

Both started walking out of the fields as they came into the shopping district of the village and Temari put her head on his shoulder and wrapped her body against his arm and Naruto wrapped his arm pulling her closer and both walked slowly gathering glances and whispers all over the village not caring in the slightest as they went home. They put off their shinobi equipment and Temari dropped her ANBU armour now only in her slit skirt and blue deep neck kimono. Naruto started making dinner and she stood beside him leaning against the counter as he stood beside her ready to start chopping the vegetables when she spoke up.

"Do you need any help?" she asked looking down fiddling with her feet a faint pink blush on her face and he raised an eyebrow. He knew she didn't know how to cook but wanted to be close to him and smiled as he caught her wrist spun her around as she squealed and held her back against his chest with his chin on her shoulder and put the knife in her hand as he put his hands on hers and started chopping. Temari had a scarlet blush on her face and loved being so closely held against him.

"You're an even better cook than I am." He said softly and playfully in her ear as he put her hand on the handle of the pan putting the cut vegetables in the boiling water for the soup and she elbowed him giggling as he prepared the tempura for the shrimp in the same way. Gaara and Kankuro came in the kitchen and watched with stupefied expressions at the couple that were giggling and cooking lost in their old world. Kankuro's jaw was on the ground as he was pointing his finger at them and his jaw moved up and down but no words came out. Gaara came out of his stupor and smirked.

"Guess they finally got together." He said as he looked at them in disbelief and both walked beside the couple gaining their attention as both Naruto and Temari smiled at them and Temari had a blush on her face.

"What have you done to my sister? She never acts this nicely to anyone." Kankuro said stupidly as the temperature in the room dropped and Gaara took a couple of steps sideways from the now shaking boy.

"What did you just say?" she asked sweetly and Kankuro turned pale as a sheet and started apologizing and holding his hands in front of his jewels but she didn't want to have any of that. She tried to get off Naruto's hold but he just held tighter and nibbled her ear getting a soft moan and gently kissed her neck softly at several points gaining a couple of more soft moans as she held her head sideways giving him access and her anger forgotten. Naruto stopped and put his chin on her shoulder their cheeks touching as she put a hand on his cheek and smiled.

"He said sorry and he didn't mean it Mari-Chan you can forgive him can't you?" he asked softly and she nodded rubbing his whisker marks and melted in his arms as he rubbed her stomach softly.

"Alright." She whispered with closed eyes and Naruto smiled and glanced at Kankuro who was crying anime tears at being saved and Gaara was smiling.

"Take care of my sister Uzumaki." Said Gaara and he smiled and nodded as all of them had dinner with Temari being pulled on Naruto's lap and both feeding each other and went to their rooms. Naruto changed in his usual night clothes and got in bed as Temari came and got in bed with him in her usual nightwear and he switched off the light; only moonlight coming in through the window as they kissed passionately for a few moments and broke off breathing heavily as Temari put her head on his chest and closed her eyes with Naruto running his fingers through her free flowing blonde hair and both had smiles on their faces with blushes on their cheeks.

"Good night Naru-kun." She whispered closing her eyes.

"Good night Mari-chan." He whispered and closed his eyes holding her tightly as she snuggled into his neck and both fell into a deep slumber enjoying each other's warmth.